Effie usually gets fed first because she's a screamer. Hazel is a little more patient, but starts hollering if Effie takes too long.
Before they eat, we wrap them in a towel to keep them warm, still and clean. Effie is starting to wriggle out of the towel now and likes to grab the syringe with her tiny paws.
These wee orphans are doing well, and they've quickly adjusted to their new life. It seems they feel safe and comfortable with us. They're eating and growing like they should, and we hope they continue at this pace!

love the one-eyed pirate look in the second picture :) bless for taking these bottle babies
ReplyDeleteD'AWWWWW!!! So CUTE!
ReplyDeleteSuch adorable babies, enjoying (and wearing) their milk! I'm glad they're so contented with you guys -- clearly, they recognize a great foster home when they see one!
ReplyDeleteOh my doodness..How wonderful you are able to save these tiny itty bitty kitties..They need your help and look like they will thrive! How is Miss Charlene Butterbean and Miss Wylla Stout adjusting to these little babydolls??? I hope well..God's blessings to you for what you do to save itty bitty kitties..ciaoX()
ReplyDeleteNothing's really changed for Charlene and Wylla. The babies are still in quarantine.
DeleteDefinite Eyes O' Lurve from these little girls... smart babies!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to a short video of them eating with those little ears wiggling back and forth...
ReplyDeleteSo SWEET!
ReplyDeleteFeeding every three hours - my goodness! A huge commitment on your part. Bless you!
ReplyDeleteRosemary, Mpls, MN
Can you get us a flapping-ear while drinking milk video? It looks like a pump-action to pull in the milk.
ReplyDeleteThere's a video on the IBKC FB page. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152371100754432&set=vb.330724529431&type=2&theater
DeleteSo adorable! Does your shirt say "I can no has cheeseburger"?
ReplyDeleteSarah was holding the kitten, it's her shirt. I think that's what it said, but I'm not positive.
DeleteFor those new to IBKC, check out this throwback to Pierre in a kitten burrito.
ReplyDeleteI may have missed it in a previous post, but do you plan to have Bean and Wee Wylla act as aunties after their kitten quarantine? Have you introduced Wylla to other kittens?
ReplyDeleteThey will meet after quarantine. Wylla's met adult cats, but never kittens.
DeleteI wish my kitties could be that small again just for a brief period in time. (Their foster mom described them as hamster-sized lumps of fur when they first got them.) I especially wish this whenever my boy kitty stands on my stomach; at not quite two years old, he's like a small cougar weighing in at just under 17 pounds with no fat on him at all. Even his sister, who looks dainty in comparison, is almost 13 lbs. Guess they've made up for being tiny! Pretty sure they're part siamese or egyptian and part puma :)
ReplyDeleteIt could be worse. Your boy could be a Catasaurus Rex!!
DeleteSo sweet.
ReplyDeleteThe first time we had bottlebaby kittens, for the longest time they went by the nicknames Scremer Number One and Screamer Number Two.
ReplyDeleteoh me of my they are just the cutest little bitties. Love seeing them wrapped in blankies. so sweet
ReplyDeleteNothing like photos of cute kittens eating to brighten my day!
ReplyDeleteMaybe I missed it, but is there a reason you are using a syringe instead of a bottle? Just curious (well, and it's for maybe future reference as I'm considering fostering now that my oldsters are gone).
ReplyDeleteYou can use either syringe or bottle - we've used both. I like using a syringe because it's easier to control the pace and keep track of the amounts the've eaten.
DeleteOww, they looks so adorableeeee *-*
ReplyDeleteMy two oldest kitties (brother & sister, now 7) were bottle babies plus I have fostered a bottle baby as well. I just love feeding the little ones, they are so hungry and innocent! Hard to believe there is so much heart in these little furry bundles of love!
ReplyDelete"Effie gets to eat first because she's a screamer" LOL. She's already learning that the squeaky wheel gets the grease!
ReplyDeleteI love their teeny milky faces! Such adorable fuzzy babies.
ReplyDelete(What is it about kittens that provokes this melting, cooing response in so many of us? Their cuteness is deadly.)
KRM reminds me of "ICBINEM" (I Can't Believe It's Not Echidna Milk). Den Whitton is a wildlife rescue guy here in Aus, and he has to make up his own version of Echidna Milk, and the lovely Ursula Vernon created a label for it - http://www.redwombatstudio.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=241 .