Friday, July 24, 2015

How Close Are We?

How close are we? Because I'm on the edge of my seat. 

I mean like literally, on the edge of my seat.


VERY close, Henrietta. Very close.

Only $1290 and the match is met, and once we put the matching money in the kitty, BAM, we're there!


  1. "In the kitty"

    I see what you did there!

    YAY TEAM IBKC!! Every year, I wait with bated breath and every year, I'm so impressed by how much we all raise. I can only put in an Itty Bitty Kitty-sized amount, but it's satisfying to be part of this.

  2. I see Laurie and crew are over the top and have reached the donation goal! Congratulations!


    At 2:52 PDT, you are OVER YOUR TARGET!!


  4. And now we're past the goal! Way to go, team IBKC! Thanks to the Hollises, Bean, and Wylla for all of their hard work on the phone lines, to Laurie for the legwork and donor wrangling, and to the multiple donors of matching challenges. We did it, everyone!

  5. Lisa (mom of Chai, Sophie and Acacia)July 24, 2015 at 3:13 PM

    Congratulations team IBKC! Dog-a-thon goal met!!! Can you believe it?!
    Every year it amazes me how much gets raised and how many people jump in to help and those awesome matches offered up by wonderful, generous donors.
    I love reading all the comments on the donation page - so much love in everyone's hearts!
    Thank you Laurie for all the joy you provide all of us every day with your gorgeous photos and witty writing!

  6. Hats off to All y'all at the IBKC corral!
    So fabulous, and every year I get chills when the "WE MADE IT" post is published.

    Every itty bitty bit helps the 2, 3 and 4-legged clients of the Humane Society!



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