Our new fundraising platform doesn't offer a field for comments when making a donation. We know that many of you are missing this feature, so this space was created for you to leave your messages after you give your gift.
Please tell us, what inspired you to give?
Was your donation in honor or memory of a beloved pet? Or a special kitty-loving friend?
Did you give because you have a soft spot in your heart for the senior cats or tiny kittens?
Or tell us who the gift was from. When donating to the campaign, there's just a field for a single name, but maybe this gift was from the whole family. Or, maybe the family cats. Or a cat-loving dog!
Please share here! We want to know more about you and your generous hearts!
Thank you. We all look forward to reading your comments.
I gave in honor of Tubby Jablecki, my best friend for the first 17 years of my life.
ReplyDeleteI gave as a thanks to Laurie for making Happy Happen all year long and as a proud crazy cat lady. 😻
ReplyDeletein prior years: Old Gray Mare
Thank you, OGM. We sure do appreciate you and your many generous gifts over the years. Thank for being an important part of this community. xoxo!
DeleteThanks Laurie! Reading through the comments with donations in the past has always been a favorite thing to do. It is always so lovely to read what motivates others, even when it's a donation as small as matching Opal The Human's donations in years past. My reason for giving has always been to honor our dear senior cats over the years, both still with us and those that are gone and also as a special tribute to the ones that left us far too soon. Your fundraising efforts every year are always so inspiring and the IBKC community is amazing as they rally together. Thank you for all that you do for those kittens that pass through your household and for all that you do for the ones that go through the shelter every year. I look forward to giving multiple times - I can never resist the special fund days or the big matching donor days. Thank YOU!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words and generosity. xoxo!
DeleteI gave because all animals should have love and care. My day is always just that much brighter from reading the IBKC blog and seeing the wonderful photos that Laurie takes.
ReplyDeleteIn honor of Ollie and Opie, recently deceased, who lived long and good lives and all the animals who have enriched my life. I miss them so much. EverythingEarin
Thank you, Earin. xoxo!
DeleteIn honor of your Drewey and our Harley, and because I can't go to shelters without crying, so you give me the opportunity to help.
ReplyDeleteI gave in honor of Henry, the first cat who owned me and who died two years ago at the too young age of 14. No matter how old they get to be before we lose them, they're always too young when they pass.
ReplyDeleteI also gave in the hopes of one day ending pet overpopulation, so that no animal will be an unwanted animal and no shelter will need to euthanize healthy animals.
I gave on Senior Cat day in honor of my almost 18 year old cat Angel. Rescued as a tiny barn kitten, with her floofy brother, Ms. Angel was covered in fleas and needed many baths to be clean. her brother went to another home, but Angel has been with us ever since. She soldiered through a move from Pennsylvania to South Carolina, enduring 3 weeks 'fostered' at a pet store while our home was finished. She was the youngest cat of three in the family, and is now the oldest of three. She's outlived two dogs, and her cat siblings. Now she rules the roost, suffering the indignity of two boy kittens, who are almost 2, and a dog who as a puppy lived to chase her around. She sleeps on my pillow or on the bed somewhere. She is frail, skinny, prone to mats and walks funny, but I love her to pieces and absolutely dread the day she leaves me. Long live the cats!!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Thank you for ALL that you do for cats all over, Laurie. You are a rock star!
I gave in honor of my current Maine Coon boy, Rye, who is 13 yrs old. Also to remember the senior cats I had the pleasure to know: Callie 21, Sylvia 18, Badfinger 16, Mela 16, Dudley 15 and Molly Bloom (unknown age but possibly 18).
ReplyDeleteI gave in honor of my friend's cat, Arnold, who is enjoying his retirement after 2 decades (and counting) of catting. Dude still knows how to inhale a nice catnip mouse.
ReplyDeleteI gave in memory of my sweet Jonah, whose absence I still feel every day, and my senior kitty Daltrey, who is 16 years old. I gave because I've been coming to this site for years and years and remember the very first FUNdraiser.
ReplyDeleteI also made a matching donation to my local Animal Protection Society (Durham, North Carolina), which is where we met Jonah so many years ago.
I gave on behalf of my buddy Old Man Merlin. He's 17 years old now, and I don't know if he's going to make it to 18. He's got kidney problems and an inoperable golfball-sized tumor on his neck. Old cats need our love, probably more than the young cats.
ReplyDeleteWe're sad to hear this, Larry. Love to Merlin and Kenneth, too. Hugs to the humans as well.
DeleteI gave to help the kitties to have a happy life, which all kitties deserve.
ReplyDeleteI gave for Candy, the male Siamese who raised me and put up with barrettes in his fur, standing on his hind legs to waltz with a four year old, falling into a bubble bath because he was too worried about his girl to watch his footing, and being clutched to my chest as I fell asleep for years on end. Best big brother a girl ever had, and the first of the several cats who've made life worth living.
ReplyDeleteI gave on Senior Day in memory of tortie sisters Cagney & Lacey, who saw me through my middle age...Lacey was with me for 15 years, Cagney for nearly 21, making sure I was settled in my new city before she departed to join her sister. Precious, a dilute tortie,is with me now. Every once in a while I will see a touch of Cagney and Lacey in her. She is 8, a mere youth, but has the heart and soul of a senior cat. Thank you, Laurie, for all you do for the cats!
ReplyDeleteI chose to give during the senior cat day because of the many wonderful cats I've known who I may have met as youngsters, but who lived long and happy lives. My own Duke, Duchess, Nermal and Ashley, who all were 18+ when they left us. Thai and Inky, who left us too soon. My current "old lady cat" Olivia, who's 19 and going strong, and bossing everyone else.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much to Laurie, for giving us so much joy and cuteness to look forward to each day with this sunshine of a blog. Thanks too to all the amazing folks from everywhere who believe in the cause and give to the Tacoma Shelter for their wonderful life-saving work.
All cats and kittens are my passion, but seniors especially. I was so grateful to be able to help them in a small way.
I gave on senior day in honor of Patches, Emily and Libby. Three senior girls who gave us many years of love, friendship and happiness.
ReplyDeleteI gave on Senior Cat Day in honor of my Most Distinguished Gentlecat of Advanced Age, Sam. He adopted me in 2004 at the age of 2-3, according to his shelter tag. He's been with me through several moves and some very difficult times. He LOVES to eat, and the lost of several teeth in 2014 have not slowed down his impression of a Hoover when he's fed twice a day. His sister-from-another-mister, Maya, crossed the Rainbow Bridge in February when cancer got the better of her at 12, and he's been enjoying being an only kitty since then. Senior kitties have all the love to give, all the biscuits to make, all the fur to shed (;D), all the fabulousness to share.
ReplyDeleteI gave for senior day in honor of my late cat that I lost several years ago to cancer. She is still missed. Also, one of the news sites I read had a heartbreaking story this week of animal abuse to a horse. With so much cruelty in the world I am grateful to hear about kind people.
ReplyDeleteAs always for Jerry Lee. From Reggie and Miss T (for Trouble) who have since gone on to join him.
ReplyDeleteYes, for Jerry Lee.
DeleteMy senior cats donation was in honor of my dear kitty-in-law Miss Tiger, who is still going strong at 18 years old.
ReplyDeleteIn honor of those who foster with my deepest gratitude (and because I have to jump in when I see such a generous match). 🐈Old Gray Mare
ReplyDeleteI missed Senior Cat day (I have 4 seniors) because I was out of town (w/o secure internet) so I donated today to my second favorite cause - fosters! I volunteer with foster kittens and puppies at my local shelter so I have a definite soft spot for the fosters.
ReplyDeleteFor the foster program in memory of Kieri who was a stray that I brought in from the streets. Once she was inside, she never went near the front door again.
ReplyDeleteAlso, thank you to Awesome Anonymous Donor.
Donating today to help with the WONDERFUL foster program which gets cats and kittens off to a good start at their new furr-ever homes. Thanks to the Awesome Anonymous Donor and to all the Foster Moms (and Dads) out there helping the cats. Thanks especially to Laurie, Craig, Charlene and Wylla for giving the kitties such a great start in life.
ReplyDeleteToday I give to benefit the foster program for my little guy Kenneth Wiggins. I have an amazing little friend with such an out loud personality. He's about 6 years old now, but he still acts like a kitten in a bunch of ways. He's playful, mischievous, and extremely affectionate. He's a graduate of the foster program and was taught to be a cat by the venerable Charlene Butterbean. Without the foster program I wouldn't have this extraordinary guy in my life. Thanks, Bean and Laurie!
ReplyDeleteIf Kenneth Wiggins would accept a virtual ear or chin rub..... I can't believe he is 6!!!
DeleteI gave today because I can't foster at present, but am so happy to see yours! I miss little kittens ... even crusty faces ... but until I can foster again, I hope every little bit helps.
ReplyDeleteI gave for my dearly missed Cosmo (who made it to 17!) and my little old lady Bo (who is 19!!). It's clearly been a LONG time since I've had a kitten and this blog brings me much joy. Thank you so much, Laurie! <3
ReplyDeleteSeymour :) 'KITTIES NEED THE MONIES!'
ReplyDeleteI gave because The Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County and Laurie do it right for the kittens and cats. I don't live in Tacoma, I live across the country from there, but I'm so impressed with the results that are achieved by the Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County, aided by the amazing efforts of Laurie. So many shelters need help, and it is my fervent hope that the amazing success of the Humane Society in Tacoma will lead other shelters across the country to mimic their methods and help kittens and cats across the country.
ReplyDeleteFor the Mittenflosses, Cassie Nicole Dinichi, Posey Framboise, Robin Fellows, and every other kitten I've enjoyed watching grow and find a forever home.
ReplyDeleteIn memory of Bart, Jaymes, Kate, Rupert and Abby, and in honor of Sherlock.
ReplyDeleteWe gave on senior cat day in memory of our sweet Clara Booth and in honor of Sophie Anne (age 17 1/2) and Molly Belle (age 12).
ReplyDeleteI gave on the Foster kitty weekend as I have fostered in the past and had 2 Foster failures. Fostering is 1 of the most important jobs I have ever had. Foster babies need us to make their beginnings in life so much better.
ReplyDeleteWe gave for Emergency Pet Food Pantry and Kitty Meals-On-Wheels Program, as LG remembers how it felt to be hungry when he was on the mean streets.
ReplyDeleteWe donated to the meals on wheels and emergency pet food program.
ReplyDeleteFor us, these programs are about dignity, both for the human and the pet alike. The pet owners who benefit from this program recieve the dignity and blessing to be able to continue to care for the most beloved pets. And the pets also receive the dignity of remaining in their loving homes where they deserve to be loved and adored.
Love from Jonah, Lucy, Daisy and Mr. Whiskers (and our humans)
Thank you Cynthia for the matching donation.
ReplyDeleteFor the Pet Food Pantry in honor of my cat Gracie who loves to eat.
And in memory of Bernadette Mayfield, Filbert Stout and all the little kitties who passed over the rainbow bridge way too soon.
I love all the separate programs for the kitties but my employment status only allows one contribution this year.
ReplyDeleteI love seeing the amazing work the FUNdraiser supports each year. The diligent training provided by Charlene and Wylla is priceless. My heart is full and I honor my friend Kai and my departed girls, Toes and Marbles.
I gave on Senior Cat Day in honor of my senior dog, Ricky.
ReplyDeleteHaving had a few special needs cats in our family over my lifetime so far, I know how much dedication and money is needed, but also know how well worth the effort it really is to help these cats and kittens live a happy and healthy life for as long as they are able. Thank you for all that you do with these fundraising efforts and all that your local shelter does to treat those special needs cats and kittens with the best care they can.
ReplyDeleteTo honor the memory of the best blind fetch playing, fly catching cat that ever lived- Magoo.
ReplyDeleteThank you Awesome Anonymous Donor for the matching donation.
ReplyDeleteI hope Bruce finds a wonderful home soon.
For the Special Needs program in memory of shy cat Angie aka Miss Hairless.
I also gave previously to the Senior Cats program in memory of my senior cats Cleo and Squeaker and their kitty cousins Abby and Phoebe.
I just made another donation in honor of Wylla and all the special needs kitties that I have had the pleasure to meet and take care of in the shelters I've worked or volunteered in.
ReplyDeleteIn Memory of those we lost too soon...
ReplyDeleteThis year we lost two fosters - Charlie and Chico. Both were sweet, loving, friendly and kind boys.
Charlie was silly and talkative and very sweet. All he wanted to do was snuggle. His owner abandoned him at the age of 8. When he arrived in our home he was sick, underweight but still had high spirits. We loved him with all our hearts but it was not enough. We found out a few weeks later after vet visits and meds that he was very sick - likely the reason his owner abandoned him- and we had to say good bye.
Chico came to us so scared, but the moment you held him in your arms he would purr and purr and purr. He would also drool! He was a beautiful boy with blue eyes and a heart of gold. One morning we found him on the floor- he became very sick overnight- and nothing could save him.
We lost two beautiful boys so far this year, but we know that when they left they knew that they were loved and cared for. They didn't know that they were fosters all they knew what that they were safe.
SO in memory of the boys we lost this year- the ones that won't have their adoption stories- the ones that are forever home in our hearts.
My Buddy. My life cat. I miss him everyday. He was so smart and loved me so much I felt like a Goddess when he looked at me. He was my soul mate.
ReplyDeleteI gave in memory of Sarge and Lena. Sarge was declawed then abandoned outside the business of a foster volunteer when he was 4 and waited for his home for six months. I lost him to cancer five years ago. He spent more than half his life with me and he loved it. He was very attached to me and would rush to the door when he heard me come in even if I was gone for a few hours.
ReplyDeleteLena was declawed in the front then returned to a foster organization by the time she was 1. She and Sarge had a good life together. When he passed Lena became top cat and loved to sleep on me. She was a bit of a grump in her old age, but I loved her more for it. I lost her to kidney failure last January. She hated getting fluids, but tolerated them. She knew it was for her own good. I did my best to give them the lives they deserve and show them the love they gave me.
I'm about to donate in memory of Bart Mittenfloss. He was always one of my favs and I'd been following him and his brother Darcy on Instagram since their mom, Sara, adopted them. Bart surely went too soon and it was a shocking story, the small amount that Sara shared with the Instagram community. I took his passing quite heavily as did so many others. Thank you to Laurie for raising such perfectly social kittens and to Sara, for continuing that legacy.
ReplyDeleteI gave in honor of Katie Kitty, my family's first cat, who passed away in September. She was a total sweetheart and the one who turned me into the crazy cat lady I am today.
ReplyDeleteWith so much love,
Amanda, Craig, Minnie, and Maxwell
In honor of Empress Minnie Moo Chee Thunderpaws, and her minions who have passed on: Caruso, Viktor, Claire, Otto, Bishop, Tessa and Kira.
ReplyDeleteMinnie was Top Cat, ruling the roost with titanium claw.
i gave $15 because cats and kittens are what keep me sane. I give in honor of all my rescue horde, 4 cats ONE of which IS a polydactyl (he has 1 extra toe on one foot, 2 on the other AND extra dew claws!) and one is a special needs (he has 3 legs!) and my dog (who is a rescue). <3 I can't give much, but every dollar counts, especially on a match day!
ReplyDeleteFor the spay and neuter program! So important! Thanks Cynthia for matching!
ReplyDeleteMy last donation is for the spay & neuter program because I can't resist a donor match. This is also in honor of Zoe and Zane and in memory of Jacque.
I gave in thanks for: this page that gives such happiness; for Laurie and her crew; for all my kitties past, Tyburn T. Tomcat, Kitten Kaboodle, Rags, and Kevin; my current kitty, Violet; and for all the people out there who make this amazing fun-raiser such an expression of what can happen when we work together!
ReplyDeleteI gave in honor of the IBKC, a place of pure kindness and love. It is my great delight to follow the lives of Charlene, Wylla, and their many charges. My thanks go to Laurie for sharing their lives with us, and for creating this community. Pierre, who is on my lap right now, agrees, as does his sister, Pearl, who is too busy with her cat scratcher to pay attention.
ReplyDeleteLG is donating his treat money to help the community cats. He remembers what it was like being on the streets before he adopted us.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could give more this year! My cat and all my family's pets are sweet, smart, beautiful animals that were given up or abandoned. My cat lights up my life every day with his friendly, relaxing energy in my home. I just can't imagine life without him.
ReplyDeleteto thank Opal and Ellis's parents/caregivers for raising such lovely kids with a social conscience: their experience with making a difference through Laurie and Craig's efforts with the IBKC will have furnished them with such a wonderful start in life. Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteTo thank Laurie and Craig for bringing our ittybitty's Edward Loomis and Inez Davenport into our lives. Our donation is in memory of both kitty's and we are grateful for the
ReplyDelete4 and 8 years we had with them. They are forever in our hearts as is ibkc.
Thank you for making me smile every day, and sometimes cry. I enjoy your blog al the way from Holland. I gave in honour of my two british shorthairs Benji & Baloo.
ReplyDeleteI gave in memory of my beloved Callie, a beautiful and sweet 12 year-old tortoiseshell, who I lost to cancer just 4 months ago in March. She was the love of my life. She was my guardian and a healing cat, and I miss her.