We're anxious, but we're fine. I've enjoyed giving lots of attention to Charlene and Wylla, and they've enjoyed receiving it! We've been really focused on giving them both more exercise. Wylla's in top form, but Bean put on some weight this summer. It all started in June when we were gone for three weeks, and though they got lots of attention when Sarah visited them, there were many inactive hours during that stretch.

When we got back and got kittens, I had a really hard time keeping her out of their food. She was completely obsessed with it, and so very sneaky, so she managed to steal enough to make a noticeable change in her her physique. She has slimmed down tiny bit since the last batch left, but there's still work to be done.
As I've mentioned before, because of her Hyperesthesia we need to keep her stress triggers at a minimum. Nothing stresses her out more than not being able to snack when she wants too, so we have to allow her to free feed, which I know is not ideal for an overweight cat, but we don't want her to be anxious all of the time.
Exercise is key for Bean, so Craig and I have both been trying to play with her more often. Currently, her favorite toy is a feather wand, and we can get her moving with that. She doesn't play long, so we try to do it multiple times a day rather than once long session. Wylla loves the wand, and really needs that stimulation, so she takes a few turns with it as well. Though these sessions are short, it does get both of girls wound up, so when we're're done playing with the wand, they often chase each other and wrestle a bit getting extra exercise. The feather wand acts as a great warm-up.
We've done similar exercise regimes in the past with success, so I know it can work, we just have to keep it up. That's the hard part. We get busy with other life stuff and our kitties don't get all that they need. I've got an alarm set on my phone now, so four times a day I am reminded to drop what I'm doing and spend some time playing with the girls. Bean's not always ready to go, but Wylla is ALWAYS game.

Just a few minutes ago the Dinichi cards landed on my doorstep. FINALLY! I was starting to get a little nervous there -- they were due to arrive last week, the printer went AWOL and wasn't responding to my calls or emails. All is well now, the cards turned out really great, I'm so please, and they're now available in the shop. If you would care to take a closer look or pick up a set, visit HERE. The Kitten Magazine cards were restocked last week and are available HERE.

I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope to be back later today to announce the arrival of kittens. Keep your fingers crossed, folks! The second I hear anything we will let you know!
Oh, please let today be the day!
Wylla on her back, paws tucked up, eyes pleading for playtime. Please play with her, Mom! A kitty that cute should not be denied. *G*
ReplyDelete.../how/ do you resist the belly floof?
ReplyDeleteWe recently got this feeder that slows down the crunchie gulping for our free feeding four by making them work to paw it out: http://amzn.to/2cCB4Ll
ReplyDeleteAahh that irresistble Floofy Belly lure - Wylla has laid her trap well. The CT Maine Coons applaud her efforts and sympathize with Beanie and her KitKAt Fit Club.
ReplyDeleteThat is a most fine belly, isn't it? Top quality. Four stars on Yelp. Or, Yowl. Whichever cats use.
DeleteIt's been a little over a year now since our 9yr-old, very fat cat (he's had a metabolism problem since he was a year old) got switched to raw food and the change in him is almost unbelievable. He's down to his perfect, healthy weight, he's more content than ever before and he takes care of his own exercise regime because he's got the friskies a lot more often and races around the house with his little sister. It's been amazing to witness. We are so grateful a friend suggested the raw food to us so I'm just putting it out there in case it can help someone else's beloved kitty.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious if you could keep her from stealing kitten food by feeding the kittens in an enclosed space with a kitten-sized opening.
ReplyDeleteI usually suggest that to our adopting families who have adult cat in their home, but for the little ones, it's best there's not too much of a barrier, so we try to just pick up the food when their door is open and they are out and about. With the last litter, Bean figured out how to open up the door to their room and gain access to the 24/7 kitten buffet. We've fixed the latch now and she can't get in on her own, which should help matters tremendously.
DeleteMy Feline Americans have gained weight this summer too, and I don't know why, except that it's been very very hot and they've spent many hours curled up in the air conditioned basement. Time to get the exercise routine going again -- for all of us! I need a way to work them out while I work out.
ReplyDeleteWell, sounds like Bean has the exact same problem as many of use middle-aged ladies :-D
ReplyDeleteI forget how Charlene feels about a harness. Would she go for walks with her sister or does she do the dramatic flop/dead kitty like some do?
ReplyDeletehere's the answer to your question: http://www.theittybittykittycommittee.com/2013/10/you-cant-teach-middle-aged-cat-new.html