Name: Miranda LaBath
Nickname: I don't really have any yet. I'm just Miranda, so far.
Describe yourself in 20 words or less: I am a sweet and loyal polka-dotted girl. Where ever you are, I would like to be there too.
What are your hobbies? I like perching on shoulders while rubbing my face against yours. I also enjoy watching the human-folk scoop my litter box. It's just fascinating. Oh,, I also play a little guitar.
Favorite toy: I do enjoy batting at Charlene's tail, but I was told that's not a toy, so I guess I would have to say shoelaces.
Dislikes: I don't like being alone. None of us do.
Dream-home: I'll be happy just about anywhere, as long as I'm getting lots of love, and have a sister by my side. I doesn't matter which one, I love them all the same.
An interesting fact about me: I am the most vocal of all the LaBath girls. I'm the one who's crying at the bedroom door in the morning, waiting to come out for my breakfast. Did you know I have angel wings on my back too? They are just like Enid's, but they're in the middle of a bunch of other spots.
Minor Imperfection:I have hard time keeping my nose clean (literally). You can look at me and tell what I had for breakfast. I'm usally still wearing it.
Why should you adopt me? Two words. Polka Dots. Or is that one word? Polkadot. Either way,, I'm cute. And who doesn't need more cute in their life.
Strangely, none of the fabulous LaBath Ladies have been spoken for yet. These girls are going out in pairs. I just can't split them up. They are so, so close.
SO if you're fabulous too, and need a pair of cute little girl kitties in your life, please send me an email today. They'll be ready to go out the door VERY soon.
I wish I lived on that side of the country, because I absolutely love these little kitties - I'd definitely adopt two!
ReplyDeleteI feel so fickle, but I'm really not because I still love the IBKs that I loved in each litter (Hear that, Porter Pot Pie?), but I am totally taken with the LaBath sisters. They make me feel weak when I think about them too much. It makes me so happy that they will stay in pairs! (Plus, that might make it take an itty bitty bit longer to find the perfect forever families so we'd get to spend more time with them).
ReplyDeleteAwww Miss Miranda is such a cutie pie!!
ReplyDeleteLove her lots and i would have but I am not in the same country as her.
How can it be that they haven't been claimed yet? Did people not see the wings? or the toes? or the yawns? or the guitar? or the bellies? or the polka dots? or the splotches on the noses?
ReplyDeleteI just don't get it.
If only I didn't just buy a home in MN I'd have to come visit and fall in love.
Clearly people are worried they aren't worthy of a set of LaBath Sisters.
ReplyDeleteSweet, sweet Miranda. Somewhere out there is the perfect home for you and a sis. You'll find it soon. Until then, enjoy all the lovin' from Miss Laurie & Miss Sue. (Ladies, please give her some lovin' from Auntie Shana).
ReplyDeleteBoy, if I didn't have a tiny house and three big spoiled kitties already...they would be mine. C'mon people!!
ReplyDeleteAw, I am sure these kitties will find a forever home as a pair - what a delight for any worthy person!
ReplyDeleteI know some Tacoma folks. I'll spread the word.
ReplyDeleteMiranda, you're darling.
Not just one but a SET of LaBath Ladies? The chance of a lifetime. They're waaaiting...!
ReplyDeleteI sent a picture of the kitty wings to my sister.. She thought that they looked more like Groucho Marx eyebrows... hehehehehehehe.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe no one has come for them yet. They'd make wonderful presents for a worthy and informed family. (Note I am not advocating giving real animals as gifts to unsuspecting families.) I've been watching over my foster for 3 months now and have had little luck. But then she's very grouchy when she's at the adoption drive. If she'd learn to get along better with my other cats and learn to like being held, I may just adopt her myself.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh I want a pair of LaBaths so bad! I wonder if I could force my Seattlite boyfriend to adopt them...
ReplyDeleteJason - Bless you for going the distance with your foster kitty. I'm sure you know that some kitties just don't like being held. That's okay. Some of the best kitties prefer four-on-the-floor. I hope you consider keeping her yourself. These things tend to work themselves out for the best.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe these ladies haven't been scooped right up! If I didn't have my own herd, I would gobble Ms Miranda and Georgette right up. I have my own spotted gato, white with black spots and he is the best cat I have ever had. I too am completely taken with these ladies. I swear its the polka-spots.
ReplyDeleteIf only I were on the Tacoma side of the Atlantic...........
ReplyDeleteBut hang in there. The furry little angels deserve the best home ever, and that could take a while.
Meantime, enjoy the beautiful girls.
That's all you need to be Miranda - Just Miranda, perfect in every way.
ReplyDeleteCome on people, you need a pair of LaBaths!
If I lived over that side o't Pond, I'd scoop them all up! I have four big boy kitties who could do with being bossed by a lovely lady kitty. Or several. The Labath girls are just gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteMiranda needs a nick name.
ReplyDeletei think I shall cal her...Moo.
Its Purrfect for her!
If I lived out there, I'd adopt all four of them.
ReplyDeleteOh, Miranda... you are so adorable! I love that you'll get to take a sister with you wherever you go!
ReplyDelete"Sisters, sisters...there were never such devoted sisters..."
I don't know how people can't adopt all four of them together. They are so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAwww! I wish I could adopt a kitten!! Damn my going to college.
ReplyDeleteI share names with her and she's sooooo adorable!
I was exploring the blog, and I saw the vampire post, and I saw my name and I was like "AW! Omg she's so cute!"