As part of our fundraising auctions, once again, we'll be offering "Tea with the Bean." We always have a great time hosting this event. Last year our friend Cindy flew from California to join us, and we had a lovely day. You can read about it HERE.
Here's a little bit about what the high-bidder will receive:
The winning bidder of this auction and a guest of their choice will be joining the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee at our home in Tacoma, WA for a luncheon.
You'll get to meet Charlene Butterbean, Wylla Stout, and the foster kittens residing in our home at the time of the visit.

We will serve a lovely vegetarian (or vegan if you prefer) lunch, tea, and desserts. After we dine and mingle with the cats and kittens, we'll head to the Humane Society for a tour of the shelter. You'll meet some kittens and cats (even the dogs if you like) and see behind the scenes.
We'll send you home with some parting gifts too - and no, I don't mean kittens!
We'll take lots of pictures during your visit, and with the winner's permission, share the story of the visit on the blog.
The winner and guest will be responsible for their own travel expenses.
Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
To get in on the bidding action check out the auction HERE. It's a three-day auction and will end Monday morning. Happy bidding!!
We're several hours in and we still have $3275 left to meet in our $3500 match. All we raise will go to the very important Spay and Neuter programs at the shelter. It ends at 6:00 PM PST, and at the rate we're going, I'm a little worried we're not going to complete this match. We don't like to leave any match dollars on the table -- especially on an important day like this one. To learn more about the spay and neuter programs and the cats and kittens they help, please give this post a read.
I do hope you feel compelled to give! It helps "fix" the cat overpopulation problem! Thank you! To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit HERE. Thank you!
More coming...
Please stick around, friends! Thank you for all of the support!
Tea with Bean... (What kind of bean is she? LOL) I couldn't afford to bid on it AND I live on the other side of the continent—but I just wanted to say that this "experience" auction is so well thought out, and lovely! Between the playing with the kittens, visiting the shelter (and selfies with the Bean van, heh), that GORGEOUS lunch—how do you do it? So pretty—then more kitten time... I don't know how that could be improved on!