I spent the rest of the night thinking about some of my favorite kitty moments and this morning I sifted through the thousands of kitten pics I've posted on Flickr, to share a few of my favorite kitty moments with you. In no particular order, I bring you, fifty of my IBKC favorites.
(If you would like to see these images and a few more in slideshow format, click HERE.)

What a fun (though occasionally bittersweet) walk through memory lane! I haven't been around that long, but I've browsed through the archives, and it was fun identifying each litter. Clement A-E hanging off the curtain absolutely killed me. The picture of the Lively litter in the basket in the middle of the floor so needed a mast and sail :)
ReplyDeleteSo, if you don't hear from very many people after posting this, it's because we are all ded frm tha cute!
:) Thanks for sticking around the interwebs to brighten our days. And thanks for what you do for the Tacoma area's homeless kitties.
ReplyDeleteWhat amazing pictures! I am a new follower as well. I really enjoy following your blog and each new litter!
ReplyDeleteI think that much cuteness concentrated in one place is illegal. But if kittens are wrong, I don't want to be right! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm bookmarking this post for whenever I'm having a really bad day at work. Wow. Super adorable.
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th blog-birthday! Here's to many more years... and many more kittens!
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed you were able to even narrow the memory lane trip down to just 50 faves. Thank you for all that you do and the wonderful pics and stories you share with us to make us smile each day and even shed a tear every so often. Happy 4th Anniversary!
ReplyDeleteRhoda Darling asleep at the wheel kills me everytime. Such a cute picture
ReplyDeleteWonderful, literally - full of wonder. Thank YOU, laurie, for letting us in!
ReplyDeleteThere must be something special in Seattle/Tacoma's air and water -- the most adorable bitties seem find their way to Laurie's house. Four wonderful years of loving kindness and beauty!! -- break out the champagne and toast the IBKC for a job well done.
ReplyDelete<3 <3 <3
ReplyDeleteThere was a ton of "Awww-ing" and "Squeee-ing" from me as I scrolled down memory lane just now.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, IBKC! Here's to many more kittens. : )
I'm so happy to see my favorite Jerry Lee in this slideshow. He may have had a short earthly life, but he was and is beloved.
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary!!
ReplyDeleteAs I scrolled through, I kept thinking ---oooh, right I remember that, that's my favourite picture of all time... and then I'd see the next one and think ---oh right that's my favourite picture of all time...
Is it okay if I have hundreds of favourites?? Pretty please?
Nice to see Drewey making a couple of appearances. Here's to more kitties and more posts!
ReplyDelete4 years! That is amazing! Thank you for what you do, and for brightening boring days here in Denver!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, IBKC!! Thanks for putting together all those pics..I squee'd the entire way through! :)
ReplyDeleteAw, this really made my day. Thanks so much!!! :) <3
ReplyDeleteJerry Lee! And Twyla!
ReplyDeleteI teared up a bit looking at these. Thanks for bringing such wonderful little rays of sunshine into our lives, Laurie.
Oh, what a sweet post! I think the second photo (of Pearla) is probably my most favorite photo you've taken.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Laurie! Can it really be four years already? As I scrolled through your selection of memories I kept thinking, "I hope this one is included, and that one" and you didn't disappoint...your mom with an itty bitty on her foot, our dear Jerry Lee, Drewey's magical moment of a peaceful kitten meet, the only thing missing is any one of the many ones of your dad doing his kitten whisperer thing....and, Craig asleep on the couch blanketed in kittens...and more Bean...well, I guess you can tell I've been around here for almost the entire time...came in one litter shy of the very start. Thanks for all you do for the kittens and for those of us who oooh and aaah with each new batch. Old Gray Mare
ReplyDeleteMy friend just shared this with me. My first visit. What a delight. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteIt was a wonderful walk down memory lane!
ReplyDeleteNeville and his fluff ball always makes my heart melt. Thank you for 4 years of kittens.
Happy B-Day IBKC!!! I've been coming here every day for a couple of years now. Laurie, your gorgeous photos and huge heart always make me smile. My favority IBKC pic will forever be "Rhoda Darling, asleep at the wheel." I was so happy to see it here, along with a couple of Ms. Drewey.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birfday, IBKC! Thank you Laurie, Craig, Charlene, Drewey and all the itty bitties who have made my day almost every day for the last two years -- it is always such a pleasure to see the photos, view the videos and read the posts on this wonderful blog. This is such a wonderful and happy place, and even when it's occasionally sad, it is still such a lovely place to come to. Your site is one of the first sites I read in the morning, and one of the last I look at when I go to bed, unless I'm on vacation - and then I catch up when I get home! Laurie, thank you so much for all the love and care you put into fostering the kittens, as well as the love, care, thought that you put into this site. Thank you also for sharing the kitties with us! I wish the IBKC many more happy years of fostering kittens!
ReplyDeleteThank You for four great years! I loved all those pictures. Most make me smile, some made me giggle and others brought a tear to my eye. You do a really great thing here.
ReplyDeleteSilly Internet eating my comment. :(
ReplyDeleteI won't repeat myself except to say. <3
Aww! Jerry Lee and Drewey! I adore ALL of the pictures & am so thankful for your blog & for all you do for homeless kitties. This post makes me want to go out and adopt another kitty - my current kitties wouldn't be happy. :D
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogoversary IBKC!!!! We are glad you found you and wish you many more years and kittens! What amazing pictures and memories.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, Thank you for what you have done for the past four years. IBKC is one of the reasons why I ended up start volunteering for the animal shelter now. I loved the A-E group picture. There are just so many great pictures from the past. <3
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday IBKC!!!
Happy Birthday IBKC!!! What an awesome thing you have done Laurie - 127 kittens in furever homes, a blog that every day makes people smile and laugh no matter how bad their day had been, squillions of dollars for the local HS, and complete affirmation that cats are the cutest things whatever their age. You also could have a new career in photography should you choose.
ReplyDeleteSo great job to you, Bean, Drewey, Craig, Mom and Dad kitten whisperers and your other helpers (feline and human). Lets all have some cake to celebrate!!
Those photos were so cute it brought tears to my eyes! I love your blog and want thank you for all you do to socialize these little angels and find them good homes. I am thankful I don't live in Tacoma or my 2 kitties would have about 15 brothers and sisters!
ReplyDeleteI am taking another poster's advice and bookmarking this to revisit when I need a lift! <3
ooohhh..that is sooo nice to see again all the babies..and their funny antics at your house Laurie..You did (and still do) a Great job..The most touching pic for me is to see again Jerry Lee (RIP cute little one..) and Drewey..And so happy to think that you matched them all with some wonderful families..
ReplyDeleteTotally verklempt over here. Such wonderfully far-reaching work in such a (relatively) short time. I think I started following in 2008. It doesn't feel like it's been as many months, nor as many kittens, and yet it is absolutely so. Love the joy that comes from this place, Laurie.
ReplyDeleteGosh, I've got tears in my eyes and my heart feels so full. Such a wonder to see their beautiful little faces. Happy Birthday IBKC!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday IBKC ! :)
ReplyDeleteOh, that was awesome! I loved them all, but Pearla, and Rhoda Darling asleep at the wheel are priceless.
ReplyDeleteAnd so sweet to see Drewey and Jerry Lee.
Those photos were just about the most awesome thing to view. I'm in love with all these IBKs all over again. Thanks so much for sharing and Happiest Birthday to the IBKC!!
ReplyDelete..and for-ty mooooooore!
ReplyDeleteA person can't help but fall in love with every one of them. We lost our handsome guy recently. He made it to 21 years. We are just now feeling ready to make a trip to our local shelter for a new fur kid.
ps. And tell Bean she is so very handsome!
ReplyDeleteIt was so fun to look back on four years of incredible adorableness! I'd forgotten how incredibly cute some of those little babes were, and I got tears in my eyes when I got to the picture of Drewey nose-to-nose with the tabby kitten. Thanks for sharing these sweet kitties with us through the years, Laurie!
ReplyDeleteThank you so so much for everything. You make us and the kitties so happy!
ReplyDeletePS Laurie: Thank you also so much for the slideshow - it is absolutely fabulous, and I don't know how you were able to find 50 favorites out all those thousands (!) of photos.
ReplyDeletePitter patter goes my heart. Happy anniversary IBKC.
ReplyDeleteSweet memories...I refuse to count the hours I have spent in IBKC-land as anything but worthwhile!
ReplyDeleteSo much pleasure from the beautiful stories being created to improve the start of a wonderful life for 127 kittens...and then some.
The pink basket series would be a wonderful set of cards.
Little bits of happy memories percolated as I passed from image to image. The most bittersweet are Jerry Lee and Drewey & Benny's nose boop.
I am thrilled at the warmth and goodwill that shows up here every day. Thank you Laurie & Charlene, Craig and dear departed Drewey - and Mr & Mrs Kitten Whisperer for such a wondrous place to visit.
Oh, look at all the sweet babies!
ReplyDeleteYou take the most wonderful kitten (and Butterbean) pictures.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is delightful, thank you for sharing with us, and thank you for helping the kittens find forever homes.
How to come up with ONLY 50 pictures that are faves?? Every new batch of kittens conjures up yet another "all time favorite" picture, too. Laurie is definitely the Kitty Whisperer..
ReplyDeleteLaurie, I have been using the Internet since 1992, and I have to say, IBKC is the best there is or ever was. Happy Anniversary!
ReplyDeleteI am in need of some serious alumni posts after seeing all those little grads.
Calendar time!!!
ReplyDeleteJust Gorgeous! That wittle Pearla just kills me, infact asleep at the wheel and kittens adrift on the big carpet ocean and the saddest kitten in the world and sticking that little tongue out...and...and...and...I'm deaded I tell you, just deaded, I tell you! As Anne Boleyn said...
ReplyDeleteThank-you Laurie and Miss Charlene and dear Drewey.
Happy Birthday! A great assortment of memories :)
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, IBKC! Thanks for the lovely pictures, Laurie - these kittens are so GORGEOUS, the bring a tear to my eye (but in a good way!) :p
ReplyDeleteMy heart just 'sploded from the cute. I can remember most of these from when they were first posted, and seeing them again is a very sweet trip down memory lane. Thank you. Lets do this again in another 4 years!
ReplyDeleteOMG, four years of itty bitty kitty cuteness! The photos are just so freaking cute!
ReplyDeleteHaPpY AnNiVeRsArY IBKC!!! I read the IBKC everyday with Lily & Siam (two Siamese kittehs), and we squee with laughter at the little litters that grace your lovely home and learn the finer points of kittenhood under Ms. Bean. A wonderful, wonderful blog, written by teh bestest kitteh whisperer.
ReplyDeleteDeath by cuteness.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic (4) Yearbook! Happy birthday! I can't imagine a day without IBKC!
ReplyDeleteHorray for the IBKC. These images are insanely cute! Thanks for sharing yourself and the kitties with us!
ReplyDeleteO00h, Laurie! You're thanking US? We thank YOU every day there's a darling kitten picture to see. You've given each of us a little lift to our days for 4 years. It's called encouragement, Laurie, and you and Charlene are doling it out by the megadose :) . Blessings!
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for this post, Laurie. Not only was it a fabulous selection of photos of all the darling kittens -- and, of course, the beautiful Charlene and sweet Drewey -- but I really needed it. My day had gone from bad to worse, but after fighting six hours to get my computer back up and running, my daughter instructed me to run, not walk to see today's Itty Bitty post, and boy, was she right to say this was the best EVER!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all you do. You have raised so many happy, healthy, beautiful babies who have gone on to wonderful forever homes -- you are a true gift to the people of Tacoma. And the entire internet, of course!
Many many thanks for all the uplifting and happy making! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary and I love all the photos. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogerversary! Thank you for the wonderful start you give these kittens ~ you set them up ready for life.
ReplyDeleteJust watched it on the Flicker slideshow and it's even better than the first time. This may become a ritual.
ReplyDeleteThanks for 4 YEARS of hard work! Thanks for posting the good, the bad and the cute. Thanks for sharing the truly awlful stories with us. Thanks for sharing Drewey and Jerry Lee. And many sparkly thanks to Miss Charlene Butterbean for being our fearless kitten teacher.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, IBKC! Many thanks for brightening so many lives, both hoo-man and kitty.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite picture (not pictured) is the one when the kitties destroyed the fundraising set! LOL!
Happy anniversary! Thank you for four years of making my life a little brighter and giving so many kitties a good start.
ReplyDeleteOh, the memories!
Drewey meeting Benny Musselman!
The Amazing Flying Batsels!
Those fiery Lovejoy brothers and their bombshell sister!
Spooning Spooners!
What a wonderful delight, Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI've had an absolutely horrible day at work, so coming to the IBKC and seeing this is possibly the best therapy available.
ReplyDeleteSuch beautiful photos! These kitties are such a testament to your kindness and love--and the Bean's good mentoring.
ReplyDeleteI am a relatively recent reader and hadn't known about dear little Jerry Lee. I am so sorry that such a beloved little one didn't make it but the small mercy is the lovely time he spent under your amazing care and kindness.
thank you for sharing and for all you do for the kitties and for all the light you bring to the world.
Gotta say Gordon's "Saddest Kitten" makes me smile so much. I love the photo of Jerry Lee, and Wendells "message".
ReplyDelete75 comments and I am the ONLY one who comments on your amazing ability to get photos of kittens doing amazing things. I mean seriously how on earth do you keep that many kittens in a basket from that far away?? and the bath tub shot? the jealous side of me wants to accuse you of using photoshop and poster putty, but that's just because I am in awe. I'm constantly in awe over your photos.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing these, and continuing to post some of the most amazing kitten picts on the net.
Oh my! I think I got here right after the 1st litter. Such wonderful, sad, and sweet memories. {{{Jerry Lee}}} and {{{Drewey}}}
ReplyDeleteLaurie, you are such a talent & a blessing for so many people and kitties. I heart you majorly!
I just scrolled through, going "that's my favourite, no wait THAT's my favourite, no wait..." These pictures are so beautiful you are very talented =^..^=
ReplyDeleteI got my kitty from a mom like you in Phoenix. I know it's hard work but you have the best job in the whole world! Thanks for bringing a tear to my eye and plenty of giggles, what a wonderful four years you have had.
ReplyDeleteWow, four years! I'm so grateful there are wonderful people like you who foster kittens and find their forever families. It was neat to see old photos of Theodore/Finny and Vivienne/Sophie. I can't imagine our lives without them. :)
ReplyDeleteLaurie, thanks for all you do. Besides having such a huge heart, you are so talented with the camera. Your photos capture their personalities perfectly. I fall in love with each and every one of the kittens. Congratulations on your blogiversary!
ReplyDeleteJeane Gallo aka NeeNee
Ohhh..... that was so wonderful.
ReplyDeleteThis is my favorite post. Ever. Thank you and congratulations on four years! Here's to forty squillion more!
ReplyDeleteMay I suggest a permanent callout to this on your home page? (Just in case some nefarious individual eradicates all our bookmarks -- but more seriously, newbies can take a instant trip to Cuteville.) Like Charlene, you make it look easy, but there's a ton of hard work behind it all. Congratulations on four years -- and here's to forty more!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! I would visit your house any day :)
ReplyDeletethat made me weepy. what you do is magical.