These kittens are funny. They bounce around, and when they get tired, instead of pulling themselves away from the action and climbing into bed, they just stop and sit on the sidelines. Their eyelids get heavy, their shoulders start to slump, and the next thing you know, they're sleeping sitting up.
I've seen kittens do this before, but I've never seen an entire litter with this particular napping habit. I have to say, it's pretty entertaining watching these little bobble-heads nap in this position.
I've never seen anything as cute and adorable as these sitting up sleeping kitties. I'd love to just cuddle up with them.
ReplyDeleteI love this! I've seen it on occasion, but never with a whole litter! You should do a video, Laurie.
ReplyDeleteWonder what they are dreaming about?
They're having so much fun and loving their lives so much that they can't bear the idea of missing out on something!
thought, yesterday's picture never can be topped. was a mistake. I am laying on the floor. Dead of cuteoverload.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I can handle how ridiculously adorable these little ones are!!! Why can't humans accomplish this amazing feat?
ReplyDeletethey are so funny! they remind me of my daughter when she was about 8 or 9. she would be in bed, sitting up sound asleep. a few times we would try to ease her back down, but she would wake and be grumpy. we just left her alone and watched. she grew out of this phase quickly, but it sure was fun!
oh! i just thought...itty bitty sitting committee for this litter!!
My cat is now 5 years old, and she *still* sleeps sitting up. Usually at the very top of her cat tree, for maximum risk.
ReplyDeleteGah!!!! Cute little snoozing puffballs that smile when they sleep. Sugar overdose!
ReplyDeleteOne of my cats would do this too, but as she got more and more relaxed, she'd slowly start leaning sideways. Gravity would finally take over and *plop* she'd go down to the floor. She'd pop back up, and do the furious licking that cats always seem to do when they're embarrassed, like "Yeah, I MEANT to do that!"
so funny!
ReplyDeleteWhat adorable, funny babies!
ReplyDeletelove the cuteness! One of our cats does this too. It's bizarre as I've never seen a cat do this before her. I usually go over to her, give her a good petting and then suggest she curl up and take a nap. Usually I get a one eye open and back to sleeping sitting up. Silly girl.
ReplyDeletekittens are so cute when they do this!
ReplyDeleteThat's just a whole new level of adorable!
ReplyDeleteAh, that is so cute. I just want to pet their little heads :) I do miss my kittehs being kittens...when they would fall asleep anywhere :)
My cat (6) does this too :D And when it gets too much for him to bear, his front legs slowly buckle and he slides down to normal lying position. Then his head starts to go down, and down, and down until his nose hits the floor (or whatever he's lying on) and he just sleeps on :D
ReplyDeleteBenny looks so similar to my Morgan when she was little, its breathtaking.
ReplyDeleteBless his furry sleepy heart.
I am officially in love with the Musselmans!
ReplyDeleteMy heart just melted. My youngest kittie does this all the time, but under lamps. I'll find her sitting straight up under a lamp, head slumped, eyes closed, so asleep I doublecheck her breathing. :) She's addicted to lamps - I suspect the warmth and brightness put her in a sort of sun stupor and she's out. :P
ReplyDeleteThat is sweet, kittens sleeping just like birds...
ReplyDeleteBarney had done that a couple times, but he usually falls over after a while. I am surprised that the whole group does it though - I wonder if they learned it from each other?
ReplyDeleteThat is hilarious:) How precious...
ReplyDeleteAwww! Look at Benny...he looks like a little wooley bear or one of those hot spring monkeys in Japan. All fluffy and puffy. Snorgles!
ReplyDeletei've been frequently coming back to this post all day today - these kitties totally warm up my heart and make me truly happy!!!
ReplyDeleteSO CUTE I CAN'T STAND IT!!!!! I'd love to see this on LOLCATS, there would be some funny captions for sure ;o)
ReplyDeleteLOL, they are so darn cute!!
ReplyDeleteItty bitty narcoleptic kitties!!
ReplyDeleteLOL. I have never seen a cat sleep like that. Perhaps these little babies are reincarnated horses? ;-)
ReplyDeleteBaby kitties, please go to sleep! The world will still be here when you wake up -- you won't miss much! Honest!
ReplyDeleteI love when the itty bitties do this. Thanks, Laurie, for doing all the "heavy lifting" in taking care of the babies, and for letting us all share in it.
Benny actually looks really comfy in that second picture. How interesting that they all seem to do this. Monkey see monkey do maybe? (or kitty in this case). How often do they do this?
ReplyDeletewhat precious little puffballs, snoozing peacefully... but they're also recharging!
ReplyDeleteOh - what a group! I love them!
ReplyDeleteOh, this cries out for a video to be made and uploaded, don't you think?
ReplyDeletePrecious, precious and more precious! I've not had a kitten do this yet!
ReplyDeleteooooh how sweet!! I'd probably wake them up after grabbing them for being so cute.. then i'd feel bad >.<
ReplyDeleteLOL..this batch of kittens are sooo sweet..I love them at first sight..and they are soooo cuuuute too..and sooo fluffy and adorable and snuggable and...and...
ReplyDeleteI wish I could do that at work... ;-)
ReplyDeleteO - they are all just sleeping at the ready in case that OTHER kitty they sense comes in to groom them!
ReplyDeleteThe hairball potential is endless with this much floof!
Their meditation position is so zen and inspires me so much :)