Wednesday, November 5, 2014


While I've been squirreled away in the basement working on the event flowers, I haven't been able to spend as much time with the cats as I usually do. Wylla's been especially frisky this week,  most likely a little bored, and I've heard her running wild upstairs,  chasing her favorite toy mouse.  

These sounds reminded me of one of my favorite moments with the wee girl, when she in full play mode, and grabbing some serious air.



  1. So cute! I love the backlit floof on her belly.

  2. My two Maine Coons sound like 3 herds of elephants when they play "tag" up and down the stairs. Love the Air Time!

  3. Aww... nice to revisit this one. SO cute!!

  4. She got like three feet of air that time. :-)

  5. This is one of those Truly Fabulous Pictures that deserves to be framed and hung in a place of honor. Air Wylla so perfectly captures that moment when a kitten, airborne, is reveling in the triumphant way they are about to pounce on their prey like the Hugenormous, Fabtabulous Lionbeast that they are. Rawrtigerscarefrightenmew!

  6. Wylla will appreciate the next litter that much more with a bit of down time.
    I am often impressed by how much noise such a small being can make!

  7. Awww, Wylla! This is a terrific picture!



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