I wrote a little post about crafting with Bean on my other blog. Click HERE if you would like to give it a read.
I write DIY craft projects, and I'm thinking about doing an occasional DIY Cat craft projects (projects FOR cats, not BY cats) on the IBKC. I've got a few ideas in my head, and maybe I'll explore them after the new year.
Is that something that would be of interest to you? It seems like there are lots of crafty folks in the crowd. Especially the knitters! You wouldn't believe all the traffic that comes form knitting blogs and forums.
Anyway,, just sort of thinking out loud.
Get OUT of my mind ;)
ReplyDeleteI've never posted a comment before, but I am a little crafty and love to knit . . . guess I must just naturally fit the "profile" - haha!
I always enjoy reading what the genuinely creative can do. For the record my creativity is stretched to max just making dinner, but that doesn't prevent me from appreciating the talent of others while wondering what genetic misfiring has prevented me from a similar gift.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see how to make toys or things for the cat. I am sure my Neko would be very happy for me to learn :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a crafty knitter too- so post away, I'm sure they'd be lovely!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see the kittens paint. Dip their little paws in non-toxic washable paint and have them go to town!
ReplyDeleteI totally fit the demographic--I love to knit, and I love cats, so of course I'd be interested in cat craft projects on this blog!
ReplyDeleteCats are naturally 'crafty'...and so are we! Bring on the kitty krafts!
Ah, I am a knitter/crafter/cat person too. I would love to see the things you make, although I know that my cat perversely likes toys made out of garbage (like crumples paper balls from junk mail, or a piece of kitchen twine tied to a wooden dowel) and eschews anything I make that's fancy (like the fleece bed that took me a few days to make only to have her hiss at it and then go sleep on my bed.) When you work with fabric or sheets of paper or tissue, how do you keep the cat from sitting smack dab in the middle of the sheet while you are trying to measure and cut it?... inquiring minds want to know.
ReplyDeleteI am very interested in that idea! Your crafts are simply gorgeous and I would love to get some new cat related projects.
ReplyDeleteWhat a good girl Charlene is, sitting there amongst the craft supplies without getting into them!
ReplyDeleteThe closest I come to catcrafting is making baby slings to carry my blind kitty around in (she goes through phases where she wants to be picked up and carted around 24/7).
I'd be interested in that idea. I don't knit, but any crafts related thing appeals to me - for the kittykat or otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of those knitters, and I'd love some crafty content! If you decide against it that's cool too, in that case I'll just subscribe to your other blog as well.
ReplyDeleteYes please! I am an occasional knitter, crocheter, and scrapbooker, and I'd love to involve my kitty.
ReplyDeleteI'm in! I scrapbook, I have more than one album dedicated to my little Frank:) I'd love to see other craft ideas that are animal related!!
ReplyDeleteYes, I would be very interested...
ReplyDeleteI'm not "crafty" at all, but it would be interesting seeing your cat-related crafts. And if I see something I really like, I'll bribe someone to make it for me.
ReplyDeleteHowdy! I'm a scrapper too and even though I've been transitioning to mostly digital pages, I'd be interested in just about any paper crafts you'd like to share with us. Cool idea!
ReplyDeleteWow! I haven't looked at your other blog before and you do some beautiful work! I think crafts, either for or with kitties, would be a wonderful idea.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely yes. Crafting AND cats - what's not to like? I've been a secret admirer of your crafting for some time and I'm sure that your cat crafting would be inspirational.
I think that's a great idea! I never realized how many fellow knitters read this blog :) Anyway, to me cats and crafts go together like perfectly -- or should I say "purr-fectly!"
ReplyDeleteThe Bean looks little in that picture. Yes to crafts!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea! I recently made a little mouse toy for my kitty out of scrap muslin. (I sew.)
ReplyDeleteI sew, knit, and scrap, and yet my kitty prefers rolled up paper balls or cardboard boxes! I would love to see "cat approved" crafts! And yes, the kitty loves to plop down in the middle of whatever I'm trying to do - http://thyme2sew.blogspot.com/2010/07/sewing-or-at-least-trying-to.html
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see this! I love crafting and would be so happy to see kitty crafts!
ReplyDeleteCats and Crafts! Hooray!
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, can you post some pictures of the Bean and those two little fluffballs, now that they've had a chance to get acquainted?
Yes. I'm a crafter too and own cats. I've actually posted some simple cat-related craft projects on my blog and have gotten good feedback, so I would think other ideas would be welcome. I would encourage you to have projects for different skill levels and types of materials (crochet, sew, paper crafts, etc.).
ReplyDeletethe Bean seems not in 'full fluff' in this photo, it must be from her youth?
ReplyDeleteshes such a good girl. (the tail curl-around is killer)
I'd definitely be interested in kitty crafts. :) I can't knit, but I crochet. ;)
ReplyDeleteMeow/yes, I'd love to see your crafty kitty ideas and projects. Also, more of a request: will you be selling some Thanksgiving cards with Willamena and her paw-print turkey? I love that photo...
ReplyDeleteHey Bean, who's a a pretty girl then? You are looking most fine! Slimmed down, have we miss? I better show my boy Sam your new look, he could do with a kilo or two less...(yes, it's my fault to begin with...)
ReplyDeleteMy cats craft with me. I have some great photos of Kodiak helping me with an altered book project and Kenai helping with a beading project. Well, maybe helping isn't exactly the word I'm looking for. More like stealing my supplies when I'm not looking and then hiding them. Bean is being very good in that photo. I'll have to show it to my cats and explain that's how a crafter's cat should behave. So anyway, yes, I'd be interested in cat related crafting projects, but I don't knit or crochet or sew. Will there be non-sewing related projects available?
ReplyDeleteThat's a younger, thinner Bean. And lighter in color too. She was probably just less than a year when it was taken.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't so much a craft idea, but while you're taking suggestions...
ReplyDeleteI would love to see litter reunions (by photo of course). I love it when you get update photos. It would be super to see all of a litter as they are now.
I am so missing Emory Anderson-Erickson :)
I don't know how to knit; but, I do like to quilt and make general crafts. I'm interested, even in the knitting ones I most likely won't be able to do. :-)
ReplyDeleteBy the way, that is the first time I went to your other blog -- what a gorgeous blog!
Yes please for the crafts! I'm part of a monthly crafty (and cat-loving) group, and we're always looking for new ideas!
ReplyDeleteAdding another voice for kitty crafts!
ReplyDeleteThe mental image of the SparkleBean from the craft blog made me smile for quite a while!
ReplyDeleteI would like to learn about some simple craft how to's - I scrapbook, photograph, occasionally draw....and I have enough fabric for a pretty awesome quilt, but I don't have time until I finish grad school...
Yes, Please...I too am craftsy/artsy...I make pottery but love allllll things creative!!! And furry ;)
ReplyDeleteI am absolutely useless when it comes to knitting, sewing, painting, drawing, etc! But I am always in awe of such talented people. So, if you throw in some kittehs too: yay!
ReplyDeleteP.S. And I would have loved to see GlitterBean too!
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ReplyDeleteMy mother would love some crafty ideas of things to knit her grandkitties,since I don't have a creative bone in my body.
ReplyDeleteMom can't knit ~ but we'd read it anyway!
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm in! Knitting and cats go hand in hand at this home.
ReplyDeleteI knit and quilt and have cats and not enough time!! I am interested in finding out how we on the east coast can acquire some of Ms. Lalalaurie's lovely items... :-)
ReplyDeleteJust added your craft blog to my favs. All the time I have followed IBKC, I had no idea of your second life!! Also voted over at MS site. You are at 21%, you go girl!! And would love to see some crafty things over here...Jonni in AZ
ReplyDeleteCat beds, Catnip toys, fishing pole type toys. Cat hats. Holiday theme cat hats. (I want to annoy my 2 Maine Coons with hats...) I sew, tat ,cross stitch and bead. Can we have some knitting and some sewing? Can Bean teach us???????
ReplyDeleteI can't knit, nor do I really sew (unless sewing a button or patching up a hole counts) but I am crafty in other ways, and would be interested to see something that might help my kitties channel their destruct-er, I mean, their creative (!) impluses in a positive direction! ;)
ReplyDeleteDoh - helps if I re-read the post before I comment! OK, crafts FOR kitties, not BY kitties - although, as one poster said, there are options for kitties painting! Still, yes, I'd love to see some projects FOR kitties, though, if it involves knitting or sewing, I might have to take Elaine E's cue and bribe someone to make it for me! Or, if it involves beading, I could make them a beaded collar!
ReplyDeleteI am too much of a perfectionist to be able to create anything so I instead admire other's people crafts. I voted too.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea since I'm cat mad AND a crafter!!
Coming from a knitting blogger, yes I'd be interested in a kitty DIY project.
ReplyDeleteI'd LOVE to see some cute cat crafts, as I love to sew! I've made a few cat toys myself and would love to see some cat crafts from other folks.
ReplyDeleteCrafting would be a great way to fill the time between foster groups! Just don't short us on the cuteness of the kittens ;) As a knitter, I'd love to see what you do, craftwise.
ReplyDeleteHow do you dip your crepe paper flowers in wax without distorting their shape or clumping the wax?
ReplyDeleteDelightful post, thankyou!