So, let's revisit Santa's visit!
CHARLENE! Did you hear that? Was that the sound of sleigh bells?

Could it be...? Could it REALLY be Santa????

We just happen to know Santa Claus, and even though he's quite busy this time of year, he managed to make room in his schedule to visit our good little cats. So on Friday afternoon, he came by to say hello and hear their Christmas wishes.
Santa is very wise, and knew that a tall man with a big red suit and a giant beard, might be a little bit scary for a tiny cat, so he just sat down and invited Wylla to play.

After some time, he scooped her up and held her.

Wylla was a wee bit timid and unsure at first.

But after Santa gave Wylla a treat, she relaxed a little bit.

Much to my surprise, Charlene took to Santa right away. Normally she's a little uneasy around strangers, but she seemed comfortable in his arms.

Because she was so good, Bean got a treat, too!

Santa is a huge lover of cats, has many of his own, and understands them well. He knew just how to win Wylla's trust.

So, he got down on the floor with more treats and toys and they spent some quality time together.

The girls had a great time, but I think I may have had even more fun watching Santa roll around my living room floor, playing with my cats and a catnip candy cane.
It was delightful.
And after the play session was over, back to the chair they went to finish up the photo session.

And we got a few good ones for the family photo album.
Thank you for visiting us, Santa Claus! Thank you for these sweet Christmas memories - we will cherish them a lifetime! And thank you to Mrs Claus for the awesome bag of treats for humans and cats!
You're a special pair, and we appreciate you greatly! Thank you for making our Christmas so merry!
PS Because I know someone's going to ask if that's THE Kitten Whisperer in a Santa suit, I 'll tell you now that it's not. Yes, Santa has some awesome kitten-whispering skills, just like my dad does, but that's not my dad. My folks don't arrive until later this week.
What a lovely memory this is!
ReplyDeleteAnd the truly Wee Wylla before she became Wooly Well Wylla!
Best Wishes
Bean's epic neck floof!
ReplyDeleteLove it!!!!! I just knew Santa is a cat guy!
ReplyDeleteI love the one with Bean on the floor looking up at Wylla and Santa. I know you can't see her face but it just seems to say so much. Happy Holidays!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for reposting this lovely Santa story!
ReplyDeleteRosemary K, Mpls
I remember this well and love revisiting it every year. I think my favorite pictures are the first two. Particularly the first one as though they were both so amazed that Santa would come see them!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the wander down Memory Lane!
ReplyDeleteI'm relieved to hear Santa is a huge cat lover. What lovely pictures of him and your good kitties!
ReplyDeleteHoliday Yays!
ReplyDeleteThe first photo makes me laff. They're just so cute! (And that little Wylla; I just wanna squeeze her!) :)
ReplyDeleteWow, a personal visit from the Clauses!! You know you’re someone special when Santa and Mrs. Santa visit. How wonderful that he’s such a wise man, giving the girls time to warm up to him, and that Mrs. C. was kind enough to bring treats.