Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wee Wylla Won Our Hearts


 Every now and again I  ponder the thought of keeping one of our foster kittens.   And on more than one occasion, I've expressed these thoughts to Craig. The discussions are always brief - as soon as the words leave my head, enter reality, and I hear them out loud,  they don't sound like good ideas anymore.  Craig, who is always the voice of reason, will remind me that our system is working well and there's no need to change it by adding another kitten.  We close the conversation and move on.

The other day,  I paused while walking up the steps and peered between the rungs of the banister to watch Charlene and Wylla run and wrestle in the streams of sunshine that warmed the carpet upstairs.  They were sharing a joyful moment, and Craig was watching it from the couch.

The scene was perfect and lovely and I interrupted it all by blurting out  the words "Can we keep her?"

These were words I never intended to say out loud.  I thought when Wylla reached an "adoptable state", her perfect family would come along.  It would be horribly sad, but we would say our goodbyes.

But as she's crept closer to becoming "adoptable", after all we've been through with this tiny, special girl,  the idea of handing her to someone else became unbearable.   Nothing cinches a bond like a medical crisis.

Craig paused for a long moment, moved his eyes from the cats to me, and we had our first conversation about the idea of keeping this kitten and what life with Wylla might be like.  No decisions were made that afternoon,  but we had a good talk.

A couple of mornings later, I was reading a book in the guest room when Craig walked in with Wylla perched on his shoulder.  Her tail wrapped around his head, and the tail tip landed on his eyebrow at a slight angle.

"Well, what are we going to do?" he asked.

I giggled before responding to his question - partially to lessen the weight of the serious conversation we were entering, but mostly because of the raised "mad scientist" eyebrow her tail tip created on his forehead.

He picked Wylla from her perch, put her on my lap, and she scrambled up to my shoulder.  Charlene joined us on the bed soon after.

There were many things to consider, and we considered them all.  We talked about the potential challenges, heartaches and expenses we might meet on the road ahead.  We talked about how it could change Charlene's life and how we foster.   We talked about the happiness she brings to our home.

I suppose if we would have made a list of "pros and cons",  the "pros" would have been a few lines, and the "cons" would have run off the page.

But in the end, happiness trumped all, and it was decided, Wylla would stay.


  1. YAY!!!!!

    Seriously, this is wonderful! She needs you, you need her, it all works. Congrats! :-)

  2. Love love love love love this!

  3. That is awesome! I always thought Charlene and Wylia belonged together. Even if you don't do as many fosters in the future, you can post wonderful pictures and stories on Charlene and Wylia. :-)

  4. YESSSSS! This means that we'll always be able to keep updated on little Wylla! She is such a doll and is lucky to be able to stay with you :)

  5. OH MY GOD THAT'S HUGE!!!! SO MANY HAPPY THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW!!! I'm sure Wylla will be a great foster uncle too! Many many happy thoughts for Laurie, Craig, Bean and now wee Wylla! :))))

  6. Hooray! Best news of the day! :)

  7. Congratulations on a well-reasoned and compassionate decision. As always, the universe provided Wylla with the best possible family.

    Diane M. (your friend in trademarks! ;)

  8. That is Wylla-wonderful news! Furry cuddle-hugs to the whole family!

  9. Congrates to the new parents! May you have many loving years with this wee Wylla.

  10. OMG!!!!! Bean's getting an assistant!!!

  11. awwww...... It can be hard to see them come and go and not get attached to all of them. But every once in a while a special one comes along that just isn't going to leave. Welcome home Wylla!!!

  12. Wow :-) What a charmer that Wylla is!! She managed to wiggle her way in to stay. She is a special one for sure...always been something about her that was hard to believe she would be anywhere but the IBKC! Congrats on your newest family member :-)

  13. I've had a sneaking suspicion that Wylla and Charlene had this exact plot planned for a few weeks now; all they had to do was unfurl their plan and make you and Craig think it was YOUR idea. Good job, ladies, it worked!

  14. Yaaaay! I usually roll my eyes when you get asked if you're going to keep one of the kitties because it happens so often and I understand why you don't keep them, but Wylla and Bean were such a cute pair that I was quietly hoping she would become a permanent feature of itty bitty inc.

  15. I knew she was the kitten for you.......your both lucky.

  16. YAY!

    (that is all)

  17. AW! And I can completely understand. Even more so now.. after 18 months of reading your blog I found an abandoned 2wk kitten in our backyard last week. Talk about itty bitty! All that care indeed gives you a bigger bond. And if Charlene and the 2 of you are good with it, then perhaps it is time.

    Wishing you the very best!

  18. I knew she was the Kitten for you. Lucky duckies.

  19. Happy happy joy joy!!!! :)

    I like what you said about the pros and cons list... those are great, sure, but sometimes you just gotta go with your heart!

    What wonderful news!

  20. Oh, this brings a tear to my eye! She seems like the perfect little addition to your cute family, your hands are the best she could be in. I hope her story might inspire those who have the time and resources to become foster parents to the kitties out there!

  21. I'm so glad Wylla is staying! Everyday, I would tell my boyfriend that if I didn't live on the other coast, I would want to adopt that little adorable fluff ball. Glad she's staying we can keep enjoying seeing her here

  22. Wow! Tears in eyes now. Love this kitty. Love the idea that she will have you, Craig, and Charlene for good. I don't know what else to say except this is perfect.

  23. OH MY GOODNESS! I've had a crappy day, but you just turned it around. I'm so happy for you & Craig, Charlene and Wylla! Nobody can take better care of Wylla than the person who nursed her back to health.
    I'd love to have seen a picture of Craig with Wylla on his shoulder!

  24. YIPPEE! We here at Colehaus Cats were just talking about Wylla and Charlene looking so happy together this morning as we perused IBKC. We're incredibly happy for the wee one!

  25. She still gets a gold medal, right? Platinum, maybe? She certainly deserves some sort of medal!

  26. This post reads like a modern-day kitty fairytale! All the best to all of you — Laurie, Craig, Charlene and Wylla — and here's to many happy, healthy years.

    P.S. I guess that photo of Wylla with the furniture meant she was moving in for good! ;-)

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This made me tear up a bit. Wylla is such a darling little kitten. I'm very glad for you, Craig, Charlene and Wylla!

  29. I have tears in my eyes! This is happy news for all of you, especially Wylla. I had nagging little doubts about someone, with less patience than you and Craig posses, taking her into their home. The best of intentions can't beat your experience and support group of kitty experts. Congrats on your "new addition"! >^,,^< - Caren

  30. She's such a special little lady, and now she has a special forever home. I hope she has a long and happy life with the two of you and Charlene!

  31. Wonderful news. She certainly is a sweetie! And evidently "a keeper"!!

  32. Congrats to the new Parents! I look forward to reading about the Adventures of the Bean & wee Wylla!
    Leslie in FL

  33. I. Knew. It. :) LOVE THIS POST!!

  34. ...and now i'm crying.
    and hugging my own feline companion, who was also MEANT TO BE where he is.
    the heart KNOWS.

  35. Yay!!! Such wonderful people you are to keep her and for all the other work you do.


  36. I think wee Wylla won ALL our hearts! So happy to hear this - we knew she was a special kitty from the day we met her, and that it would take a VERY special kitty indeed to become a permanent member of the IBKC. Yay Wylla!

  37. Congratulations! Foster fail happens to us all. I hope you'll have a lifetime of joy with your new baby!

  38. Wylla is in love with the three of you. I'm glad you are in love with her.

    Maybe you could put up a donation thingy for her medical costs.

  39. I'm thinking this means Wylla found her perfect forever family. Knew she would!

  40. YAY!! I am so happy! I was so hoping to continue seeing her lovely little face for a long time! That and Miss Bean seems to be liking Wylla quite a bit!

  41. This is amazing! Great news for Wylla! And great new for you and Craig! Your family is growing, and her spunk, love, purrs and added floof will make it richer.

  42. I'm thinking this mean that you have a perfect record of finding the perfect "forever family". Excellent news!

  43. Is she changing her name to Butterbean now that she's gonna be Charlene's little sister? :)

    Congrats and I think you made a fine decision. Wylla is the kitten-bomb.

    1. She could keep her foster name and add her adoptive name, like some women do with their maiden and married names. I like the sound of Wylla Stout Butterbean.

  44. Laurie, I have tears of joy in my eyes reading this. I have always respected your decisions to not keep any of the kittens you foster, and a while back when you said you weren't going to keep Wylla, I respected that too, and even though I wanted you to keep her, I would never tell you that. BUT, somehow, I knew she was yours, and suspected that one day soon you would tell us this wonderful news, and I am so happy that now we can all watch Wylla as she grows up! And please know that we are all here with you, supporting you in all that you do for her with all of her special needs. You, Craig and Bean are so dear, and just the perfect family that this sweet little baby needs - again, the universe provided wonderfully for an IBKC member! :)

  45. Wylla and Charlene are sisterrrrrss!!!!

    *fist pump*

    Ok, whew, sorry 'bout that. It's just that wee Wylla couldn't be in better hands than with you, Laurie and Craig. :) This is very happy, exciting news!

  46. Best news i have heard in a long time...And i haven't cried these tears of joy like this in a long time either...Thank you , Thank you!

  47. Lucky little Wylla! Congratulations to you all!

  48. I'm so happy! for all of us hearing this, for wee Wylla, for Bean to have a new bud to play with, and for you and Craig! Yay! (I like to think Drewey is looking down and is happy for you all too) Concats to all!


  49. Hooray! I felt this decision coming a month ago, even though I know you've always chosen differently in the past.


  50. WOW! That is wonderful... :-) But I would have loved to have seen a picture of Wyla while on Craig's shoulder....hehehe...She is a very lucky girl and you guys are such special people....Hugs and loves!

  51. This is wonderful news! Thank you Laurie and Craig and Charlene. I can't say anymore - have to go get some tissues...


    1. Lisa (mom of Chai)May 22, 2013 at 1:00 PM

      I think stock in Kleenex may go up! I'm betting we're all crying here! :-)

  52. HOORAY! We.. I mean... YOU get to keep her forever! :-D

  53. Wow! Did not expect that, but I'm so happy that sweet little girl has her forever home! I'm so glad she and Charlene are so close! I bet Charlene teaches her to be a good foster mom too, and the upcoming fosters, whenever they show up, are going to get double licks!
    Bless you for saving Wylla when a lot of people might not have thought her problems were deal-with-able, and for falling in love with the sweetie and giving her your hearts and home.

  54. Such such happy news when it is so hard to find these days. Thank you! Thank you!

  55. Hooray for your family!! Floofiness abides!!

  56. This news makes my day. Wee Wylla has wormed her way into your family. She won the kitten lottery.

    It also makes me believe in fate just a bit more. This litter is the one that brought the disease outbreak that led to the big kitten room change and a big change to your "we don't keep any" guideline. Who knew one litter could bring so many changes!

    AND, I get to keep up with Wylla's antics. Bean will get to teach her everything she knows about being a good foster "mom" to kittens!

  57. I can't even think I'm so happy! You and Craig have the biggest hearts, and I am so, SO happy for little Wylla! No matter the cons, we'll be here to support you through it all. She is one lucky girl to have found you. Happy tears.

  58. I am so happy... she is where she belongs....

  59. THIS IS WONDERFUL!! I am glad for a million reasons, but mainly, after seeing the videos of Wylla and Bean playing it just seemed like THEY loved each other and I was worried how Bean would cope with her leaving now :) so i am glad for you and craig and WYla but also for Bean

  60. Dear god! I am sobbing with happiness! I love you and Craig and Charlene and Wylla. No matter what, she is blessed beyond all logic to be with you three.

    Drewey is having a beatific and uncustomary smile right now.

  61. Well, duh! (to be read that with lots of inflection and imagine rolling eyes as well!). Although challenging, this makes purrfect sense and your family is best suited for the task. Best to Wylla, you, Craig and Charlene. Seriously, best kitty news ever.

  62. What a beautiful post. I'm so happy for your floofy family!

  63. Yay! I'm just sorry you didn't snap a photo of the mad scientist eyebrow :)

  64. For the past couple of weeks, every time that I've seen there was a new IBKC post up, I've been opening it in the hope of seeing this news - it felt like it was brewing. So glad.


  65. 1. The only pro you need on your list is that you love her and she loves you.

    2. I hope you've invested in a good lint brush and that you're not too fond of wearing black.

  66. Yay and happy wishes for Wylla! Now we'll get to see her whiskers grow back!

    Rosemary K., Mpls, MN
    with Buddy & Kitty Bean

  67. So very happy for all of you! :)

  68. Congratulations! Are you changing her name to Wylla Stout-Butterbean?

  69. So so happy for Wylla and you all!

  70. What a decision - I am so happy for you and Wylla and Charlene, and I send so much love your way for your future adventures!

  71. Mazel tov to your little family!

  72. Such wonderful news for Wylla, but I suspect Charlene may be secretly happier. :) What a beautiful addition to the family.

  73. After your post vehemently stating that you had no intentions of keeping little Wylla, I knew it was over. I said to myself "they're gonna keep her. They HAVE to!" Firstly, what a doll, and secondly, the care you have given her would have made releasing her unbearable. I am so very happy for you all. I'm sure it will be different with the fostering, and everyone's lives will change, but how much happier with Wylla in it. Congratulations.

  74. It did seem like The Bean and Wylla were sharing quite a bond. Not an easy decision but I am sure it is the *right* one. Hurray!

  75. Awww, I just love happy endings, and this post was so beautifully written. My monitor got a little bit blurry while I was reading, but it seems to have cleared up now. So happy for y'all and for sweet little Wylla.

  76. This makes me so happy. First for her,then for you,and finally for me. I've fallen for her and was dreading the day that she said goodbye. I know that I am not alone in my joy that we get to see this little girl grow up!

  77. Squeeeeeeee! Yay!

  78. I'm speechless! In a good way! Wylla totally won the kitten lottery. :) I agree with whomever said 'congratulations on a compassionate, well-reasoned decision'. As hokey as this will sound, things work out the way they are meant to work out. So congratulations to one and all!

  79. Congratulations! What wonderful news for everyone.

  80. I'm crying a little as I type this. It was what I was hoping for Wylla, for the Bean, and for you guys. I'll be so thrilled to be able to keep reading about her sweet lil self as part of your household. You've made my day!!

  81. I am so glad Wylla has found her "perfect family." Hooray for you and Craig and Bean!

  82. How wonderful! I got a little teary-eyed hearing this wonderful news. Congratulations!

  83. Oh Laurie! I am so happy for you, Craig, Charlene, and especially Wylla! I really appreciate all the thought you and Craig put into this decision. You have far more intestinal fortitude for fostering than I could ever muster. I have fostered six kittens in my past, and all six live here now. I am just not cut out for fostering. But Miss Wylla is such a special girl, and I totally understand how going through everything with her, would make it impossible for you to let her go. I am in awe of you all. And I am selfishly happy for all of us, that we may continue to watch Wylla grow and live a long, happy life. Congratulations! And please set up a Wylla fund! There are many of us that would be honored to contribute to her health and well-being!

  84. Congratulations on making such a huge decision. She is such a sweet girl and gets on so well with Charlene. We all love her and want to see how she progresses, as well. So it is a little selfish of all your fans, but we can't help ourselves. Praying that she grows out of her health issue.

  85. Yay!!! I got all teared up reading this :)

  86. Yay! This got me all teary. So happy for everyone!!

  87. You know, every time some well-meaning, unsuspecting person innocently suggested that you keep one of the fosters, especially after Drewey passed, I would kind of growl to myself and think, "That's a decision for Laurie and Craig and Charlene. We can have our opinions, but they know what's best for them!!!" I hated that you had to periodically post your gentle message about fostering.

    So I saw the post title, and I thought maybe Miss Wylla had gotten a front page of a newspaper, or featuring on CuteOverload or something!

    I did cry. I'm happy that you made the decision you did. Whatever decisions you do make, we support them whole-heartedly.

  88. YEA!!!! Good on you!!!! So happy to be able to continue seeing this special girl. You are special people! Thank you so much for sharing --

  89. Lynn, Alex, Zoubi and IndiaMay 22, 2013 at 12:24 PM

    Little Wylla is in her basket, licking her paw and thinking "well, this is no surprise to ME". Wylla took that tiny paw and made a big place in your heart and so it goes. No one deserves this beautiful kitten more than you and Craig and Bean. No one. She's found her family- she did that the first time you rushed her to the vet. It was obvious that Bean sensed the specialness of Wylla. For however long her life (and we all hope it is a long one!), you were meant to have her. On the upside for the rest of us- we get to see her grow. Now who's lucky? WE are!

  90. Literally just shouted "YAY!" at the top of my lungs.

  91. I'm so excited that we will get to continue Wylla's journey with her! She and Charlene do so well together, and I'm sure Charlene will love having company on a regular basis. What a gorgeous pair they are!

    I've never been one to suggest you keep one of your fosters, but I am so very happy that you are keeping this one. She is very, very special. <3

  92. This makes me very happy. Not only does Wylla go to a great home but I get to see more frequent Wylla updates. Yay!

  93. YAY!! All of us are happy to know that Wylla will be staying in a wonderful and loving home, where her trials will be taken seriously and with care. I was worried about this just the other day. Plus we now can get regular updates on Wee Wooly Wylla!!

  94. Well, these are definately happy tears in my eyes because I have a big, silly smile on my face!!! Congratulations to all of you! You have a new member of the family and Wylla has the best home possible. You made the IBKC family very happy today because we will be treated with pictures and stories of Wylla and Charlene and that is truly AWESOME!! So glad Wylla captured your hearts! You are all the best!!

  95. They come into our lives for a reason - for some it is as fleeting as a single meal, for some it is years of care and love, and for others it may be to grow, learn how to be a kitten and to love humans before going off to a forever home. I have been both a foster success and a foster failure. Here's to each kitty finding their perfect home. Wylla certainly found hers. I love how rational and thoughtful you and Craig were in making such a weighty decision. Welcome home sweet girl - I still want to see a picture of Wylla in her "she's got a forever home medal". Well done Wylla, Bean, Laurie and Craig. Can't wait till Wylla meets her grandparents aka Mr and Ms Kitten Whisperer.

  96. I'm crying now...She is SO lucky to have you all!!

  97. YAAAAAY! Can't wait to see more of the gorgeous girl and how she grows up. You guys are the best!

  98. A friend posted this news to my FB page and I "ran" in here to read this. I am as happy as she is and we're both crying - 600+ miles apart!

  99. Amazing! I echo everyone else's tear filled good wishes on your whole family! Yay for Wee Woolly Wylla!

  100. I got teary eyed. Thank you.

    No one could love her more than you and yours do. Thanks you again.

    Best news of the day!!!!

    Emma and Buster

  101. And now my mascara is running down my cheeks! I am so happy for all of you (humans and kitties)!

  102. I cried tears of joy when I read your post. I imagine that you'll have lots of ups and downs along the way but that you'll never regret this decision.

  103. Yay! This post has completely warmed my heart.

  104. WOWOWOWOWOW!!!! Oh my goodness, happy tears here! I've been wondering who the special family would be to adopt Wee Wooly Wylla and now I know. Yay!!!

  105. I'm so happy - she couldn't be in more caring or loving hands, or shoulders for that matter. The ear tufts alone are so precious....I am sitting here at my desk at work just smiling from ear to ear....

  106. You guys are just addicted to floof aren't you?

  107. Yay! I just really couldn't imagine Wylla going somewhere else to live. Y'all ARE her forever family.

  108. I just had a sudden flash of the screen in Anne of Green Gables when Marilla tells Anne she's staying. Only with cats.

  109. HOORAY!!!! WYLLA STAYS! I'm so happy that you have come to this decision as I know it must not have been an easy one. Wylla found her perfect family :)

  110. p.s. She's so good on her little harness and with travel... maybe she could go to this year's dogathon? :-)

  111. I'm a 32 year old woman and I'm blubbering like a little girl.

  112. Hooray! I know you originally blogged awhile back that you would adopt Wylla out when she was stronger. But, I'm so glad that she has found a home with you. Bet her "big sister" Charlene is happy, too.

  113. I held my breath till I read the whole post. Congratulations Ms. Wylla, you did what many thought might not be possible (and yes, I was on Laurie's side for all the reasons she listed.) I think you can sustain the IBKC followers for a while with just Wylla till you guys can figure out the fostering thing. Just hope she is up to 'kittening' the phones during the Dog-a-thon!!! (Ms. Bean is above that, I am sure - haha!!) Call in the reserves a.k.a. the Frosts!! Congrats again to all.

  114. I just scream out loud in the office in happiness!!! That is the best news in a long time! What a joy!!! I am sooooooooo happy for Wylla and Bean!

  115. Laurie, you've said that the universe always finds the perfect home for your little fosters, and I think we all agree that the universe has come through again!

    I fostered kittens for quite a while, and I ended up keeping one of my fosters, too. Like Wylla, my Stan was tiny for his age and had a sibling die, and we weren't at all sure he was going to make it in the beginning. It's been a couple of years now, and he's had more vet visits than the average pet, but ive never for a second regretted keeping him. Congrats to all involved!

  116. Oh thank God! I am so happy to hear this news - I had long debated being able to take Wylla, as her special little self has shone through your loving blog posts, but our situation is currently fairly complicated. So I hoped she would find the purrfect home - and she has!

    I don't know what this means for your future fostering, but if I can help to offset some expenses, either for Wylla's care or future fosters, I would be quite happy to. I plan to make a donation to the Tacoma/Pierce Co. Humane Society for the foster program.

    Blessings on you all!

  117. Lisa (mom of Chai)May 22, 2013 at 12:54 PM

    A week ago you posted some pictures that really touched me and for the first time I started worrying about Charlene and Wylla being separated and how it might break their little hearts. I remembered how our cats grieved for a year after our dog died (they thought the sun rose and set on her) and the thought of Bean and Wylla losing each other just made me so sad.
    But now I'm crying happy tears! Charlene and Wylla can stay together! It's as it should be! Whatever changes and challenges may come, Wylla has her family and all of us will be here to love and support you guys.

  118. I know so well the bond that can develop with an animal with special needs. I adopted a wonderful idiotic golden retriever with the most severe storm anxiety I've ever heard of -- in an area that got storms 10 months out of the year! -- and yet in spite of all the work it took to take care of him, I couldn't imagine ever handing him over to someone else because nobody could love him as much as I did.

    And clearly the same is true with you guys and Wylla, and I am SO HAPPY for you all! Just a few days ago I told my daughter I suspected that Wylla would end up being a foster failure in spite of your earlier protestations to the contrary, and I am so glad I was right! Congratulations on your new family member, for both you and for all of us who will get to see beautiful floofy Wylla regularly from now on!

  119. I am so happy for all of you.

  120. I have GOT to stop reading this blog during lunch at work, or else start bringing fresh mascara.

    I don't know why this post has provoked such a reaction in me, but it has.

    Congratulations, this is really great news.

  121. She is such a very special girl and now she has her special family - YAY!! AND we get to continue seeing beautiful pictures of her - win, win!! Congratulations on your new addition :)

  122. I am so glad that teeny tiny Wylla will be staying with you and big sister Charlene. A truly wonderful decision and a very happy day for IBKC !! Yeah Wylla -- Happy Feet -- Happy Dance -- greatful tears of JOY :)

  123. BEST NEWS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Two spots of Floof in one home. I am very, very happy for all of you.

  124. I have to admit, I scrolled down to the end of the post for the punchline - I can't stand suspense! I can't imagine a better floofy sister for Charlene. Plus we can get updates on her special condition and how everything evolves when she grows out of her doll house side board. Oh I'm so excited! I hope it will still be possible to do some fostering though. It seems like Wylla's energy has picked up quite a bit from the beginning of the process where we thought other kittens might wear her out too much... Crossing my fingers!

  125. ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Yaayyyyy!

  126. As my SIL said about a dog she was "fostering". "After having her for so long, she just joined the pack and it would cause too much harm to separate her from her pack!" Wylla and Bean are a "pack" now.

  127. Hands down, Best. Post. Ever. For all concerned! Congrats Laurie!

  128. Oh, this is splendid news! Wylla is so lucky to have you, Craig, and Charlene in her life!

  129. So exciting - she found a very special family!

  130. I just burst into tears (in a good way)! And texted a friend who also follows the blog. I'm so excited for all of you!


    On a bad day, this was even better news....


  131. So excited...she's a dear and seems to have found a friend in her big sis Charlene. I know that Charlene will train her properly on fostering and cleaning methods of other kitties. All the best. Meowy Hugs, Robin, Oliver and Minnie!

  132. Add me to the list of people who welled up reading this. <3

  133. Delightful! I wish everyone was as careful and thoughtful when choosing to adopt, though I am glad for happy little accidents too. It's clear how well she fits in. So sweet.

  134. Oh my, this is so great news. I have happy tears in my eyes!

  135. This is GREAT!!! You guys get Wylla, Wylla gets you guys, the Bean gets a lady-in-waiting to train, and we get to see them together! GREAT! And they are both so photogenic! Congrats to all!

  136. after scrolling down and down....and down and down and down and down and down and down and down to post my heartfelt YAY! I have to say I'm not sure who is more thrilled by this. You or us! Congratulations dear Wylla, though I suspect she knew all along that you and Bean were her forever family!

  137. I'm so glad we get to see this precious kitten grow up!

  138. PS I laughed, I whooped with joy, I cried. This is the very VERY best news I've read all day!

  139. I am just thrilled to know we will see more of her now. She is beautiful and I'm sure she will fill your life with joy. Deb

  140. Yeah. I'm glad the little fluffer is staying with y'all. So is my Bisa. She says fluffy cats are the best. She says to tell Wylla and Charlene that they are the second best fluffy cats in the world, to her of course!

  141. Hooray! Vive la petite Wylla! I love her and her little name Wee Wooly Wylla, it sounds so nice! And so now we are sure to be hearing more from this little cutie in the future, in her adventure with her big "sister" (or aunt?) Charlene, this lovely furry lady with wonderful eyes.
    (By the way, Laurie, I've been following your blog for less than a year now, and I looove it, but can you tell me where I can find Charlene's first times at your place, please? When did she arrive? Sorry to make yourself repeat maybe...)
    Love from M., Switzerland

  142. I am so very happy for all of you. I know from experience that even with the best of intentions with fosters it's usually the ones with the most problems that end up taking over our hearts. Almost every animal that has ended up being a permanent part of my family has had some sort of issues, but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world, and I'm sure that will be how it is with you and wee little Wylla.

  143. As a years long faithful lurker, this has just made my day!! Lucky Wylla!! Lucky you!! So much happiness!!!!!!!!!!!

  144. KarenK in PortlandMay 22, 2013 at 1:37 PM

    I am so delighted for all of the humans and the furries involved! Selfishly, I'm happy that I'll get to see little Wylla grow up. I have a friend who fosters and she vowed never to keep any of the kittens. But then along came Babette who INSISTED she become a permanent part of the family. Sometimes it's just meant to be, as it was for you and Wylla. Congratulations!

  145. Holy cow! Amazing news! I'm sure Charlene can handle having a friend and also keeping future babies in line. I hope it all works out for you. And I loved AB's mention of Drewey. That made it all seem even more right somehow. Little Wylla, the permanent resident!

  146. I knew it! I've been forcing myself not to say anything the past few weeks. For all the reasons you said, I knew it was going to happen.

    Actually, every day for a while I've been expecting this post.

    Congratulations! The kitties looks really happy together in all the pictures. They're a good match!

  147. What a coincidence, I finally adopted a kitten yesterday to be a companion to my 6-year old princess kitty! It was a tough decision and a long process, but I am taking this as a sign from the universe that I did the right thing, and so did you!

  148. When I saw the post title, I got really excited, and when I got to the end of the post, I squeed out loud. Wylla is such a special little girl, I look forward to reading about her adventures for many years to come!

  149. Oh, I'm so glad for Wylla! She deserves the best home and I'm sure that's with you, Craig and Charlene.
    I'm very happy to read this!

  150. "IBKC kittens always wind up where they are supposed to be."


  151. I have such a huge smile on my face right now, after reading this.

    Welcome home, Wee Woolly Wylla.

    (Somehow, I think Drewey would approve.)

  152. Wow, how awesome! Much earlier I commented already you should keep her as a companion for Charlene. And you commented back, you would not. I am SO glad you changed your mind. She may be much work but wee Wylla will also give back so much! My tom Mike has had severe epileptic seizures. We went trough a lot. It took some time until he was stabillized. I had my moments when I thought to find a new home for him as he needs a strict medicine regimen and one alone needs to organize a lot. Well, I kept him and I have never regretted this decision. I LOVE Mike

  153. Kodiak and Kenai's momMay 22, 2013 at 2:05 PM

    This brings tears to my eyes. Happy, happy, joy, joy! Wishing your new little family happiness and good health in the future. Scritch Charlene and Wylla behind the ears for me. And Craig too! Ha-Ha!

  154. At IBKC the bar is high to be a 'special' kitten because there's been so many lovely little floofballs. Wylla barely needed to try.

    Thousands of your readers were all hoping the right forever home would come along for Wylla and looking at the posts, we all agree: Wylla is special, even at IBKC, and you and Craig deserve to see her growing up.

    You'll find a way to carry on fostering because you love it. I'm sure Wylla will learn The Way Of The Bean and help you for years to come.

  155. I'm so very happy for all of you!

  156. You have always said that the universe provides your kittens with the most perfect homes -- I'd say Wylla has found hers :)

    Congratulations on your newest addition!

  157. This brought tears to my eyes! (Ok, maybe I'm a little extra emotional today due to stress.) We get to see sweet little Wylla grow up!

  158. Charlene will teach her how to be the perfect foster mother, and she will pass it on. Lucky you! Lucky Wylla!

  159. Yay! I'm so glad I'll see more of wee Wylla! Thank you, Laurie, for choosing your heart over your head. :)

  160. Hooray! Lucky Wylla and lucky you two. And lucky Bean! I've been hoping you'd come to realise that Wylla is a perfect addition, a sister for Charlene who obviously loves her. And what better home for a kitten with a problem. She's a gorgeous little girl. I'm so happy I could dance! Congratulations to you all. Especially to Wylla.

  161. Another big YAY from here! I'm so glad you decided to add her to the family, she&Bean are just perfect floof-sisters and I'm really hoping with all Wee Wylla has been through she'll be just as perfectly patient with future kittens as Bean is, that would be so amazing, Bean&Wylla's finishing school for kittens :D

  162. We kept hoping it would happen! Concats to you all!!

  163. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so so so so so thrilled! I agree with another commenter--this post brought tears to my eyes, and actually, when I first read the title of the post I held my breath for a moment and it took all my strength not to skip ahead to the bottom of the post to see your decision. I can't imagine two people who could possibly love Wylla more than you and Craig, and I think after everything you've all been through with this batch of kittens there couldn't possibly be a happier ending!

  164. I knew it.. I just knew it. :)


  165. I'm so happy you've decided to keep Wylla. She's made her home in your home, and in your hearts!


  166. I AM SOOOOOOOO DELIGHTED SOOOO HAPPY I'M CRYING, CRAZY BUT TRUE!!!!!, Congratulations on your new addition, Wylla is a very lucky kitty I look forward to seeing her grow and hearing all the stories that your future together will bring and last but certainly not lease, THANK YOU

  167. Yes, Wylla's perfect family has come along! Congratulations to you, Craig, Charlene and Wylla! I am brushing away happy tears. Very happy tears.

  168. All the way from Scotland I've been hoping that this would happen - Wylla is so right for your home. She just seems to fit in with Charlene and even from photos their friendship has shown. I am so happy that this special little kitten has found such an amazing place to live and be loved.

  169. This is sooo right. I think everyone in the world was pulling for you and Craig to make this decision. In the end, you followed your heart. Congratulations new Momma and Poppa! I am crying big tears of joy for you and darling Wylla

  170. You know how when you're wishing for something so badly...but you don't dare say it out loud? It was like that. So happy for everyone and for the kitties too! Could I call upon the IBKC community to send their collective good vibes to my fluffer-nutter who is very sick right now at the vet clinic? His name is Bubba, he's 8-years-old, and he's my baby-boy.

  171. I think we all knew this would happen, but nonetheless, I'm still crying happy tears for your expanding family. Wylla would have made another family just as happy, but at the cost of breaking your (and Bean's) heart to see her go. She is an absolute perfect addition to your family. Congrats!

  172. I knew Wylla would find her perfect home! Congrats on the new addition to your family, and I am so happy for all of you.


  173. More good wishes from Scotland - another follower shedding tears. This is wonderful news! I hope you all spend many happy years together. Wylla and Charlene are both so special - as are you and Craig.

  174. I can't express how glad I am, not only because *we* get to keep Wylla, but because Charlene seems so happy with her.

    Plus, I can't imagine anyone who could do for her what you do. You've got her trust, and her love, and she's got her home. :)

  175. I am so glad that Charlene & Wylla's plotting and scheming to stay together worked so nicely.

    I sat here doing forehead bumps and kitty kisses with my girl Marbles (also a fluffy dilute tortie!) with joy for Misses C & W.

    And I hope that one day we will get to see Wylla on Craig's shoulder!

  176. And good wishes from Wales, ditto with the tears! This is the most wonderful, amazing news! I hope you all have a lovely life together. Welcome to Charlene's little sister! It'll be funny for the Bean. She was the little sister to Drewey and now she's the big sister. I can't write any more, I'm just all choked up! Bless you both!

  177. Oh, how wonderful - for everyone!
    I'm so glad for Wylla, as she couldn't be in a better forever home!

  178. There are no words to express how happy I was to see this; I actually cried! ♥

  179. YAY!!!! Oh, I have shivers of happiness for you and Craig and Charlene!!! I couldn't imagine how you would have been able to BEAR giving her up. I'm so very very happy for you all. :)

  180. I just had a feeling this would happen. All the posts about Wylla, the longer she stayed . . . . it just seemed like it was bound to happen.

    She couldn't have found a better home.

  181. As soon as I saw the headline I broke out into a grin. 5 minutes later I'm still grinning, only stopping for the occasional whoot and holler.

    I am so happy for all of you. For all you said in the past weeks about your policy of not keeping your fosters, as time went on I could not see how any family other than yours would be able to give Wylla the care and love that she needs and deserves.

    Congratulations on your foster failure.

  182. And now Bean gets to teach Wylla the ways of the foster auntie! :-D

    *tight tight hugs*



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