It's hard to believe, but out big fundraiser isn't that far off! As you probably recall, in addition to our normal posts and the pleas for donations during the fundraiser, I always sprinkle in a lot of alumni updates. This year, I thought it would be fun to schedule some visits with our adopting families, photograph them with their grown-up IBKs, and do a little interview. Won't that be fun??!!
But I need your help.
I have a few kitties in mind, but I would LOVE to hear who you would like to see. I'm not in contact with every family who has adopted, but I'll do my best to reach out to the families of your favorites and share their stories with you in July.
So, tell me, please. Who would you like to see?
The Darlings, particularly Selma and Francine.
ReplyDeleteThis! The Darlings showed up right when I lost my kitty of 16 years so that litter has a very special place in my heart.
DeleteAbsolutely Francine Darling. That fussy little face in the background that I'd know anywhere!
DeleteI would love to see how Gaetano Fortunato and Linus Medley are doing!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely the Mittenflosses.
ReplyDeleteI second this!! I follow them on Instagram already, but one cannot have too much Mittenfloss!
DeleteMITTENFLOSSES! Heck Yes! Their Instagram is one of my favourites.
DeleteMine too! Huge fan of Bart and Darcy. But... the Mittenfloss page hasn't been up for the last few days. I really hope all is ok with Sara.
Delete(I don't have an Instagram account; I just bookmarked it and visit often -- ok, daily -- but that shouldn't matter (??). And the page isn't marked "private" or anything, it has just come up as unavailable/can't be found the last several days.)
Hubie Darling, oh Hubie and Baxter Lamb, because orange tabbies are my favorite!
ReplyDeleteThe Drapers! Oh how I love Gordon
ReplyDeleteWell of course I'd be happy to see any updates, but I must admit a special hankering to know how these guys are doing:
ReplyDelete-- Please oh please, the triplets that all went to one family!! (the Lively bunch... Lambert, Fiona and Truman)
-- Walter and Ira Finch
-- Kenneth, Buster, Susannah and Tilda Tortellini Wiggins
-- Priscilla Batsel
-- Fern Lyttleton
-- Oliver Furman
Absolutely Fern Littleton, the "cute little spout" photo is one of my all time favorites :-D
DeleteLarry and I would love to see Kenneth's siblings!!
DeleteShelby and Pearla Dearborn!
ReplyDeleteYes Pearla please
DeleteSheldon Dearborn tweets as @DammitSheldon. Sometimes "he" talks about his sister Pearla too!
DeleteOh, ANY alumni at all! Glad for the reminder; Evangeline and Lilliane can begin their pre-fund-raiser fund raising for their contribution.
ReplyDeleteSeeing I love Black and White kitties I would love to see any of the grown up black and white kittens you fostered.
ReplyDeleteEpecially the Anderson-Ericksons who are my favourite litter ever... :D
I'll be happy to see any and all alumni updates but I do love me some gray tabby boys. :-)
ReplyDeletePoe and Marigold, please!
ReplyDeleteShrimp Louis!
ReplyDeleteNorman Ashby. I've been smitten with him since he was the brave one who approached Drewey when no one else would. Brave little floof ball. *swoon*
ReplyDeleteAny of the ginger kittens who have passed thru your doors!
ReplyDeleteShrimp Louie Small. That sweet boy just captured my heart.
ReplyDeleteI second Shrimp Louie Small! Also Marigold and Poe!
ReplyDeleteSheldon and Pearla, please.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite post to revisit on your site is "Gordon Draper: Saddest Kitten in the World." I would love to know how he is.
ReplyDeleteMy other favorite is Georgie Bartlett. I hope he has gone on to a life with lots of toys.
Miss Rhoda Darling, who captured my heart first.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Framboises.
Rhoda's "asleep at the wheel" picture is my all-time favorite IBKC picture!
Any of them; Gorgeous Kittens always become Handsome Cats, so it makes no difference who we see, we know they will all be cute, beaut, and BIG, well compared to their early days!
ReplyDeleteI can't remember which kitten it was, but he went to your neighbor's home with the three children and Christmas time. They were SO happy and I recall it was one of your favorite adoption stories. I'd love to see the kids with him now!
ReplyDeleteGraham Loudermilk. Yes, please.
DeleteI'll be pleased to see anybody, but I'd particularly love to hear from the Bartletts, the Trimbles, and the Lamms.
DeleteHarlan Lovejoy is my all-time favorite. I have such a soft spot for gingers.
ReplyDeleteAny of the Lamms, Shrimp Louie, and Wiley Knapp! But all updates are welcome -- it's so good to see them doing well! Thanks for asking.
ReplyDeleteOh and also the Musselman/Furman family! I loves a big kitty.
ReplyDeleteGeraldine, Kenneth, Perla, The LaBath Ladies, Royal and Louie Small, please.
ReplyDeleteOr any long haired or ginger kitten.
Oh and you KNOW we need to see how Nigel and Mimsey are doing! Tell your parents thanks for us. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see Poe and Marigold again! Those two were special.
ReplyDeleteJosephine Bunny Ashby because she was so cute but especially because she was very like my own dear departed Tilly.
ReplyDeleteEddie Lamm, shrimp Louie, and Audrey Stout!
ReplyDeleteYes, Audrey please!
ReplyDeletePoe and Marigold! I was so in love with those babies!
ReplyDeleteI still have a soft spot for the Mittenflosses and Posey Framboise. Also, agree that hearing about Audrey Stout would be fun.
ReplyDeletePearla, please. Thanks
ReplyDeleteMy favorite, of course, was Charles Laurent Gibson. But to expand on that - it would be fun to perhaps focus on some of those kittens and families whose names were auctioned off for the fundraiser.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great idea! I'd love to know how Cassie Nicole Dinichi is doing.
DeleteCassie Nicole is now Lucy (aka The Goose) and is doing great! She has a great big window to nap by and chirp at the birds and squirrels. ; )
DeleteThanks, Cathy! Lucy is a great name! Glad to know she's a contented kitty.
DeleteWarren. Or Warren. Or Warren, LOL. But seriously, any and all! All Alumni updates, and especially notes or interviews with their humans, will help anyone anywhere tuning in who might be hesitating to adopt (or to adopt more) to see how happy adoptive families are with their decisions! And this will lead to more adoptions all over. Good on you!
ReplyDeleteWe have a TNR (trap-neuter-release)unit here now, and having had to quit the cat sick room in '14 because my now-aging and already longtime touchy skin couldn't take all the hands-washing etc, I plan to start volunteering with it as soon as some human medical matters are resolved. So I'll be doing what I can on the over-supply end, if far away. Adoptions and efforts add up-- some regional shelters now sometimes have to ask around.
Sounds from the new shelter director that all I'll need is my live trap (only occasional bleach etc etc exposure, to clean that). Anyone tuning in whose skin is also a Drama Queen but looking for a way to help, you may want to consider TNR work. I think TNRs are getting more common in more places now. -- from Arowyn
Tressa Lovejoy please - my favorite kitten ever!
ReplyDeleteAll of them, especially the first dozen or so families, LOL. Or the Finches, Spooners, Darlings, Ashbys. Also Marie-Noir Suprenant because she looked like my first kitty.
ReplyDeleteRhode Darling. Still my favorite, with Geraldine a very close second. Any Bartletts.
ReplyDeleteYes, Tressa Lovejoy! Any of the Bouviers - they were the resident kittens when I started reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteLinus! My favorite kitten ever.
ReplyDeletePoe and Marigold Starling!!
ReplyDeletePoe and Marigold Starling and all of their toesies!!
ReplyDeleteI can't WAIT to see the new fundraising set! Haha. (Yes, I'm laughing before I seeit because it's so darn CUTE.) Do the new kittens-to-be know there will be some work involved when they arrive?
ReplyDeleteIt would be great to see recent-ish graduates with pics of their gradual growing up.
Btw, are any of the kittens that you fostered indoor/outdoor cats now? With the sheer number of graduates I assume so; some of them must have gone to homes (rural, suburban) where that works.
Bibi Winkler please! I will love that little sassy girl forever <3
ReplyDeleteThe Finch brothers, please!
ReplyDeletePoe! Marigold! Cannot wait for July!!!
ReplyDeleteEnid and Hester Sue Labath
ReplyDeleteKenneth cross-wording Wiggins
Gift of Graham Loudermilk
Evie Kibblesmith and Delphine & Maeve
Floofy and proud Norman Ashby
Jimmy Tipton
Heartbreakin' Harlan and Nelson Lovejoy
The Darling Darlings, definitely, especially Rhoda (Poppy) and Francine. The entries for that first fundraiser are still some of my favorite posts here, especially the one with all the calls for Hubie...
ReplyDeleteAlso would like to see Audrey Stout (wonder if she'd remember Wylla?) and Hazel and Effie, and Fern, and Geraldine... I already follow @DammitSheldon so I see Sheldon and Pearla news occasionally, but would love to see some more pictures.
The Dearborns' and the Lamms' , please ! I love the siamese mixed kittens ! And this is also a very good idea . Alumni updates is actually my definitive favourite .
ReplyDeleteAny chance of an update on Langston Von Tussle?
ReplyDeleteWillamena Bouvier! The kitten that brought so many of us here all those years ago =)
ReplyDeleteThe Dearborns! I think they were the current litter when I first started following IBKC.
ReplyDeleteAnd her sis, Maddie, please! Best adoption story ever!
ReplyDeletePEARLA and SHELDON!!!! (please!)
ReplyDeleteEllie "the belly" Plunkett! She looks so much like my black cat - also named Ellie. I'd love to see how she's grown up.