When Charlene posted her message the other day, someone requested to see a picture of Ms Bean as a baby. If you ask any proud mama to see a picture of their baby, they will gladly oblige.
So, here you go. Here she is at 10 days (or so) when she was living in her foster home with foster moms, Kim and Sarah.
Charlene is just gorgeous. I can see the beginnings of the adult cat in the itty bitty kitty mostly around her cheek section. Thanks for sharing.
Charlene may look like a Birman, but I think anything this beautiful and exotic should have a breed all her own. I mean, she's a one-off. You KNOW the mold broke when she came out!
So, perhaps Charlene is a rare "Pacific Bathing Cat", or an "American Kitten-Herding Cat" or something like that. Her very own breed.
Yes, folks, I know you agree that she's that good.
Poor little Butterbean! What an itty bitty Bean she was! How fortunate she was to have found her way into Kim & Sarah's home and then yours. What a stunning cat she has become.
I loved Cynthia's comments speculating that Miss Butterbean is a new cat breed.
I've seen cute pictures of Ms. B, but to see her at 7 days old?!?!?
What an itty bitty jelly bean she was! Even the transformation between that picture and the "baby bean" pictures in your card set is tremendous!
I think a link to this should be put with her Butterbean Plea that she posted not long ago. Just to drive it home that she is not only a system success story, but a superstar!!!
Oh my goodness. What I like most is not even how itty bitty she was, but that she was raised by Kim and Sarah...and now the two of you are carrying on their important work!
Oh my goodness! I can't believe it's the same kitty! Miss B, you have grown from a slightly scrabbly looking but adorable little furball into a gorgeous floofy grownup lady. We heart you!
You are so lucky to have a photo of the Beanlet! I adopted my Sophie Girl as a young adult, and I've often wished I could have seen her as a kitten. Sometimes I look up pictures of dilute-tortie babies on the web in hopes of finding one that might have looked like her!
Having met Ms. Butterbean in feline, I can tell you that she who once seemed to be a scrappy little ball of downy softness is now surely the epitome of grace and beauty. Her love knows no bounds, as evidenced in the work she does everyday. Well met, Beautiful Butterbean!!
thanks for the lovely pics...she grew up to be such a wonderful beautiful gorgeous girl..I just wonder, how come as a tiny baby her fur was white? That's a transformation of the Bean..GORGEOOOOOUUUSSSS
A children's book!!! Laurie, after the fundraiser, you might think about it. It could be from Charlene's perspective: getting dropped off at the shelter... meeting foster parents... getting a furever home... helping take care of the new babies.... becoming an internet star... the happy ending: she gets a wing of the shelter named after her (with a little help from new internet friends)!!!
It would be a FANTASTIC way to introduce children (and adults) to the idea of adopting an animal from a shelter AND fostering!
OMG OMG OMG Laurie, please consider it! If you needed any help, I'd be all there, and I'm sure the rest of us would too!
Love, darin
p.s. I know you're super busy... *sheepishly grinning* but I just got excited by Anne's idea!
What a sweet little pussy willow baby she was; I would love to see pictures of her as she grew into the gorgeous lady she is now. Do you have any of her as a slightly older kitty? So adorable. Did you get into fostering because of your experience with Ms. Bean?
My kitties were fostered too. I'm hoping that, someday, when my life allows it (& I can afford it!), that I can do a little fostering myself.
Wow, she was an adorable little bean, wasn't she? If there was ever a case for cloning pets, Butterbean comes in a narrow second (behind Mooch, of course).
OH! you NEVER know what kind of loveliness you're gunna get from a siamezzie kitten! They morph into the most beautiful cats ever dont they?! Ms Bean certainly has.
Anne and Darin,, it would be fun to do a book with Charlene's story, but my dream is to do a coffee table kitten book. Anyone know an editor at Chronicle Books??
Wincey,,, yes, check the link that anon posted, there lots of baby bean and teen bean pics too.
Lily,,she just keeps getting darker and darker all the time. She was only white at first, then creamier then brown.
Wow, if you had posted that picture and asked who she grew up to be I would NEVER have guess Charlene Butterbean! She looks so different now I can't believe it. She was an adorable baby and is an adorable adult!
I believe that the fur transitions from white to darker colors due to environmental factors... the warmer areas stay creamy, the cooler areas have more pigment. That's the way it works in Siamese, at least. :-D
All dorking out aside, how cute was she???????????? How teeny!!!! I am going to go run to the link and investigate more pictures. I want to see when you can start to see her slight cross-eyes, which are my absolute favorite thing about her. It makes her even more endearing, I think.
And also, why not a coffee table book *and* a childrens book, Laurie? I think it's a fab idea!!!
Love all the babes and the Bean (and Drewey when she graces us with her presence)! Charlene reminds me of a cat my mom had who looked like a short hair part Himalayan/part racoon. She was pretty small, even fully grown, and was named Cheshire because of her little grin. Thanks for all the photos.
Who would have known from that tiny ball of fluff that she would have blossomed into such a beautiful Butterbean!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie she was! Charlene grew into such a beautiful cat from that sweet little baby kitten...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the lovely photo!
OMG, how amazing!! I can't believe that light colored little kitten became Miss Charlene. What a cutie!
ReplyDeletePlease don't mind the brains. Wow. What an adorable kitten she was!
wow, i keep going from bitsy to present - unbelievable transformation!!
ReplyDeletei thought she was bea-u-tiful now - what a doll as an itty bitty kitty!!!
How delightful! What a cute little baby Bean she was!
ReplyDeleteCharlene is just gorgeous. I can see the beginnings of the adult cat in the itty bitty kitty mostly around her cheek section. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteCharlene may look like a Birman, but I think anything this beautiful and exotic should have a breed all her own. I mean, she's a one-off. You KNOW the mold broke when she came out!
So, perhaps Charlene is a rare "Pacific Bathing Cat", or an "American Kitten-Herding Cat" or something like that. Her very own breed.
Yes, folks, I know you agree that she's that good.
Oh my gosh!!! Awwww! Charlene!!! Such a little baby!!!!!! Thank you so much. That was the best.
ReplyDeleteitty bitty is right!! I wouldn't even have recognized her!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a sweet fluffball - and what a classy kitty she has grown up to be!
ReplyDeleteHats off to Kim and Sarah for giving her such a great start, and for you for providing the loving home over which she so graciously reigns!
Poor little Butterbean! What an itty bitty Bean she was! How fortunate she was to have found her way into Kim & Sarah's home and then yours. What a stunning cat she has become.
ReplyDeleteI loved Cynthia's comments speculating that Miss Butterbean is a new cat breed.
There's a book in this. Better than the Ugly Duckling!
ReplyDeleteOMG OMG OMG
ReplyDeleteI've seen cute pictures of Ms. B, but to see her at 7 days old?!?!?
What an itty bitty jelly bean she was! Even the transformation between that picture and the "baby bean" pictures in your card set is tremendous!
I think a link to this should be put with her Butterbean Plea that she posted not long ago. Just to drive it home that she is not only a system success story, but a superstar!!!
Oh my goodness. What I like most is not even how itty bitty she was, but that she was raised by Kim and Sarah...and now the two of you are carrying on their important work!
ReplyDeleteShe is spectacular!
ReplyDeleteShe was a funny cutie who transformed into a beauty with so many skills and talents and endless love for all the itty bitties!
oh yeah...
Sweet mercy a teeny Bean!
ReplyDeleteIf I weren't already hopelessly in complete love with Ms. Charlene, her baby picture would have pushed me straight into lovesville.
POW! Laurie this is one heckuva haymaker round-house punch of a good posting!
What an adorable tiny baby and what a regal and beautiful kitty. :)
ReplyDeletehellOOOOOOOOOO baby beaner! what a transformation she went through...beautiful at every stage.
ReplyDeleteoh I can't wait for the quarantine to be over so that Charlene can get her paws on the new kittens (and we can revel in the pictures)
ReplyDeleteThere are no words... she is the beaniest & most beautiful!
ReplyDeleteWhat can't be seen outwardly is what an amazing amount of kitten love she has to give! I heart her soooo much!
Oh my goodness! I can't believe it's the same kitty! Miss B, you have grown from a slightly scrabbly looking but adorable little furball into a gorgeous floofy grownup lady. We heart you!
ReplyDeleteWow...what a cute, tiny little thing she was. She's such a beauty now...thanks for sharing >^..^<
ReplyDeleteMelszigg got it right... blossomed! what a girl. Charlene is gorgeous. And purrsonality to match. Hugs & scritchies for her!
ReplyDeleteYou're a rockstar Butterbean!!
ReplyDeleteOh to be a well loved cat...tis nothing more wonderful! Love the 'bean!
ReplyDeleteNo way! NO WAY! Never would have seen that one coming!
ReplyDeleteYou are so lucky to have a photo of the Beanlet! I adopted my Sophie Girl as a young adult, and I've often wished I could have seen her as a kitten. Sometimes I look up pictures of dilute-tortie babies on the web in hopes of finding one that might have looked like her!
ReplyDeleteShe had that serious, intense look all the way back in the nursery, didn't she?
ReplyDeleteSome day I'll get kitten pictures of my boy Brother, who I adopted (too long) after he was returned to the shelter (sad story).
ReplyDeleteAnyway though, Charlene deserves to have the world admire.
What Anne Boleyn said! Laurie, you should think about it... a Butterbean book would be awesome!
(And did I forget to say, "Awwwwwww!?")
Oh, what an adorable itsy bitsy baby Bean she was.
ReplyDeleteHaving met Ms. Butterbean in feline, I can tell you that she who once seemed to be a scrappy little ball of downy softness is now surely the epitome of grace and beauty. Her love knows no bounds, as evidenced in the work she does everyday. Well met, Beautiful Butterbean!!
ReplyDeletethanks for the lovely pics...she grew up to be such a wonderful beautiful gorgeous girl..I just wonder, how come as a tiny baby her fur was white? That's a transformation of the Bean..GORGEOOOOOUUUSSSS
ReplyDeletePerfect. We all LOVE Miss Butterbean. Does she speak Italian?
ReplyDeleteNow that's a Beanie Baby!
ReplyDeleteOMG *gaping*
ReplyDeleteA children's book!!! Laurie, after the fundraiser, you might think about it. It could be from Charlene's perspective: getting dropped off at the shelter... meeting foster parents... getting a furever home... helping take care of the new babies.... becoming an internet star... the happy ending: she gets a wing of the shelter named after her (with a little help from new internet friends)!!!
It would be a FANTASTIC way to introduce children (and adults) to the idea of adopting an animal from a shelter AND fostering!
OMG OMG OMG Laurie, please consider it! If you needed any help, I'd be all there, and I'm sure the rest of us would too!
p.s. I know you're super busy... *sheepishly grinning* but I just got excited by Anne's idea!
p.p.s. Beanie baby. *snerk*
A baby Bean is a beautiful Bean
ReplyDeleteThe babiest Bean that a baby has been
A baby Bean will blossom and grow
To the beautiful, buttery Bean that we know!
What a sweet little pussy willow baby she was; I would love to see pictures of her as she grew into the gorgeous lady she is now. Do you have any of her as a slightly older kitty? So adorable. Did you get into fostering because of your experience with Ms. Bean?
ReplyDeleteMy kitties were fostered too. I'm hoping that, someday, when my life allows it (& I can afford it!), that I can do a little fostering myself.
Beautiful floofy bebeh Bean. I don't know why but her expression reminds me of Orsons baby expression.
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Houston
@Wincey, check out this blog entry, there you will find an extended Butterbean retrospective :-D
ReplyDelete@Melissa, great! Wouldn't that be a wonderful dedication for the Butterbook project?
- Nadine
Too beautiful. We just adopted our first kitty. Half ragdoll half hymi. It's love!
ReplyDeleteWow, she was an adorable little bean, wasn't she? If there was ever a case for cloning pets, Butterbean comes in a narrow second (behind Mooch, of course).
ReplyDeleteOH! you NEVER know what kind of loveliness you're gunna get from a siamezzie kitten! They morph into the most beautiful cats ever dont they?! Ms Bean certainly has.
ReplyDeleteBaby Bean! Baby Bean grew up to become the luckiest kitty in the world. (other than my own, of course.) :)
ReplyDeleteOMG she looks so different. Ms. Bean sounds like such a good kitty. Doing fundraising and raising itty bitty orphans!
ReplyDeleteAdorable baby, gorgeous adult!
ReplyDeleteAbout what age did she get her adult markings, by the way? I know my girl got her less fuzzy, adult coat at around 4-5 months...
She was so teeny!! What an adorable little fuzzball and what a beautiful cat she's grown into. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeletePS - I'd love to see more pics!
Cynthia! HEE HEE! LOVE your breed suggestions!!
ReplyDeleteAnne and Darin,, it would be fun to do a book with Charlene's story, but my dream is to do a coffee table kitten book. Anyone know an editor at Chronicle Books??
Wincey,,, yes, check the link that anon posted, there lots of baby bean and teen bean pics too.
Lily,,she just keeps getting darker and darker all the time. She was only white at first, then creamier then brown.
Wow, if you had posted that picture and asked who she grew up to be I would NEVER have guess Charlene Butterbean! She looks so different now I can't believe it. She was an adorable baby and is an adorable adult!
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe that cutest little gray fur ball turned into a beautiful girl with such different colouring.
ReplyDeletewhat a cutie pie
I really do mean this in this nicest way, but Charlene's cute baby picture reinforces the old adage that all babies look like Sir Winston Churchill.
ReplyDeleteShe was a beautiful baby!
ReplyDeleteI believe that the fur transitions from white to darker colors due to environmental factors... the warmer areas stay creamy, the cooler areas have more pigment. That's the way it works in Siamese, at least. :-D
ReplyDeleteAll dorking out aside, how cute was she???????????? How teeny!!!! I am going to go run to the link and investigate more pictures. I want to see when you can start to see her slight cross-eyes, which are my absolute favorite thing about her. It makes her even more endearing, I think.
And also, why not a coffee table book *and* a childrens book, Laurie? I think it's a fab idea!!!
Nothing says "pretty" quite like a long-haired kitty.
ReplyDeleteNothing says "pretty" quite like a long-haired kitty.
ReplyDeleteI hope no one takes it the wrong way, but I think Butterbean is cuter fully grown than a kitten. But she's still cute as a kitten.
ReplyDeleteLove all the babes and the Bean (and Drewey when she graces us with her presence)! Charlene reminds me of a cat my mom had who looked like a short hair part Himalayan/part racoon. She was pretty small, even fully grown, and was named Cheshire because of her little grin. Thanks for all the photos.