Lucky me, I got to see Sue (of Pitter Pats) who was there with Alvin, Myrtle and Russell! I said a quick hello to all of them and Katherine too, and then peeked into the carrier holding our new little family.
One by one, I pulled them out and we all squealed in delight. Yep, she was right. They were REALLY cute.
I headed home, set the babies up, and set off for an appointment. When I returned, there was a message from Lori in Vet Treatment. I wasn't expecting a call from her, and I'm a worrier, so naturally I assumed something was wrong with the kittens.
But that wasn't the case. Nope. Not at all. It was actually very good news.
Lori was calling to tell me that there was a 5th kitten in the set, and was wondering if I could come pick the little one up!
A fifth kitten? Huh?
Well, it turns out the gentleman who had brought these four kittens into the shelter had returned with one more.
He had discovered the four kittens in a wall (wall of what, I don't know) and brought them in that morning. Later that afternoon, he found kitten number five and returned to the shelter with her so she could be reunited with her family. The poor little thing was covered in dirt and dust, and was dehydrated too.
Bless you, kind gentleman, for looking again.
It was five minutes before close when I got this message, so I raced down to the shelter again to find number five. There she was, all by herself, in a cubby in the foster room, screaming at the top of her little lungs. I boxed her up, and off we went.
Poor little girl cried nearly the whole way home.
We got home, I popped open her carrier and put her in with the rest. Little Mister hissed, but I think that was directed towards me, not her. The others just went about their business. No big, grand hellos, more of a "oh, there you are" kind of greeting.
I think she was just fine with that. She was just so happy not to be alone anymore.
You're probably anxious to meet this little one.
Well, here she is.
Our tiny tabby...
Our wee little wallflower...

Welcome, little one. We're so glad you made it home.
Oh, little darling, so glad the man found you and brought you to be reunited with your siblings! It sounds like you all had a rough start, but everything's going to be alright, now.
ReplyDeleteOmg, thank goodness he looked again!!
ReplyDeleteI can't take it! I'm saturated with the cuteness.
ReplyDeleteThat is just the cutest story ever! Not only that but you were missing a tabby in the bunch of assorted colors! =)
ReplyDeleteOMG!!!! So relieved he went back and looked, she is just precious! Hope she settles in quickly - they all are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteawww I think you should call this family the WALLFLOWERS!!! they are soo cute so far! and i am so glad the nice man came back to reunite the family!
ReplyDelete*faint* she's fabulous!
ReplyDeleteWallflower would make a great surname!
ReplyDeleteAnd how cute is THIS little girl kitty???!!!
Bless that man for looking one more time!
Again, I am dying of the cute. This litter will be my death, I swear.
ReplyDeleteSuch a darling, sweet thing!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! Poor wee girlie. Were I him, I'd go back and look a couple more times! Bless his heart for looking again.
ReplyDeleteWhat a kind soul that gentleman must be. Those poor little mites, and this baby girl! She's very lucky. Maybe her name should have something to do with luck. Penny? Clover?
ReplyDeleteoh, she is a doll!!! What a cutie pie!
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm so glad to hear about the awesome man who found this adorable family in time for them to make it to the IBKC world. Sending good thoughts his way....
ReplyDeleteToo much heartwrenching cuteness
ReplyDeleteSqueeeee! eeee! She is so perfectly cute and stripey! I can't wait to find out what these wonderful little babies are called!
ReplyDeleteAlso, FOUND IN A WALL? That's a first one for me. Under the porch/deck? Yes. Left in a parking lot? Yes. But in a wall? Wow, mama cat, that's some skill.
The icing on the sweetest cake. Loving this oh so cute family of five.
ReplyDeletethese kittens are SO cute! Awwwww. And so little!
ReplyDeleteOh, she's beautiful! She's my favorite of the (immensely cute) lot--I am a sucker for tiny tabbies (I've adopted three myself over the years, though they're not so tiny anymore). I'm so glad he went back to look again, and so glad she's now won the Kitten Lottery for getting to be raised among her siblings by you and the Bean. Kittens can't ask for a better start to life!
ReplyDeleteI WISH I could describe the delighted sound of "ohmygodthatisthecutestthingihaveeverseen" I just made.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm just so happy that she was found! What a sweet little baby in a litter of sweet little babies! I'm so glad she's no longer alone and dehydrated and hungry.
ReplyDeleteYay little wallflowers!
St. Francis of Assissi comes in all shapes and sizes. That gentleman deserves all of our thanks for looking again. Makes you wonder where Mom is....
ReplyDeletePrecious, just precious!! I love love love tabbies, well and torties, and calicos and well kittens, all kittens. That look tho - she has it going on!
ReplyDeleteAw, bless her tiny little heart! And judging from how not similiar looking this little batch is, I am thinking their mama had QUITE the active social (ahem) life :)
ReplyDeleteThey are all soooooooo cute!!!
That is one kind, kind man who deserves extra special blessings. Don't know why I'm welling up right now, except for the fact it's always wonderful to be reminded of the essential goodness of people...and itty bitty kitties. She'll never be scared, alone, hungry or dehydrated again.
ReplyDeleteOkay, this is my favorite of the litter.
ReplyDeleteThank heaven for the man who found them - and then took the time to check again just in case!! The world needs more people like him. Welcome little miss thing - you are luckier than you know.
ReplyDeleteI read the story and when I got to this little sweetie's picture, I said outloud, but quietly (I'm at work) - OH. MY. GOD.
ReplyDeleteOh, is she a cutie - course I too, am a sucker for tiny tabbies! She is frickin' adorable!
And yes, bless that sweet man for finding these little ones, and going back to find this darling tiny fifth! :)
Tabby kittens are the cutest kittens.
ReplyDeleteOh, that's just a wonderful story.
ReplyDeleteAnd in honor of their starting life in a wall, may I suggest calling them... the Waltons?
This little girl should be Faith Wallflower. Where do I make my donations for the nameing rights??? It's almost that time again, isn't it???
ReplyDeleteomg you're killing me lol
ReplyDeletecutest litter evar. love the grey girl
ReplyDeleteAWWWW! Penny Wallflower - she just turned up! Great naming suggestions everyone! And if she can't be Drew II, I like Clover for the little grey girl.
ReplyDeleteThe man who found them could be a contractor - lots of time workers will find cats in the walls of building sites or old homes being refurbished. Good vibes to him indeed for looking out for little creatures.
Lord have mercy, what a story! And then I looked up "wallflower" and the description suits her to a T:
ReplyDeleteWall·flow·er (wôlflour)
a. Any of numerous herbs of the genus Erysimum of the mustard family, having fragrant yellow, orange, or brownish flowers.
I always wonder what happened to Mama cat for the Itty Bitty Kitties. I hope she's alright too.
ReplyDeleteJust curious, but how do you/the shelter know their mum won't come looking for them? I wouldn't know what to do if I found four kittens in a wall...
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness what a heartwarming story! And you got to see Alvin and pitterpats crew too! Wow what an afternoon! :)
ReplyDeleteI think they should be called the Wallflowers, too. And they all should get flower names. I'm sure there's at least one boy flower name.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for family portraits. That's my favorite part of the cycle.
ReplyDeleteGod bless that man!!! I like the idea of the name Wallflowers!
ReplyDeleteOh. My. Word. These guys are so cute! I love when you get them that little!
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOD!!!!! *FAINTS*
ReplyDeleteAnd her story actually made me tear a little bit... gorgeous little wallflower, so glad she's made it home too! <3
Sorry, friends. Their surname has been selected, but it's not Wallflower. It's a cute name, but it would imply these kittens are shy or meek - which they're not. We don't raise wallflowers around here! Only confident kitties!!
ReplyDeleteJen, Who knows where mama is or if she'll be looking for her kittens. Tthe babies are safe here. And it's better for them to be here, than out there. Now they'll be vaccinated, get spayed or neutered, and live longer, healthier lives with loving families.
Oh gosh!!
ReplyDeleteMay God and the Universe bless the man who found these babies and saw that they were delivered into caring hands, the shelter for coordinating the process, and Laurie and Craig for fostering them.
ReplyDeleteWonderful story! But to all those voting for the name Wallflower - are you serious? It's not a nice thing to be called.
ReplyDeleteSqueeeee!! She is my favorite!
ReplyDeleteAwww, this one reminds me a little like my Lena who also has that white spot under her chin. I adopted her when she was 1 year old (estimated) so I don't know what she looked like as a kitten. This should be pretty close. And if the reverse is true, this one is going to stay an adorable, loyal, loving kitty when she grows up.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful man to look again and check for this little one! Welcome little one >^..^<
ReplyDeleteDon't tell the kittens, but I think the little miss here might be my favorite.
ReplyDeleteOh, my! They are all adorable, but she might just be the most adorablest. I don't know how that nice man was able to give her up, but I'm happy she's back with her family.
ReplyDeleteWHEW! Just as cute as the others, and luckier by far.
ReplyDeleteOMG, what a miracle! Bless that wonderful kind gentleman for rescuing that baby and the rest of her family! They're all insanely adorable, but I think this tiny girl is a total heartbreaker. Can't wait to see the group photo!
ReplyDeleteOMC! We're glad too. Purrs.
ReplyDeleteSorry we haven't visited for a while, we had grandbeans staying for a vacation. It's been happy chaos!
I hope you give them all flower names Wallflower, Sunflower, Cornflower, etc. that would be cute. They are adorable!
ReplyDeleteYou realize you have to call her Daisy or something flower related now, right???
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful, wonderful luck. I'm so glad the man who found the first four went back to look again!
ReplyDeleteLucky little lovely lass.