Good morning! I'm back! It was a crazy and intense whirlwind of a trip and it feels so good to be home again. Thank you for being patient and understanding while I was away. I hope you all faired well during these kitten-less days!
Today I've got some super cute footage of Wylla bathing little Caroline and Henrietta. She really takes the job quite seriously and is a very thorough bather. As you can tell by their motors, they love it too. I think they really do think of her as "mom".
If you look closely, you may notice the kittens have shaved bellies. Yes, I'm sad to say that it's time to say goodbye to this extra-adorable set. Because they were a little older when the arrived, their stay with us was brief.
We'll start the adoption tales tomorrow and I think you'll be very happy with the wonderful homes they landed. We've got some repeat customers and 3/4 of the Hollis Girls got adopted by families we've met before! We've got some really happy endings to share!
So, today a good bath. Tomorrow, good byes.
Welcome back, Laurie! You know, it could be a little dangerous to overload us with all that cute, especially since we have been without it for a WHOLE week! Wylla sure has taken to her role. She's a natural! Charlene has taught her well!
ReplyDeleteOut of curiousity, is it only female cats who will do grooming?
ReplyDeletei honestly don't know if a boy would groom the babies. We've only had girls! Does anyone else out there know the answer to this?
DeleteI have two male cats that LOVE to groom my latest rescue. And I have had other male cats in the past that groom others as well.
DeleteRobyn at Love-and-Hisses, in her beautiful tribute to her Tommy today, talks about how good he was with the fosters and how he would clean their ears. So maybe it's just very special cats, of either gender, who groom the kittens.
DeleteI had a neutered male cat years ago that was a "mom" to a kitten I got later. It's just love.
DeleteOur 6-year old boy took to the nurturing of his tiny baby sister like he was born for it. Now, nearly two years later she still lives for a snuggle and a bath with him and they adore one another. Like Meghan said, I think it's the love!
DeleteThere is a male cat named Winston at a special rescue in Texas (Shadow Cats) who welcomes all new residents in the FIV+ room with a groom that is equally thorough and a Bean bath or Wylla wash.
DeleteMy boy cat loves grooming his adopted little sister (only a year younger). He never used to groom himself (that I ever saw) until she came into our lives. Then she must have taught him how to groom himself, AND her. She is very bossy. It rarely goes the other way around with her grooming him. I think it mostly just depends on the cat!
DeleteThat photo is so adorable that I'm saving the vid for later! Can't wait for this lovely lot's adoption tales.
ReplyDeleteI love the switch-off from one kitten to the other! Smooth, Wylla! Very smooth!
ReplyDeleteMy big boy cat used to tend to his niece kitten who was very ill when she was small. Her would allow her to lay across his back to keep her chest warm. She had a very bad chest condition, but with good care from humans and cats, she recovered. He would clean her during this time as well. His little sister was the mom.
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a good trip! I can't wait to hear the stories about the adoptions. I love seeing the gold medals.
ReplyDeleteI love the belly-up kitten at the end! Wylla sure did a good job grooming!
ReplyDeletejust too precious. Wylla is such a good foster mommy! and she must be exhausted from all that grooming.
ReplyDeleteOh man, Hankie's hiney hanging over the edge just so she can get in on the bathtime...too cute! And little feet up in contentment, so precious.
ReplyDeleteI think my heart is going to break, though, with her gone. I KNOW she'll have an awesome life with her new family but she's the cutest kitten I've ever seen and I adored her and I'll miss her little face and antics in your posts. **sniff**
I'm always a little sad at this point, BUT having been one of those excited and thrilled people who are about to get their newest family member from the IBKC, I also have to try to remain happy that these little ones will have the best homes that a kitten could ever have. Good work IBKC team!!
ReplyDeleteGoodness, that just might be the cutest video I've ever seen.
ReplyDeleteOur little girl has grown up (Wylla). I remember when you got her, and have watched her progress from under-sized cat to Mommy of foster kittens. So sweet to see.
ReplyDeleteYou can tell Professor Wylla took Advanced Graduate Bathing Seminar with Dean Bean..