This time of year the Foster Room is a very active place. The cages are usually at full capacity with kittens that are waiting to head out to their foster home or to other rescue organizations, or ones that have been returned to the shelter for their spay or neuter surgery. There are mama cats with their babies, pregnant mamas about to give birth, neonates, and orphans. When the room overflows, there are additional banks of cages in the hall to spill into.

You have to keep your sense of humor as you navigate through the chaotic days. Sarah, Patty, and the volunteers all do their best to keep things light.

Every three weeks, foster kittens get weigh-ins and vaccines. This adorable little fellow made weight, so he'll be on the surgery schedule soon.

I got a chance to say hello to this fuzzy cutie on my visit.

The Foster Room bulletin board is filled with all sorts of cute photos of former foster cats and kittens. See anybody you know? Hint: they are Fishkins.

This sign always makes me chuckle.

Here's the wall-o-Friskies. As you can imagine, they go through a tremendous amount of food each day. A donation of $15 will buy a case of Friskies for the Foster Room.

A $50 donation will by a case of "the good stuff" -- Royal Canin Kitten Food.

And the litter. They literally go through tons of litter every season.

So many kittens have medical issues and require medication -- it's a huge expense for the foster program.

They use kitty carrier of all sizes -- small ones to transport single kittens and extra-large ones to carry mama cats with their babies. These range from $25 - $75 each.

Though traffic is heavy with these kittens coming and going all day, staff and volunteers always find the time to give everyone the attention and love they need.
Here's a note from one of the Bath Brigade team members who work hard to keep the kittens clean.
It reads "Both babies groomed, bathed, front nails clipped. Tried to be SCARY, but are really sweet."
That made me smile.

The Foster Program is so special -- it gives bright starts to so many kittens. I do hope you'll choose to support it today with a donation.
And don't forget, we've got a matching donation challenge today. It's a big one, $5000K, but it's going kind of slow this morning. At three hours in we've raised $500, so we still have a long way to go! I do you you'll jump in soon so we can max out the generous match!
To make your tax-deductible donation and have your dollars matched by are Awesome Anonymous Donor, please visit our FUNdraising page.
Thank so much! More to come!
Kittens who try to convince you they are Scary and Fierce crack me up. Yes, yes, little one, I'm terrified. XD
ReplyDeleteOn a totally different subject, I figured out what breed Charlene is: the rare Queen Bean. No one knows how the breed came to be. They're extremely rare, and extremely intelligent, gorgeous, and good-natured. ;)
I've tried to give our kitten wet Royal Canin and they just turn their noses up at it. (Ditto wet Hill Science).