You guys aren't going to believe this. Cornelius got adopted on Sunday. It all happened very, very fast.
On Saturday, I got an email from Kristin, a Tacoma gal, who was in search of a kitty. She had lost her 17-year-old cat this last summer, and she was ready to bring the pitter-patter of paws back into her home. She sounded like a wonderful mama for him, so I emailed her right back and we arranged for a meet and greet on Sunday. She came over, they met and fell in love, and thirty minutes later, he was gone.
My head is still spinning. I was a little more prepared for Maddie's departure. It was a longer process, so there was a little more time to say goodbye. This was shockingly fast, and I can hardly believe he is gone.
But he is.
The last night we had together was a special one. Lottie and Willamena were over at Kim's house, Maddie was on her way to Texas, so Craig and I had him all to ourselves. We hung out together all night. We played with all his favorite toys. We played all his favorite games. We gave him lots and lots of cuddles. Charlene loved not having to share him with the other kitties. They played hard and chased each other all over the house.
It was interesting seeing Cornelius as an individual, and not just one of the kitty collective. I think without having to play his role of ring-leader and main trouble-instigator, he was a different kitty. I saw more facets to his personality, when I thought I knew him so well.
We all went to bed, and in the middle of the night, I woke up and peeked into his bedroom. He hopped up, so I came in the room and said hello. When I left the room and closed the door, he started crying. I came back in, and climbed into bed with him. He purred and purred ( the low purrs and the high, excited, squeaky ones too) and he climbed all over me. He rubbed up against my face and under my chin. This was the first night he had ever been separated from his siblings, so of course, the poor little fellow was lonely. Eventually he did settle in. We snuggled and I told him about Maddie's big adventure. I stayed with him until the purring stopped and I knew for sure he was sound asleep, then I slipped out of the room.
I am glad we had this evening together. It made me realize that he doesn't necessarily need the other kittens, he just needs company. I know he's going to get lots of company in his new home, and plenty of love. Our little boy is going to be just fine.
I'm so glad Cornelius got adopted as well. He is such a charmer and he looks so handsome in his red collar. And what a special night you got to spend with him.
ReplyDeleteI'm so very happy Cornelius has been adopted. I was growing quite attached to him as I was reading about him over the past several weeks. I have two kitties of my own and no room to take in any other, though I'd adopt them all if I had the means, especially Cornelius.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to all the itty bitties.
When I first started reading this blog I felt inspired. I was going to make a difference by fostering kittens! Now the more I read over the last week, the more I realize that my heart might not survive. You all do such wonderful things. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI'm sitting here just sobbing about Cornelius' story. Congratulations Laurie on a job well done for all of the IBKC kitties! Hats off to you and way to go!
ReplyDeleteMelissa, please know that it's people like you who are the best kitty fosters. It is a bit heart breaking, but in a sweet and very rewarding sort of way. And when they're gone, you can go get more! The bottom line is that it saves lives. It's worth the tears.
ReplyDeleteyay Cornelius! I have been checking with bated breath. Now we can all breathe easy! Happy Holidays IBKC!!!
ReplyDeleteyay cornelius! i got teary eye-ed reading your account of the last night. so sweet. hugs.
ReplyDeleteI miss him already. But I'm so glad he found a loving home.
ReplyDeleteMaddie has a message for Cornelius:
ReplyDeleteHi Cornelius! I miss you but I am excited you have found a new home. You will love it. My new home is awesome! You'll get all the pets and kisses you can handle!
Aww. Yay for Cornelius! I'll miss seeing him on the blog. So glad that all 4 itty bitty kitties have found homes!
ReplyDeleteI'm SO glad Cornelius has a forever home! I kept telling a friend I was flying to SeaTac to git 'im! With all four spoken for, does that mean a new crew will appear?
ReplyDeletebye-bye little cornelius. i'm so glad you found a permanent home! be a good boy for your new mama.
ReplyDeleteYeah Cornelius! Go baby go! I knew somebody would fall in love with you just like we did. We will miss you and we hope your new Mommy will send us pics every once in a while. We just know your new Mommy was meant for you. That's how it happens. In minutes (seconds even) just like magic.
ReplyDeleteHugs, kisses and smooches dear Cornelius.
What a sweet little boy. Have a good life, Cornelius.
ReplyDeleteIf Cornelius' new mommy had a catsoul for 17 years, she'll provide a truly wonderful home for our little hero. Hooray! He's such a sweet darling, as they all are (thanks to you fostering families). And yes - are there new babies coming for us to all fall in love with all over again? (After I see your darling babies I always go give my darling babies more smooching and cuddling than they want; they love it!)
ReplyDeleteI'm happy the two of you had some special time together before his departure, what a blessing!!! (But it's so sad I'm crying here.) His new mama is soooo lucky to have him. Did he remember to pack his bowtie before he left? Lots of love and hugs going out to sweet Cornelius, and to you too, for being such a wonderful and loving foster Mom. There's no way I could ever do what you do; my heart isn't nearly brave enough. *hug*
ReplyDeleteAwww...Cornelius sounds like he's going to be a *very* lovey kitteh for his new forever home :3
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm glad he has a new forever home now :3
(BTW, will you be fostering more little foundlings and sharing their life stories with us?)
What wonderful news for Cornelius! Christmas in a new, forever home...will miss seeing his pictures on the blog though ;)
ReplyDeleteI knew it would happen, I am so happy for Cornelius! Hurrah!
ReplyDelete(I think I'm a bit attached to him as he reminds me of our little catboy.)
I can't stand this! On the one hand I am so happy for all involved, and on the other I am a basket case. That little boy is really special and this picture of him shows a new strong side that I hadn't looked for before. Rock on!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to darling Cornelius and all the Committee! He looks so growed-up in his new collar. Blessings on you _and_ them.
ReplyDeleteI think this picture is one of the best of Cornelius.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad he get adopted and will have a happy life. Although I'll miss all of them.
Hello everyone!!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say that Cornelius got a great new home!! It's actually my sister who adopted him and she will give him the best home possible! Great things are in store for that itty bitty!!