Wylla's tolerance is a fair amount lower, and I'm guessing If you asked her about it, she would tell you that I love her too much. She does enjoy a certain amount of affection, and seeks it many times each day, but I really do push her limits. Often, when I reach out to Wylla for some love, I'm met with a look that says "REALLY, Mom? AGAIN?" Sometimes she'll let out a tiny cry of disapproval that sounds like "Noooooo".
I can't help myself. I try to keep it all in check, but I am physically unable to do so.
Are you the same way? Are guilty of giving your cat more love than they would prefer to have? If you asked your cat these questions, would they give the same answers that you do?
I can't help myself. I try to keep it all in check, but I am physically unable to do so.
Are you the same way? Are guilty of giving your cat more love than they would prefer to have? If you asked your cat these questions, would they give the same answers that you do?

Oh, I definitely annoy my little Dude with how much I love him. BUT he does come to me when he wants a kiss on the top of his head. He head butts my lips. :) I love it. Just like you, I can't help but love him to pieces.
ReplyDeleteI love my little girl too, but she's DEFINITELY a "Daddy's Little Girl" and often wipes away the kisses I give her.
Yes, I admit...I do want to give Kai more attention than he wants. And I dare to do so on MY schedule.
ReplyDeleteBut I restrain myself to nanoseconds of holding...he still does not feel safe being held (former stray\community kitty) UNLESS he plants himself on my lap.
I describe Pixel as a very independent little lady. She loves us on her terms, and how dare we get all up in her grill. Nonetheless, I am usually all up in her business and can't help myself. She likes having her alone time, but will seek out my husband for playtime - she idolizes him...
ReplyDeleteMy coworker - who is also gaga over her cats - tells her's to "pay their rent" and tolerate the smooches for a bit.
Our cat Ollie was so affectionate it was simply not possible to give him too much affection. If we were around he wanted to be on us, beside us or with us! It was sometimes frustrating when you wanted to move or do something without an Ollie accompaniment and couldn't without a mew of protest, but now he is no longer with us I miss that so much. Our other cat Gabriel loves us, but expresses it on his terms and to his own timeline.
ReplyDeletePearla is the same way - she's semi-tolerant but it's her love on her terms. She often gives me a "look" and a little "mmmmm" sound if I pick her up. I suppose I compromise by not pushing it and putting her down fairly quickly.
ReplyDeleteSheldon tends to be clingier and wants to be near/on me more often.. so I'm rarely without SOME kitty love.
YES! We are adopting 2 kittens this week to give our 2 aging adult cats a break from the non stop love! LOL! :D
ReplyDeleteOh yes, we ahve too, the girl is great and can take pretty much all the love you want to give her, she just purrs her fuzzy head off when you pick her up. Her brother is another story, he wants fuss on his terms, if he's not interested then he wanders off, and he is HUGE so if he wants to go he is off. Occasionally I'll get him in a hug and just not let go, it feels a little mean but after a short while he give up, flops over for belly rubs and purrs, so I only feel SOOO guilty
ReplyDeleteMy 2yo female Siamese mix more like Wylla. But my 3 males, 2-15 yo, are grabbers, they pull my hand back towards themselves to say"we're not done with rubbing yet". Gail
ReplyDeleteI have three cats with three different love personalities: one "I call the shots, so back off" female, one "love me love me" male, and one "sure, why not . . . OK done now" male.
ReplyDeleteMy girl is a love on my terms girl - but she was a stray and didn't have any interest in cuddles when she came to live with us three years ago. Lots of gentle attention and respecting her hard nos (but maybe not some soft protests) now have her coming and demanding affection, head butting and just being a cuddle bug. Plus she's much easier to pick up now and starting to tolerate necessities like nail trimming.
ReplyDeleteMy boy, however, came to us as a total suck and he requires love and attention all the time. Its nice, but can make it hard to get around sometimes.
I am guilty of overuse of the "semi-automatic kissing machine", as demonstrated by Paul Klussman in his Engineer's Guide to Cat Yodelling video.
ReplyDeleteI love the Engineer's Guide to Cats videos!
DeleteWe employ Paul's technique of Corporal Cuddling which our cats find highly annoying.
DeleteReilly is like "bring on the loving!". Miss Sprite is like "make a lap right after a meal and then leave me alone". My mom had a cat, Syliva, who could not stand to be put down! Her best Christmas was 5 hours passed from lap to lap! She cried when she was put on the couch.
ReplyDeleteI have a super-dooper love fest boy. My 80 year old mother has never seen a cat with such a high threshold for "da lurve". I've had to learn that cat time is highly productive time - honest!
ReplyDeleteDaiquiri is very much "ok enough of that" :)
ReplyDeleteI've just adopted two new girls (5 months old) from the shelter and we are working hard to train them to be snuggle bunnies. I've had the range from just-a-little to never-stop over the years with the previous residents. But usually they'd accept with good grace....for a bit anyway.
ReplyDeleteZoubi gets really annoyed- and gives me a warning purr-meow after about 15 seconds- she has always been "unpickupable" so we don't even go there. But India is like a ragdoll and she really tries to let us hug her. But it works for them both!
ReplyDeleteMy Rosie hates hates HATES being picked up. If I try to pet her, she bites. But my husband is heaven to her. I think she looks into my eyes and sees the dog I want someday looking back at her.
ReplyDeleteNeither of my cats have much of a tolerance for being picked up or held, although I do it to them anyways so I can get in some face nuzzling as well. They squirm away and then give a warning meow to the other "Better go hide, Mom's being weird again..."
ReplyDeleteANY attention is too much for Imp, sadly. We exist to feed her and change her litter box. More than that, we might as well not exist.
ReplyDeleteMy cats know that they have to suck it up! That's the way mom is! Get used to it! And, miraculously, they have!
ReplyDeleteI was definitely guilty of this with my last kitty, Marbles. He had a "short fuse" (as it was written on his chart at the vet's!). But Binx can not get enough love and attention. The more petting and snuggling, the better! Including tummy pets!
ReplyDeleteI love on my two as much as they'll let me. I tell them they have 'kitty rent' to pay, and they have to be 'punished' for numerous and sundry 'transgressions' committed throughout the day, such as being too cute, not coming when called, bathing too often, being too lazy, waking me too early for breakfast, and shedding without permission. I'm always eager to discover the latest 'wrongdoing', and I have no qualms about making something up if I must. >;D
ReplyDeletei only see Miss Lily and Boo on the weekends and i am very loving to them. they tolerate the first couple rounds of hugs, kisses and squeezes when i come in the door and they will sleep with me night one but then they are like "old news, your home, big deal" and it is no more affection time. When i start packing my bag to leave they both are in and out of the suitcase preventing my ability to quickly pack without cat hair. I get snubbed at the door when i leave....it breaks my heart!
ReplyDeleteThis is the face of a teenager...
ReplyDeleteOur late Tucker loved to receive as many cuddles as we could give him. I sure miss that.
ReplyDeleteHelp me, Laurie. It's Rupert. My mom insists on grabbing me out of my cat-tree-turret mid-nap to dance with her to Adam and the Ants. I love a little "Stand and Deliver" as much as the next black tabby, and this generally isn't an issue, but will you please tell her to put me down after one song unless she a) makes with the catnip or b) stops SINGING ALONG with Adam Ant? The dancing is one thing - but the singing!!! (PS...Clovis says hidey-ho. He's too busy stalking Kona to write.)
ReplyDeleteScarlett will take as much affection as those within her approved circle will bestow, and even that is not usually enough. She often jumps on the bathroom counter while I'm getting ready in the morning and tries to grab my arm to bring it over to her head for scritches. She also has a series of chirps and warbles that signal her readiness to receive pets. Melly, on the other hand, is a bit more like Wylla. She is incredibly loving and snuggly--when she wants to be. The rest of the time, she very grudgingly submits to cuddles and snorgles, and she too has a mew of protest that sounds a lot like, "noooooo."
ReplyDeleteWhen I had my "kiddles", I worked all day outside the home. The kiddles had access to the outside through a cat door, and when I drove up the hill to the top where I could turn around so I could then park on the proper side of the street, they would hear the car, and by the time I was parked, they'd be lined up in a row across the end of the driveway to greet me. We'd say hello to one another, and they'd follow me up the driveway and down into my apartment, dancing around my feet. I'd have gathered the mail, and when I sat down on the sofa to look at it, would immediately have one cat leaning against the left of me, another leaning across the right side, one on the back of the sofa behind me, and another on my lap. So because of my absence all day, I was the one who would feel "ok, that's enough, I need to get a few things done, now" after being shadowed around all late afternoon and evening! LOL