Thursday, July 16, 2015

$3000 for 3000 Posts!

Our Awesome Anonymous Donor is offering up a very generous $1500 match for us today in honor of our 3000th post!

She'll be matching each dollar we donate until we reach the $1500 cap. And if when we reach that mark, we'll have $3000 for the homeless cats and kittens!  The match runs until 6:00 PM Pacific Time this evening, so that should give us plenty of time to get there!

Maybe if your day has been brightened by one of our 3000 posts,  you'll consider giving to the shelter that's provided all of our "content" (AKA, adorable kittens! ) for the IBKC blog!

To make a tax-deductible donation, please pay a visit to our FUNdraising page!  Thank you so much!

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