I took both girls out to the back deck for a serious brushing with the Furminator, and removed a shocking amount of hair. It was too windy to gather it all so I just let it go, but the first time I Furminated Charlene, I collected a gallon-sized ziplock bagful of hair. I'm guessing I brushed out that much, if not more, of just her alone. Her coat is much denser than Wylla's, but Wylla still had plenty to shed.
They both enjoyed the brushing at first, but got a little restless near the end when a few rowdy crows began taunting them from the power lines above.
The girls both feel so silky and soft and look so pretty! Though they appear a little grumpy in the photos below, I think they are pretty happy to be wearing their spring jackets instead of their winter coats!

The trouble I have furminating my tabby is that she LOVES it so much she wants to rub her face all over the furminator instead of letting me use it. :) I have to keep her head busy with scritches & treats and go in batches - luckily she doesn't have much floof on her.
ReplyDeleteThey look like they're tight as twin sisfurs already.
ReplyDeleteSweet girls in their spring jackets!! :)
ReplyDeleteWhile they did enjoy their lloooonnngg beauty session - these grumpy faces are aimed at those pesky crows that Mom would let kittens chase.
ReplyDeleteThey do look a little disgruntled. But definitely like they're going to forgive you by dinnertime or sooner. Mine don't love the Furminator, but it is an excellent investment. Nothing better!
ReplyDeleteIf anyone is in central Va and hears loud howlng. its Big Boy Bob getting his winter fur coat out with a wide tooth comb. He's not in pain, just hates being confined on my lap. (Gentle smiles) Gail
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of flying fur, I've read that birds use it for their nests.
ReplyDeleteThe girls do look a little put out, but also very lovely.
ReplyDeleteSpenser and Keith only need furminating once in a while, but Maren is quite plush and I comb her every week. She tolerates it pretty well, and loves to rub her chin on the teeth of the comb. Everyone enjoys the catnip party I throw afterward. :)))
Charlene looks less floofy but Wylla actually looks floofier! I have a medium-long hair girlie cat who loves the Furminator. My short-haired orange male cat likes the way it feels, and is fine with it until he actually sees it. Then he freaks and tries to bite it/me. So in order to Furminate him, I have to keep his head busy so he doesn't look back.
ReplyDeleteThey look quite lovely, sleek, and content.
ReplyDeleteI always let the cat hair blow to the wind, so the birds can use it for nesting material.
ReplyDeleteThe girls looks lovely, so glad their winter coats have been taken care of.
ReplyDeleteWe had a cloudy sky here in the Midwest today so I suspect the floof flyover has arrived. Even Wylla and Bean floof can't make that journey in just one day! Long live the floof!
ReplyDeleteOh, does the queen look great, it is great you get her all fixed up with her floolfing and Wylla tooo..I have one boy all long haired and we can only get his mane done at the Vets office as he won't have it with us, he is trying to calm down a little over 3 years we have had him now he takes a long nap for many hours each day yes he does, the other kitteh she is older and sleeps and goes out to the sunshine with me watching her vigilant, the new kitteh miss ginger is doing just fine, got her spayed and she did great got her shots and loves the house set up for her, new bed, new blanky and just rests and never bothers our older girl, 3 bedrooms did the trick, she never sees much of the other two, mr. miyagi stays inside now for the most part..have a wonderful week with your magnificent kitteh cats, who are so dadblasted beautiful, calm and majestic..ciao X()
ReplyDeleteI see the ear floof remains untouched...
ReplyDeleteQueen Charlene looks sleek while Wylla looks floofier! How is this possible?
I have shorthair tabbies. My girl kitten is too wiggly and high-energy for good Furminating—she gets wild-eyed and bitey— but my boy LOVES it. I can Furminate him for twenty solid minutes and the second I pause he's like, "Mommy, why did you stop Furminating me??"