I'm excited to announce we're got a little give-away this week!! Thanks to author Julie Jackson (of Kitty Wigs fame) and the fine folks at Chronicle Books, one lucky person will win an autographed copy of Julie's hilarious new book, Glamourpuss: The Enchanting World of Kitty Wigs.
Care to throw your
hat into the ring? Just leave a comment on this post, and consider yourself entered. You've got until Sunday, September 20th at 11:59 PM (pacific time) to do so. On Monday, September 21st, we'll randomly select a winner, announce it on the blog and ask the winner to contact us with their mailing address. There's no need to leave your email address in the comment,, just your name.
As of today, the book is officially available on Amazon, and also on Julie's site. So if you're not the lucky winner, you can pick up your very own copy.
I know all of you will love the book, but I thought I'd run it by the kitties in the committee to see what they had to say...

Sweet Arthur fell hard for Skittles, the cowgirl/kitty model. He thought he might try to win her heart by dressing the part.

Benny thought the book made an excellent playhouse.

He also thought it tasted delicious.

Olly feels he could "totally rock that look".

Charlene was a bit skeptical at first, but after flipping through just a few pages, she was convinced all cats should own wigs and decided to start saving her allowance for her very own "Pink Passion". Kitty wigs are beautiful. Kitty wigs are fun.

By the end of the book, she was laughing so hard, she nearly wet her cataloons.
Thanks, Julie! Thanks, Chronicle! Good luck, everyone!
It looks so adorable!! Consider me entered! <3
ReplyDeleteBean, I feel the same way! Count me in too please........
ReplyDeletePlease count me in! I love Arthur's little cowboy outfit. Just makes me want to dress up my pair in their Halloween costumes :D
ReplyDeleteOMG, yes! I want that book, it does look hilarious. And sweet Arthur in his cowboy getup is just too darling.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, did you see my article on the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee? You can find it here:
http://canidaepetfood.blogspot.com/search/label/Itty Bitty Kitty Committee
How funny. I love the Bean's snicker in the last photo.
ReplyDeleteso cute!!
ReplyDeleteI love his little hat & scarf! Count me entered please!
ReplyDeleteThat is too funny! My cats would fight over that book. Of course, they fight over EVERYTHING!
ReplyDeleteI'm in WA state and may have to come smuggle Benny away!
Consider me entered for the book too, please!
I'm not entering because I want the book. I'm entering because it's autographed and that has to be worth something. So if I win, you can keep it and offer it up at your next kitty fundraising extravaganza.
ReplyDeleteI love Arthur in that cute hat!
ReplyDeleteWith any luck, the winner will also get an itty bitty bit of IBKC fur in the book!
ReplyDeletegreat post - awesome photos and that looks like a really cool book!
ReplyDeleteThey all look wonderful *S*
ReplyDeleteHopefully this will work!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely in love with the Ittys reactions to the book, so I've gotta throw my hat into the ring too!
ReplyDeleteOh heavens.. I'm not sure which picture I like better, Arthur in his cowkitty getup (yeeeHA! Such a patient little cowkitty too, to put up with being dressed up) or the picture of the Bean laughing her cataloons off..
ReplyDeleteGood luck y'all.
My kitties & I love your site! (I have one itty bitty kitty, and one biggy wiggy kitty)
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute book!
ReplyDeleteOo! Oo! Me please Miss!!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to throw my wig into the hat as well :) My name is Alyssa Durden
ReplyDeleteAnd OMG Arthur.... *thud* I can't take it!!
ReplyDeleteItty Bitty Kittys and Kittywigs? AWESOME.
ReplyDeleteOur house, feline and human alike, love IBKC and love Julie's kittywigs (and models), and her subversive cross stitch!
Are there any kitties in the book that look like bears? I like other bear kitties. My sister Kenai says she would love to read the book even if she never sees another bear cat as long as she lives. I guess she doesn't like it when I sit on her.
ReplyDeleteHow fun! I love that Charlene is saving up her allowance. What a good kitty.
ReplyDeleteOh my! That looks like fun... I think I might have to get a wig for the boys. :)
ReplyDeletePlease enter me on behalf of Bernie and Violet. They think they need a new look for Halloween!
ReplyDeleteSo cute! *crosses fingers*
ReplyDeletemy cat probably wouldnt wear those, but if I had that book I;d get to see lots of adorably accesorized kitties
ReplyDeleteOh, I'd love to have an autographed copy of this!!
ReplyDeleteDoes Arthur come with the book?
ReplyDeleteTuxie's with Olly on wanting to rock that look. Clark wants us entered so he can see can get a better look at Skittles
ReplyDeleteI too love the Pink Passion Wig and think it would look fetching on my kitties! The book looks adorable!
ReplyDeleteCute, cute, cute!!
ReplyDeleteThis is the best kitty crew ever. Darla! Arthur! Olly! Benny! How I want to snuggle you all!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to throw my wig in but I only have a wiglet. Will that do? Oh wait, I have a red Pippi Longstocking wig - I'll throw that in! I already feel lucky because I'm the grandma of Miss Maddie Bouvier!
ReplyDeletetoo cute
ReplyDeleteHow in the world did you convince Arthur into wearing a hat and scarf? He and Benny are my biggest favorites since Jerry Lee.
Oooo...pick me!
ReplyDeleteAs if my kitties need more instrucion on how to be glamorous! But I want the book anyways!
ReplyDeleteOooooh, the kitties all look fabulous!
ReplyDeleteVery cute! How much is Charlene's allowance?
ReplyDeletePick me!!
ReplyDeleteLove this series of photos.
me me meeeeeeeeeeee!
ReplyDeleteSoooo cute!!!!!
ReplyDeletei love arthur's outfit! more dress up more dress up!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the commentary!!!This book looks too cute for words.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like "whiskers UP" of approval from all of the IBKCs!
ReplyDeleteI'll keep my fingers (and Oliver and Minnie's whiskers) crossed!
Purry Hugs, Robin
That book looks awesome! Count me in!
ReplyDeleteThe Bean's expression at the end makes me want to see this book! If the Bean laughs everyone laughs!
ReplyDeleteCharlene should be the covergirl, with or without hat or wig. SHE is the definition of a glamour puss.
ReplyDeleteWill Charlene autograph the copy? :)
ReplyDeleteOhhh count me in! A book recommended by the IBKC must be one of the best :)
ReplyDeleteMs. Henrietta Pussycat would like a copy of this book, too! We'd also love an autograph from Ms. Butterbean. We're big fans.
ReplyDeleteZara and Sammi would love to read a copy. They mostly have to read War and Peace right now.
ReplyDeleteI think the Butterbean would look FABULOUS in the Pink Passion wig! The SilverFox one wouldn't be too bad either... :)
ReplyDeletePink passion?? You have got to be kidding me. The Bean is an electric blue kinda girl!
ReplyDeleteThe Bean could totally rock any kitty wig!
ReplyDelete(a) I'd love a copy for my coffee table. (And an autograph from Charlene Butterbean! Swoon!)
ReplyDelete(b) Electric blue would bring out Charlene's eyes the best.
(c) I think Arthur might be the most adorable kitten ever. (But I think I think that about every kitten.)
too cute! consider this my entry please - hugs & snorgles to the Musselman clan!
ReplyDeleteCount me in!
ReplyDelete--Name's David
How funny and cute! Enter me please!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to be put into the drawing, please! My name is Kali
ReplyDeleteLaurie, Laurie, Laurie, you've done it again. Surpassed the previous fabulousness of so many wonderful photo essays. You have creativity galore, and I'm sooooo happy to be able to witness it.
ReplyDeleteThe only downside is that I had to use my inhaler in order to look at the pictures and read the captions. But I can live with that.
Please enter me in the drawing, and if I win, let me know so I can refill my prescription.
ReplyDeletePS William Henry wears cataloons. I always wondered what they were called.
The Davenports want wigs now too!
ReplyDeleteKitty wigs - yes, please!
ReplyDeleteWho could resist Arthur in that cowboy hat?!
ReplyDeleteYou have amazingly patient kitties :) - my cat does the "I have no bones" thing if I try to dress her - lol!
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine any of my three wearing a wig, but maybe the book would inspire them to!
ReplyDeleteWould it be wrong to put lovely wigs on my boy cats? They really don't know any better, do they?
ReplyDeleteArthur's hat is just TOO MUCH. :D
ReplyDeleteconsider me entered!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to enter. And I am glad Butterbean did not wet her cataloons; it sure looked like a close call.
ReplyDeleteCount me in! This would be a fabulous birthday present for myself, as my birthday is this friday :)
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I just love little Benny using the book as a playhouse!
I used to dress my cat Tiger up in a long sleeved onsie- I was 10, she was patient! But alas, no pictures for posterity.
ReplyDeleteAnd if I win, you won't have to mail it. I'll be happy as a clam to swing by and pick it up :)
i like kittys! this contest is great -
Love it!! So cute!
ReplyDeleteArthur gets the prize for cute!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my, that is too cute... especially Arthur, rockin' his bandana!
ReplyDeleteKitty wigs! Kitty wigs are adorably odd!
ReplyDeleteSo unbearably cute! ...trying...not...to buy...$50...cat wig...
ReplyDeleteSign me up!! Must have Charlene autograph it as well!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't get much better than cats in wigs! :)
ReplyDeleteDarla looks slightly concerned about the kitty wigs in the first photo :) And Arthur is a total cowboy! ::swoons::
ReplyDeleteLove Julie's subversive cross stitch & own that book - winning would help me continue collecting her [g]
The floofy love bean is already a glamourpuss to me!
ReplyDeleteI'll give it a try...
ReplyDeleteMaybe Charlene Butterbean and Lilybutter could have a playdate? What am I thinking...Laurie and Colleen need to have a playdate!!!
My kitties would shred the wig, then shred my face. These model kitties must be drugged.
ReplyDeletearthur comes with the book right? count me in.
ReplyDeleteI love cats with wigs, and would pay money (GOOD money) to see Ms. Butterbean sporting one :)
ReplyDeleteOh my, those kittens are posing adorably! But I must say Benny is the absolute cutest.
ReplyDeleteBe careful Charlene! Those might not be dry clean-able :p
ReplyDeleteConsider me entered =]
Oh i want one! Kittehs + books = funfunfun½
ReplyDeleteOh, why not? I am Kat™, hear me roa--, er, meow.
ReplyDeleteI love books almost as much as my cats! Bcat =^^=
ReplyDeleteLove Arthur's outfit, count me in. Anna
ReplyDeleteI would love to be considered (assuming its okay that I live over the water in the Uk).
ReplyDeleteThat Arthur, he's a stunner! Who could resist those blue eyes...
ReplyDeleteI also live across the big pond, but if that doesn't matter, there are definitely days I could use a book full of cute.
Love, love, love the cat photos!
ReplyDeleteKitty Wigs and the IBKC together in one post?? i'm in heaven!
ReplyDeleteI would like to be entered in the contest as well ... I view your website on an almost daily basis. I have a kitty that looks almost just like Charlene Butterbean. She says she wants to be like Charlene when she grows up >o<. Tarah
ReplyDeleteToo cute!! Count me in
ReplyDeleteOh my! What a cute book!
ReplyDeleteAw, too much cute poof in a post! :D Consider me entered as well :D
ReplyDeleteHow Cute! Please consider this my entry!! :) Love me some kitties!
ReplyDeleteFurther proof that cat people are hopelessly addicted to CUTENESS!!! Guilty as charged - please count me in!
ReplyDeleteI love every picture of sweet Arthur, but the cowboy look nearly did me in. So adorable!
Hee! That looks like a wonderfully ridiculous book! I think I've found some Christmas gifts!
ReplyDeleteArthur looks sooo cute in his little cowkitty outfit!!!
ReplyDeleteArthur as a cowboy?! I nearly died of the Qte! Olly is very dashing, no wig needed.
ReplyDeleteWhy, why, why must you be on the WEST COAST????
ReplyDeleteArthur is maginficant in his hat. But Charlene and her cataloons warms the cockles of my heart. Of course my 1 shelter Maine Coons would prpbably NOT like a baby around. Ever.
OMG..Arthur !!! Now I'm singing " Ragtime Cowboys" at work . You are all tooooooooo cute. Lauarie, you need dto send Arthur's picture into ICHC pronto .
Aunty Pol
Okay, "cataloons" needs to enter the vernacular. =D
ReplyDeleteLots of kitty love,
Jennifer ^_^
Looks funny
ReplyDeleteWonderful! Count me in! (And another <3 for Charlene's LOLs)...
ReplyDeleteOh my - I would love to join the pool of entries!
ReplyDeleteArthur is so gorgeous anyway, I love the structure of his face and that saddle of darker color over his nose complements his beautiful eyes. Melting is not sufficient - I became a puddle when I saw his outfit.
Miss Charlene is so wonderfully expressive, as usual.
And please oh please give the 'Bean, Drewey, the Musselman clan and the future IBK's an extra chin, ear or under collar skritches.
This post was totally full of AWESOMENESS.
ReplyDeleteHA--so cute!!!!!
ReplyDeletei would love to be considered. thank you! :)
ReplyDeleteAw, kitties!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, because at first, I thought you were giving a copy of Dave Sim's new comic, which didn't make sense to me at all. This makes more sense, and is much more adorable.
Arthur is so adorable . . . wish i could adopt him. *sigh*
ReplyDeletePlease enter me. I would love to win this cute book for a kitty-loving friend of mine!
ReplyDeletesmchester at gmail dot com
Lovely giveaway! Count me in!!
ReplyDeleteI sent my cousin a picture from the Kitty Wigs site, and she laughed so hard she almost went into labor.
ReplyDeleteThis book is wrong on so many levels, I really need a copy of it for my coffee table. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThe Bean doesn't need any extra frills or fluff. She's a GlamourPuss all by her beautiful self.
ReplyDeleteooh, what a beautiful book! please enter me too!
ReplyDeleteAdorable and fun!
ReplyDeleteMe me me! Pick me!
ReplyDeleteOn another note, I have seen her wigs. My friend has a cat with a skin condition that causes her to lose her fur in patches and so I joke that she needs a kitty wig.
Oh it looks like a very funny book! Please consider me entered! Thanks very much!!!!
ReplyDeleteLaurie, I hope you know how much your creativity and sense of humor mean to your fans! I'm so grateful that each morning, I arrive at my cube (admittedly a very nice cube, with a view of Elliot Bay and the Olympics, but still its work - sigh) and settle in with my cup of coffee and open the IBKC. I so love starting my day with a SMILE!
ReplyDeleteCount me in!
ReplyDeleteJulia From Minneapolis wants in! Thanx! Love the cowboy hat! I heart Arthur and Benny!
ReplyDeleteLove the book, but also love all the pictures you post on your blog, they make you feel all warm and cozy.I will definately get a copy . Thankyou
ReplyDeleteoh olly, you complete me.
ReplyDeleteSo cute! I wish my baby girl kitty would sit still long enough for pictures, never mind a wig!
ReplyDeleteArthur looks so cute in that hat!
ReplyDeleteI love love love Arthur's outfit! That picture is frameable! When you send me my winnings (the book) please include Arthur, too! :)
ReplyDeleteWonderful! They could ALL be kitty wig models!
ReplyDeleteWe give it 5 purrs!
ReplyDelete- Ella, Thomas, Jake, Billy & Darby
Putting my name in the hat!
ReplyDeleteCount me in on the draw
ReplyDeleteI adored this book from the first time I laid eyes on it. I love kitteeeehs! Especially these ones.
Charlene would be beautiful no matter what wig she wore.
ReplyDeleteI need to borrow Benny to zip into my fleece today. He's just too cute :).
I'm keeping to my usual anonymity b/c I don't want to be entered. Too many books collecting cat hair in my house as it is :)
Ohhhh, I'd like a chance to win!
ReplyDeleteI think Charlene would look smashing in any of the wigs! I always saw Arthur as a punk rocker but the cowboy look it too cute!
ReplyDeleteCount me in, too!!! I wonder what these luttle kittens would liook like with a little cat wig. The only kitty that I've ecer seen that looks like she would remotely tolerate it is Daisy (the Curly cat). They would tolerate it more so if they only knew how cute they look!!!
ReplyDeletetoo cute! Count me in.
ReplyDeleteAww! Arthur looks so CUTE as a cowboy kitty!
ReplyDeleteI'm diving into the pool for cuteness. Love the outfit Arthur.
ReplyDeleteAwwww. So cute!!!
ReplyDeleteI love it! Cowboy Arthur is too much for me to handle. He's delicious.
ReplyDeleteOh. My. God! Kitty wigs are da bomb! No cat should leave home without 'em, I tell ya! :)
ReplyDeleteIf Atticus the Catticus sees this, he is going to be beside himself! He's orange, fluffy, and magnificent ... just ask him. He's also a little confused and probably batting for the other team (not that there's anything wrong with that)! Cooper, Scout and Abby are just mere pawns in the spectacular production that is his daily life!
ReplyDeleteArthur is just too adorable.
ReplyDeleteThat last picture has me in stitches.
ReplyDeleteLooks as though we can all get some great fashion tips from the glamour pusses!! (btw real name is Laura)
ReplyDeleteI would wuv to have this book! Love the cowboy kitteh Arty!
ReplyDeleteThe hat and the scarf ... oh my!!
ReplyDeleteCan you throw a kitten into the mix as well? ;-)
ReplyDeleteArthur is too cute for words in his cowbay hat!
ReplyDeleteI would have to agree with the Bean!
ReplyDeleteLove the website. I'm a huge Charlene fan. The book looks really fun. Thanks for offering it as a give-away!
ReplyDeleteCount me in too, this book looks like lots of fun, of course the pics and captions are just adorable too ;o)
ReplyDeleteCool book! Wanna win... :-P
ReplyDeleteThe kitty reviewers were great! I wonder what a dog would think of this book? :)
ReplyDeleteMy hat is in The ring!
ReplyDeletecats are so purrrrrfect for dress up ;-) they truly are glamourous
ReplyDeleteMy 3 furry kids would like to say that this is an abosolutely fabulous book!
ReplyDeleteGatita (former alley cat) is now demanding a pink wig & a professional photo shoot.
Laurie - have YOU ever considered writing a book? I love your photos, but the captions make it all worthwhile! Today had me laughing!
ReplyDeleteMamaCat would love to update her look! She and I are in for the drawing. Thanks! (And yes--I think Laurie should write a book!)
ReplyDeleteI want the book and Arthur. xoxo jennifer adams
ReplyDeleteI would DEFINANTLY buy an IBKC book!! Your photos and captions are always a guaranteed giggle, even on the worst days! I think Charlene is beautiful just like she is, but the pink might be fun, too ;) Count me in on the drawing! (Patricia Steed)
ReplyDeleteAnother Charlene suggests that some of these wigs should be donated to the furless Sphynx cats that may appreciate them. :) (Chicago Charlene CEH)
ReplyDeleteWonder how my felines would like to be dressed in a wig?? Hmmmm, I don't see them lasting very long.....
ReplyDeleteThanks for the fun give-a-way!!
Benny's belly shots almost made me forget about the book! I just fell in love.
ReplyDeleteEveryone thinks I wear a wig because my hair is pink. I really should get some kitty wigs so that people will wonder if my cats and dog are wearing wigs as well :)
ReplyDeleteToo cute!!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! This is too cute! I love cats so much :)
ReplyDeleteCount me in this contest!
ReplyDeleteI love Boone. I had to put my 14 year old Siamese male to sleep awhile back and he reminds me so much of him! ;-) Now we have two siamese kittens that are 2 years old. Love this book!
ReplyDeleteI posted the comment above but couldnt figure out how to post my email...here it is: hollynicolewren@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI love BOONE!
So adorable. I have been coveting the pink kitty wig since forever! Love to be entered for a chance to win.
ReplyDeleteOh Arthur, I was already in love with you, but now it's twofold, because I am such a sucker for cowboys.
I've long been a fan of the kitty wigs (and your blog)! Please sign me up!
ReplyDeleteCool contest- very cool book. Wow! I linked through here from Dooce. nice to find an interesting blog.
ReplyDeleteThat looks like a great book, count me in!
how cute is that! wiggies for kitties~ <3
ReplyDeleteOo! Enter me too, pleases. I'll donate some of my pennies to Charlene for her own wig, if she gets it in pink!
ReplyDeletehow could i not post a comment? those goofy pics look like fun and i hope to see ms butterbean with her pink wig sometime soon!
ReplyDeleteI can see my Gigi Marie in the pink wig. Unfortunately, she can't. I asked her and she is giving me the "do and you die" look. Oh, well. Maybe if I win the book, I can show her other wigs that she will like better. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to get this book. What adorable kitties - I love this site!
ReplyDeleteOh, how I wish I could convince my brother to let me do that with his cat. Count me in!
ReplyDeleteA wig on a cat? That's just wigged out man!
ReplyDeleteOhhh!!! I want one! My son and I love kitties, but alas, were too allergic to own one!!
ReplyDeleteKitty wigs! I love it!
ReplyDeletecount me in, too, please!
i've been seeing that book everywhere! hope to get it. :)
ReplyDeleteOh yay!