I'm guessing Wylla is the one responsible for the rumpled rug. I've seen her wrestle with rugs on many occasions during the day, and have heard her doing the same at night.
I'm sure Charlene is responsible for the Sparkle Balls. She bats them around in the wee hours and will howl from downstairs to wake us and try to get us to join in on the fun.
I do find it curious though that on the night of St Patrick's Day, Charlene would select three GREEN Sparkle Balls to play with.
Because of the previous day's birthday celebration, there was a giant puddle of Sparkle Balls in the living room. She had many color options to pick from, but she chose three green.
So what I'm saying, folks, is I think that Charlene O'Butterbean and Wylla McStout had their own St Patty's Day party while we slept, and what you see in the photo above are the remains of this event.
It's either that, or we had a little visit from a leprechaun.
Tell me, do your kitties throw parties at night? Have you ever discovered any evidence that made you scratch your head?
My folks are quite busy at night. We hear keening and find toys all over!
ReplyDeleteFeeling sudden urge to go buy more green glitter balls to try this with my Elliot.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking leprechauns! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd there is many a morning that I wake up with rubber balls in the bed and find that all the toy mice have come up stairs, looking for cheese I assume!
Sheldon prefers red ones. He will choose a red glitter ball every time. Pearla doesn't do glitter balls.. she likes the rabbit fur covered mice. I frequently wake up to rumpled rugs and occasionally what I can only assume is the victors anthem of the people being sung at high volume. And the occasional toy in my bedroom where I am sure it wasn't when I went to sleep.
ReplyDeleteGiven Wylla's tummy troubles, maybe she ATE a leprechaun...
ReplyDeleteLOL! That would definitely do it. ;D
DeleteIf she burps up a little green hat, we will know for sure!
DeleteI find toys in the bed and scattered around the bedroom floor. The other day I discovered a biscuit (yep... a real edible Pillsbury biscuit) on the bedroom floor! First time that's happened.
ReplyDeleteMy Lola has many mice to choose from and when I got home from work on St. Patty's Day it was the GREEN once she left for me to find. Lola Kavanagh, she's Irish just like her mama! LOL
ReplyDeleteI've found evidence of kitty parties in the wee hours more than once.
ReplyDeleteOne of my cats (and I think I know which one), likes to empty my sock drawer in the middle of the night. She'll select one, dunk it in her water dish until it's soaking wet, then leave it in her food dish. What's up with that?
ReplyDeleteSocks! That's funny. My cat Stuart dunks his favorite crinkle ball (one of those mylar balls that make a crinkly noise) in water and then leaves it in his food dish. That's what I find each morning as evidence of nightly activities.
DeleteOne of mine is obsessed with nylon stockings. When one runs I have to throw it out in a can she cannot get to and if I forget it is eventually to be found in the water dish more than half the time.
DeleteBut what is worse is the full stockings. I had a friend staying after a dinner party to talk one evening and in stalks Tuya with full panty hose in her mouth, dragging them between her legs, as if she were dragging a gazelle. Quite embarrassing.
When my Maya was a kitten, she used to go hunting in my underwear drawer and would proudly trot out into the living area with her "kill". The more brightly colored and pattered, the more likely a target. She stopped for some reason when I moved apartments, something I was VERY glad for.
DeleteLook on the bright side...my friend J has a cat like that, only hers dunks the socks in the toilet!
DeleteWe have hunting parties at night. Living in the Gulf Coast, there are always a few giant roaches out and about, even in the winter. Come morning, there will be a bug, belly up, sometimes with legs scattered about. Occasionally, an especially proud huntress will caterwaul that sucker upstairs and drop it on the floor nearby. Fortunately, the only things they ever bring to bed are toys.
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot of loud, fast running in our house at night, and a lot of bringing the toys up the stairs to leave on the bedroom rug. Mostly it is bug toys but Zoubi will put hair ties in any water dish. India prefers to behave.
ReplyDeleteShredded toilet paper!
ReplyDeleteWe call crumpled area rugs "Rug Art" thanks to my 2 Maine Coons. We put the scratching pad with the ball in the outer edge away at night because I will NOT listen to "whirrrr, bat,bat, whirl, scratch, whir" all night.
ReplyDeleteAnd me thinks twas not Wee Wylla but a naughty leprechaun who would be doing the glitter ball batty around.
Last night there was a congregation around the hallway water bowl. I swear they had plenty of water elsewhere in the house but when I refilled the hallway bowl, you would think they had never seen water before! I would be worried except it doesn't actually look like they drank much of the water, despite what it sounded lie. They also would "take turns" by one pulling the bowl out from under the other and taking over.
ReplyDeleteOne of them, Gregory, also likes to regularly sing "the song of his people" at bedtime, in the hallway between all the bedrooms. My roommate calls it 'Performance Hour."
It looks like Wylla McStout defeated the rug, and Charlene O'Butterbean played with her green sparkle balls for St. Patrick's (St. CATrick's?) Day! Cassie used to run "kitty sprints"- she would use the litter pan at night, and then jump out of the pan and run out of the bedroom.
ReplyDeleteSweet Wylla, I am sending you 725 gentle hugs, snuggles and lovies for your 7.25 pounds of weight! And 725 for the gorgeous Charlene Butterbean too! xo xo
LG is a big-time rug beater, day or night. We often hear him thumping about and later find a bunched-up rug.
ReplyDeletepotatoes. all over the floor.
ReplyDeleteAppropriately Irish.
DeleteThe funny things was that you hadn't even bought potatoes, you just found them there on the floor. :)
DeleteThe other night my boys needed to pump up the volume for their midnight partying because when I got up in the morning the bottom shelf of my music CDs were scattered all over the dining room floor -- I guess they didn't find the right music to bogey to. Their toys (and toy box) are an all together different story.
ReplyDeleteKai has recently begun playing with the prey-like toys at night. They migrate between upstairs and down...occasionally leaving a tuft or ten of the fur or lint of their fur!
ReplyDeleteMakes me happy since he is getting more adventurous!
One morning on my birthday I woke up to a nicely gutted mouse lying right in the middle of the second floor landing. So obviously there are hunting parties. And Simon does enjoy putting his sparkle balls in my shoes at night.
ReplyDeleteOne of my four is also a rug-rumpler and will cry out in joy in the middle of the night about how much fun her toys are! The other three, not so much.
ReplyDeleteOne Christmas time many years ago, friends brought gifts over and one was a paper bag full of catnip which I had accidentally left on the coffee table due to too much eggnog. I went to bed and heard lots of rustling in the night but never got up. When I woke up the scene I saw in the living room was hilarious: 4 cats (one was a neighbor cat that I didn't even know had come in and spent the night) all laying around on their backs... paws up... looking completely hungover... their entire bodies dusted with catnip! Wish I had thought to take a pic but that was before cell phone cameras.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one whose cat takes his toys into the bathtub? I often find them when I pull the curtain back to turn on the shower in the morning.
ReplyDeleteLG doesn't take his toys into the tub but he likes to "hide" behind the curtain when we're playing. (Dude, I can see your tail.)
DeleteOur two make the shower curtain (actually just a plastic liner, translucent) part of their high-speed "orbit". Race into the bathroom, jump in behind one end of it with a very loud plasticky noise, and almost immediately back out the other end with another very loud noise and back out of the room, all within about a half-second's time.
DeleteNight-time crazies usually start about ten minutes after lights-out and go on for about twenty minutes, then it's up onto the bed to snuggle and purr and sleep. Thunder-thunder-thunder,attempted howling by the little girl with no voice (so it sounds like a pigeon cooing), and also attempted howling by the rescue bengal boy, who tries to howl with his mouth full of a toy while running. When it's the electronic-squeak mousie, that makes for three funny sounds all at once:
thunder-thunder-thunder, squeak-squeak-squeak, and MMMMMOOOOMMMMMMMMMF! MMMMMOOOOOOOMMMMF! 2 funny!-- from Arowyn
No toys, but mine likes to drink from the bathtub faucet. He hops in after the shower and you hear 'slurp, slurp' followed by a little kitty sneeze as he gets water up his nose. Which never seems to discourage him!
DeleteAlas, the only "evidence" I find at my house is the kind that has to be cleaned up and put in the trash. The details are too gory to share. But I do get a giggle when the toy mousies migrate upstairs and down. I NEVER see them playing with one.
ReplyDeleteOh Charlene, you Irish girl!!!! My cat does high jinks with the clothes pegs and ping ball at night!!
ReplyDeleteDead mice
ReplyDeleteMy cat Biscuit sleeps all night in my bed. He's a very mellow fellow. The only sound he makes is an occasional deep sigh of comfort....
ReplyDeleteIzzy seems to be of the opinion that kitchen sponges belong on the floor as far away from the kitchen as possible, preferrably with chunks clawed out. Juliette thinks teeny tiny pieces of lint are the BEST TOYS EVAH. Especially at 3am. Autumn will endeavor to ensure that all the felt mousies are rendered shredded and disemboweled, while lying on my stomach...also at 3am. Party on Kittehs!
ReplyDeleteIzzy seems to be of the opinion that kitchen sponges belong on the floor as far away from the kitchen as possible, preferrably with chunks clawed out. Juliette thinks teeny tiny pieces of lint are the BEST TOYS EVAH. Especially at 3am. Autumn will endeavor to ensure that all the felt mousies are rendered shredded and disemboweled, while lying on my stomach...also at 3am. Party on Kittehs!
ReplyDeleteGypsy was the hunter of the group. One Satruday morning she was howling up a storm downstairs. As I made my way down to the landing to survey the scene I wondered what present awaited me.
ReplyDeleteTurning the corner I saw her hovering over her prize with obvious satsifaction..... It was a WAFFLE stolen from one of the neighbors breakfaston their patio.
She had every right to be satisfied. She actually brought her hooman a kill the hooman would eat. How many other cats have figured out how to do that? XD Silly kitty!
DeleteNo St. Paddy's hijinx here. The Feline Overlords usually conduct night raids on any floral arrangements, I fear they are quite critical of my taste. They also take turns play fighting with just enough sass to wake one of us humans for the 3 a.m. treat feedings. They refuse to believe that we are no longer shift workers and need to be awakened at that hour. None of the gang goes outdoors and thankfully no live mice but we do occasionally wake to stumble to the bathroom and step in a strategically placed offering of recycled kibble. Blech...
ReplyDeleteMy six month old 'Oliver Kitten' streaks through the house with various small fleece blankets held in his mouth and flying over his back--like a mini Superman cape. Hilarious. He also constantly removes the fleece pads from the kitty condo and brings them through the house to my bathroom. In fact, most of his sparkle balls, rabbit fur mice (he prefers the white ones) and crinkle balls end up in my bathroom and in my tub. He once removed the metal kitchen sink strainer and brought it to the living room. This morning I found the last two uneaten bites of my dinner-a hot dog in the bun- on the living room rug. He stole it from the waste basket.
ReplyDeleteI wake up to kitty toys that have been placed on my chest. I think it is precious. However, there is a blue one with a feather butt...and its eyes flash BRIGHT when you toss it (and it squeaks). That toy will give you quite a start in the middle of the night. :)