Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Guaranteed Mood-Elevator

I swear to you, this video will make you happier.

And if that didn't work... let's try these pictures.







Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Booty or Belly?

I'm tried to decide what's cuter - Kirby's booty or his belly. Or maybe his little striped orange union suit.


I think it's the belly.

A New Bed for the Babies

Don't worry, we haven't replaced the famous bottomless kitten basket. With six growing kittens, we just needed to get something a little bigger to hold them all.

I think they approve.

But I'm not going to tell them it's a dog bed.






Monday, March 28, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Meeting and Greeting

Two weeks is up, and the kittens have just been granted limited access to the rest of the main floor of our house. They're still a little bit little to be running around all over the place, but they can have supervised visits to the living room and dining room. As they get bigger, they'll be granted more freedom.

Below is a short video of their first outing and their meeting with Bean.

You'll hear them peeping and squeaking as they make their way from the bedroom to the living room. They got lost along the way, so they cried for each other.

Bean was waiting for them when they were released. She's always very calm and non-threating when she's introduced to the new kittens and she always lets them come to her first.

Six kittens is a lot, and almost overwhelming for Bean. You'll see uses her paw to establish her boundaries. She's always good about letting the kittens know when they're getting to be a little too much for her.

At the end of the clip, Bean makes a dash out of the living room. Any guess where she's heading? Yep. Straight for the kitten food. She's so predictable.

I thought you all might like seeing how introductions usually work.


Your Own Personal Beezus


PS Shana gets credit for the title.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Over, Under.

I do believe these kittens have woven themselves into a little Tabby tapestry.

It's a Tabestry!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Linus Needs to Know

It's nearing the end of their quarantine period. The kittens are getting a little restless in their room, and they're starting to get very curious about what might be on the other side of their door.

It's getting harder and harder every day to slip into their room without letting a kitten slip out. Someone is usually camped out waiting for that opportunity to escape. It's usually Linus.



Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kirby Medley: Asleep at the Wheel

The Medleys all went in for a little check-up today. I guess the whole experience was just exhausting because just a minutes after we returned, I peeked in on the kittens and discovered this little scene.



It reminded me of another sleepy orange kitten we once knew. Remember Rhoda?

Lovely Little Linus


This dear, sweet, gentle, loving little lamb-of-a-kitten is Linus Medley. He's a four-legged cloud and a handful of heaven.

His only flaw would be that he's kind of a clumsy kitten. But what he lacks in coordination, he makes up for in determination.

Besides, when you look as lovely as Linus Medley does, it really doesn't matter if you're good at anything.


One last thing before I post this post...

I just wanted to say thanks to our friends over at Cute Overload for sharing our Magnificient Medleys on their website yesterday.

It's nice when we get a mention there because it always means our family expands.
Welcome new friends! We're glad you stopped by.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

All Together Now


Hello, my symmetrical little kitten family.

He's Got Something to Say


He's springy, he's wiggly, he's sweet, he's charming, he's cuddly. When he gets excited his ears get really pink. This is Peter Medley.

All of these qualities are endearing, but what I like best about Peter is that he's very vocal.

Any question you pose to the boy will be answered. He doesn't respond with a meow, It's kind of a long, squeaky cry. I don't think he's crying though. It doesn't seem like there's something he needs, it just seems like his regular speaking voice just happens to be high and squeaky.

So, naturally I want to call him Squeaky Pete. But he prefers Peter, and I will respect that.

Peter Medley, you had me at Hello.

A high, squeaky hello.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Again, With the Ears

They must be delicious.


Ladies First, and Now the Boys...

SO now you've been formally introduced to all the ladies, let's move on to the boys.

First up, Mr Kirby Nesbitt Medley.


Hello Dreamboat.

Little Kirby was the shy guy in the bunch. WAS. That lasted barely 24 hours.

Now, he loves to be scooped up and cuddled. Put him down, and he'll let out a very demanding kitten peep.

He insists you love him.

OK, OK, OK,,, I give. I love you Kirby Nesbitt Medley.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mmmm Mmmm

Maxine Medley.

She's as goofy as they get - part dancing bear, part roly-poly bug. She's confident and social and is always the first to say hello when you enter the kittens' quarters.

She's uber-cuddly and a purring machine.

Oh, and she's ADORABLE too.

The girl's got it all.


Who? Little ole me?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crafts, Kittens.

I have some news to spill. It's craft related, not cat related. If you're not into crafts, feel free to scroll to the bottom of this post where you'll see a photo of six adorable kittens napping.

OK, here we go...
It's been nearly two years in the works, and finally, MAKING PAPER FLOWERS, my book/kit with Barnes and Noble is coming out at the end the month. I won't bore you with all the details, but if you would like to find out a little more about out it, or even pre-order a signed copy, you can do so by visiting HERE.

I'm so crazy excited.

I got a few boxes of the books yesterday (though they're not officially released until the 25th). Like most cats, Charlene loves cardboard and boxes, so she was pretty excited about the books arriving too. Just for different reasons.

He's a little peek...


And here's six adorable kittens napping.


And nope, I didn't pose them. They were enticed by a sunbeam that was hitting the edge of the bed. They started off wrestling in it and when I came back to check on them later, they had all drifted off in a row.

In one stroke, I pet them all. This set off a chain-reaction of purrs which made the loveliest Medley melody. They stirred and stretched then assumed their positions and drifted off again.

Seriously Cute

These kittens are killing me. They are cute. Seriously cute.

I was thinking that maybe they just seem extra cute because we had such a long stretch without kittens.

But then I look at the picture and it's clear - they are truly spectacularly cute.


Of course I say that about ever single litter we've ever had.

But DANG. They're cute.

Freddie Jean Medley

This is Freddie Jean Medley. She's a spirited and determined little girl. She runs wild, she climbs high, and she has some really excellent wrasslin' moves. She keeps us all on our toes.

When she's all tuckered out, she'll climb into your lap, turn into a puddle, and purr herself to sleep.

She has two speeds. Fast and melt.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let the Names Begin...

FIRST of all, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the Butterbean birthday wishes. You all made it a very special day for her, and we all appreciate it very much!

Now that the big day is over, it's time to get back to the business at hand... formal kitten introductions!

Meet Beezus Medley, our sweet little Tortie girl. She's friendly and spunky and so, so adorable.

Beezus Medley

Welcome, Beezus. We're so happy to have you here, and looking forward to getting to know you!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bring on the Birthday Treats!

There you go, Bean. A heapin' helping of all of your favorites! Enjoy!


Oh, and Bean, Mimsey and Nigel Frost (with a little help from your Grandfather) just sent you this...

cb bday 2011-f

What a day it's been! Charlene has been bombarded with birthday wishes. She's feeling very loved and appreciates all the nice words you sent her way today.

She's also feeling very full. Please don't touch her plate, though. She's saving the rest for later.


Thanks for a great day, everyone.


Itty Bitty Bean

I know many of you longtime followers have seen this one before, but I thought I would post this for our newer folks.

Here's baby Bean when she was just a tiny thing. She was probably around 10 days old when this picture was shot.

She looks so different now, but I can see glimpse of her Beanie-ness in that little face.

charlene butterbean at one week

The Magnificent Medley Family

Formal introductions begin tomorrow. For now, a Medley family portrait.


A Butterbean Birthday!


It's hard to believe, but our dear little Butterbean turned five today. It really does seem possible that so much time has passed since she came into our lives. We closed on this house five years ago too, so we celebrate that anniversary on this day as well.

I'm so grateful she came into our lives because without her, most likely there would be no foster kittens, no blog, and no you in our lives!


We gave Charlene her presents this morning. Of course she got sparkle balls.


She also got a cute new collar. It's light blue with a paisley pattern. I don't know how excited she was about that, but I think she'll look adorable in it.


After the gifts, she moved to the center of the living room rug, and rolled over on her back. This is her signal to let us know it's playtime.


We tossed a few balls until she grew bored.

Later this afternoon, we'll have a little birthday cake and when Craig gets home, we'll take her for a spin around the yard. (weather permitting)

Happy Birthday, Beautiful Bean. I treasure you deeply and can't imagine a world without you in it. Thank you for being our kitty companion. We love you dearly.



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