Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hang On! We're Almost There!!





This fundraiser is flying by!  We've got 3.5 weeks behind us, just one week to go, and a little over $22 squillion to raise to meet our goal.  I know that sounds like a lot, but I feel confident we can reach it, it's just going to take a little work.

 I'm up for it,  and the kitties are too because we know that every dollar we bring in, will enhance the life of a shelter cat or kitten.

Every dollar truly makes difference.  

This community of ours is filled with some wonderful,  kitty-loving folks.   I know you care deeply,  and I hope that those of you who are in a financial position to give, will want to support the shelter responsible for giving us these incredible kittens we've all gotten to know and love.

This is the part of the fundraiser were I do get a little tired and a tad emotional    Nearly every donation, be it $2 or $200, can bring me to tears and leave me tongue-tied.

So, before I get too far gone, let me thank you again.

Thank you all for taking us so far, and thanks in advance for seeing it through to the end.

Thank you for all the ways you support us. This community is so amazing.  I know of no other on this whole giant interwebs that's so kind, loving, manner-minding and positive.    I appreciate you so much and thank you for being a part of my life.

Thank you!

If you're able to give, please pay a visit to our fundraising page to make a tax-deductible donation to our Humane Society.


  1. Tried to donate twice but got an error and a call from the fraud department of my bank!! Will try again though!!

  2. I'm sorry you had an issue.

    I did a test donation, and had no errors.

    i did contact firstgiving to let them know you had an issue.

    We had something similar happen on day one, and it was resolved quickly.

    Thanks, Lara!

  3. Just gave it another try and it worked, yay!

    1. Good for you LaraB, for keeping on trying! The kitties love you for it.

  4. Laurie,the "hanging in there photos" are totally scrumptious!!Your fundraising efforts must be exhausting, but also rewarding. Everyone who loves shelter animals appreciates each little thing you do, as well as all the grand stuff. I know you understand there are many of us who would give squillions every day throughout the fundraiser, but it's not possible. And I hope that people know that even if they can only give just a couple of bucks, that they should DO IT! No amount is too small. Every itty bit helps. Come on, now everyone, scoop up those coins and those crumpled up dollar bills and give them to the Kitties! Purrrrrrrs!!!

  5. Glad to see Pheona "hanging in there" -- precious!!! And a lovely post. I'm not surprised you get a little emotional -- you put SOOO much into this! XOXOXO

  6. Persistent Phoena showing off her 'abs of fur'.

  7. You're getting so tired.. your subtraction is off a little. It's not 26squillion that you need to go, it's just a tad over 22squillion. :) Hey, every little bit helps!

  8. Oh, and even IF you don't meet your goal, please don't forget the good that you ARE doing!! It was a very loft goal, and if I remember correctly, you've exceeded last year's donations, so as Jerry Lewis always said, one penny over last year's is a success.



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