Monday, April 29, 2013

Room for Two?

Bean claimed the basket first and occupied nearly every inch.  Wylla thought this sunny spot should be shared, and she tried to squeeze in too.

The floof runneth over.








And the basket nearly burst.


  1. Oh! That's a whole lotta lovely floof!

  2. This whole series of photos is far too precious.

  3. I just don't know how you can stand so much cute in one household.

  4. They really seem to be enjoying each others company, and have the same lifestyle.

  5. Love the tag line! In my house, this kind of worming your way into a small space already occupied is called "Kimmie Camel". My mom would be sleeping when my youngest sister would crawl in, shift over, snuggle, repeat until Mom is on the floor and the kid has the whole bed. Hee. Hee.

  6. OMG, that's hysterical.

  7. Just way to sweet....Bean was great with her, letting her in. She just wanted to snuggle with her friend.

  8. Bean is so patient and Wylla so determined! So cute!

  9. oh my gosh, that is just way too adorable!

  10. That last's so worth it! :D

  11. Am laughing uproariously!

    Charlene, after keeping us in suspense, you made room for your little friend. Such a good pussycat!

  12. "Auntie Char, is it ok if I sit on the edge of your lovely basket?"
    "Well, it looks like you're perched well enough. Let's see what happens."
    "What's that thing moving on the floor?"
    "Wylla, we already discussed this. It's your imagination. Save it for the hoomans."
    "Is it ok if I rest my side up against you like this, Auntie? I do love to snuggle with you!"
    "I guess so, honey, but don't take up my sunning space."
    "Look, there's a little spot in there. I think I could fit! Can I try? Please? Pretty please? Please?" *kerplunk*
    "Thanks for asking, I think. Now let's both be quiet and soak up these rays."

  13. What a flooftastic basket of goodies!

    lol at #2. Oh, no you didn't. Oh, yes I did.

  14. LOL I have tears in my eyes, these girls are such a tonic

  15. All that floof stuffed in one basket -- so insanely precious! Of course, it's not going to work much longer; Wylla may still be wee, but she is still growing -- although, knowing cats, she'll still manage to stuff herself in with Bean in that basket long after it shouldn't still be possible. Hee!

  16. Oh my goodness! That basket doth overfloweth with cute floof! By golly, Miss Wylla found a way to fit, didn't she?

  17. She's still so small! Oh I hope we can get health in order so she starts gaining wait and can meet her forever family!

  18. Little Wylla is going to make someone the best little companion. Maybe she is destined to be a teensy cat. I had a tabby that never went past 4 pounds and she lived a long, happy life. Maybe all Wylla's energy is spent on being adorable.

    1. Yes, my Emily, a tiny tortie, is barely 6 lbs, and yet she's a thriving 17 years old and still going strong. Here's hoping Wylla has as many happy -- and healthy! -- years as Emily!

    2. And my floofy tortie, Mini, never grew past 7 lbs., eventually settling in her older age at about 5.5. She (like Emily!) is also 17, and currently fast asleep on her Princess-and-the-Pea setup on the couch (her Grandma makes her lots of blankies). Teeny cats can definitely live long, happy lives, and they sure are cute as heck. :) Bless them all. <3

    3. My cat Marley is a big 13lb cat, yet his brother and littermate (who lives with my aunt) is a very sweet little boy who must weigh in at about half a Marley! I think they're both beautiful but its funny how they've turned out so differently.

  19. "We're gonna need a bigger basket!" LOLOLOL! Good for Wylla to hold her ground and for Charlene to let the kidden join her. (Not that she had much choice. LOL!)

  20. Madeleine in New YorkApril 29, 2013 at 11:34 AM

    Heaven help me, this is hilarious. cannot stop laughing!

  21. Oh my gosh, those pictures are just too cute! We have three cats and in all these years they have never shared a space like that. I can hear the hissing now if one tried to squeeze in! Bean, you are the best! Wylla, I don't even have words . . .

  22. Oh my, this is just too cute. How amazing that you were able to catch it all go down. If we didn't have the photos to see her climb in there, I would be hard pressed to guess that Wylla was snuggled down there in Charlene's floof in the very last photo. Please tell me there was some very happy purring going on between these two!

  23. *rawr* .... made my Monday. Thanks! xoxo/Susan

  24. This just totally made my monday! I adore the expresssions of both of their faces! Classic! Thanks for sharing Bean Machine!

  25. Wylla got in there just fine - sly little girl!

  26. oh my - that first picture - Wylla's expression cracks me up!!!!

  27. Ha! These pictures remind me of these two:

  28. OMG, that is too dang cute for words!!

  29. I truly believe Wylla is looking better. That "something" in her eyes isn't there anymore, she's looking more perky. I love this post with her and the Bean. What ever it is - acupuncture, time, learning how to eat standing on her hind legs - seems to be helping her improve.
    Yay!! Go Wylla!!

  30. They are such an adorable pair!

  31. Charlene is such a wonderful kitty! So patient! Which is excellent for you as you don't need to worry about fighting and excellent for us as we get to see such adorable pictures!

    Wylla is just the cutest!

  32. That's seriously cute. Not just the floof overfloweth in that picture, but the cute too....

  33. I'm pretty sure Bean is trying to tell you she likes this particular little one...may be a keeper

  34. Egad....
    Its a bountiful Butterbean basket with a Wylla snuggle accessory

  35. So cute! Love to see them in good shape.

  36. Oh, Bean's look of dismay. Specifically, "Dis may not work."



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