The Trimble Tabbies are a little bit on the shy side. Shy kittens like to hide, and we don't want them retreating to the nooks and crannies of the guest bedroom, so I've set up a wire kennel to house them in until they're feeling a little more confident. It works well. They feel safe and I don't have to fish them out from under the furniture.
Several times a day, I put them in the bathroom (aka the exercise yard) so they can run and romp. We join them for playtime and work on building their trust.
They're improving daily - everyone is purring, and they're getting more comfortable with us. They still have their scaredy-cat moments, but they're getting there.
One of the greatest things about fostering kittens is witnessing this transformation.
I just want to cuddle her.
ReplyDeleteCan you tell us anything about the Trimbles' situation before they joined the IBKC? I know that it may not be known where they were found, but if you have that information, I'd love to hear it!
ReplyDeleteThis is why you're so great at fostering kittens. I'm sure they'll turn out well.
ReplyDeleteMonroe is undoubtedly a Maine Coon
ReplyDeleteHey there, little dude. You'll be doing back flips in the living room in no time. Just wait till you meet the Bean--she'll explain everything.
ReplyDeleteWhat Molly said.
ReplyDeleteEmily, I don't know anything about their history.
ReplyDeleteHurrah for shy Trimble kitties! :) Our dear departed Amber was a shy guy who turned into the biggest purring, drooling, love kitty in the world. And we weren't even smart enough to keep him from hiding! Can't wait to see how these kittens flourish!
ReplyDeleteOh dear, I've fallen hard for Mr. Floofy Britches. Between that gorgeous mane, those soulful eyes, and the fact that this darling has my maiden name as his first name... I'm definitely considering relocating to the Pacific Northwest before he hits 2 pounds.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, babies. Everything is going to be A-OK--you've hit the jackpot!
ReplyDeleteI do love Laurie and Craig and Charlene and the wonderful patience and love they share with these babies!
ReplyDeleteThat photo is just beyond adorable -- such a sweet, pensive kitty! It's like he's thinking, "I want to trust them -- can I, please?" Yes, baby kitten, you can. You are in the best place in the world to learn how to be the happiest cat in the world, once you finish Ms. Charlene's Finishing School for Kittens!
ReplyDeleteAwwww... Agreed, the one time I fished tiny street kittens out of the street and kept them for two weeks while waiting for a rescue, the best part was to see them go from cute little hissypants to even cuter little purrypants!
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt whatsoever that the Trimbles are in the best hands and paws with Laurie, Craig and The Bean!
ReplyDeleteTrimble - I keep thinking of Star Trek Original Series fan extraordinaire Bjo Trimble, and like to think this dear litter is named in honor of her!
(This last reference is probably too obscure for anyone not of my...older generation. STOS aired first-run during my high school days...all those years ago!)
Awwww poor wee fella. I just want to hold him and tell him it'll be just fine. <3
ReplyDeleteFishing for kittens... thank you for that phrase which generates fun images.
ReplyDeleteWebbthistle - Nope, it's not a Star Trek reference. If there's ever ever a sci-fi reference (it seems there have been a few) it's purely by accident. That's not a genre I follow.
ReplyDeleteOh, look at that face! What a cutie.
ReplyDeleteHas Team Trimble discovered the ping-pong hockey field that is located in the, ummmm.... recreation room?
ReplyDeleteSweet little Monroe, you are gonna have a blast and y'all will become an amazing trio of kittens.
Kitten looks so cute. Beautiful patience and thanks for they share with these babies!
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ReplyDeleteIf anybody can turn shy kittens into little lap limpets, it's Laurie, Craig, and the Bean.
ReplyDeleteThe little crabby face reminds me a wee, semi-feral kitty I used to have ... she came around, and the Trimble Tabby Trio will, too. :)
ReplyDeleteKitten looks so beautiful. Wonderful patience and thanks for they share with these babies!
ReplyDeleteYour explanation of integrating them from the crate and then letting them exercise in the small bathroom is really helpful. I had a crate for my shy foster kittens but didn't know how to best introduce them to other rooms. Your description makes so much sense. I think they are past that introduction time now though.
ReplyDeleteYour explanation of integrating them from the crate and then letting them exercise in the small bathroom is really helpful. I had a crate for my shy foster kittens but didn't know how to best introduce them to other rooms. Your description makes so much sense. I think they are past that introduction time now though.