Saturday, August 2, 2008

Meet Inez!

Meet tiny little tuxedo, Inez Davenport!


  1. Goodness what a lovely little boy/girl that is!!!

    Is he a boy or a girl Laurie?

  2. What a little curmudgeony face! I love how s/he looks like a little grumpy old man.

    So sweet. I just want to see him raise his fist and yell at kids to get off his stoop.

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhh what a sweetie!

  4. oh my! I actually giggled when I saw Inez! I love her! She looks like a little kitty penguin!

  5. OMG! These Davenports are stocky little bebes!

    Inez has stolen my heart! She is the absolute cutest - looking so stoic and proper. Makes me want to snorgle the dickens out of her!

  6. Via you'll have to get in the queue to snorgle this little beauty of a kitten!

  7. What a proper young lady, and so elegantly dressed! But I see past your airs, Miss Davenport; I bet you're a squishy little snuggle-bug at heart!

  8. I LOVE the multi-ethnic name! esp since the family names are generally very English (with the exception of the Bouviers, of course)

    Inez is absolutely ADORABLE.

  9. She does indeed look like a kitty penguin, but quite a stocky one (if you don't figure Orson into the equation). She is very black with a dear little white chin and then the typical tuxedo bib front which looks as if it extends down onto her belly. Here I am in the queue waiting for my turn to snorgle her. I'll just stand here patiently, wondering what the 5th Davenport looks like and what the first one we met's name is. So much to think about!

  10. These guys are all so boxy, like a fleet of Volvos. Davenport is the perfect last name for them!

  11. Oh! Just a little white chin -- like my late lamented Charlotte. She's adorable!

  12. Awww. I have had two kitties of the tuxedo type in my many years of being owned by a cat. It's my favorite coloration.

  13. Welcome, beautiful Inez! You're as lovely as your name.

  14. A fluffy little statue!

  15. Oh mercy. Inez! What a pretty little girl she is - who came equipped in evening wear - a lovely black and white fur coat.

    My very first kitty in the world was a tuxedo, and every single tuxedo I've met has been a lovely.

  16. omg omg omg... how cute are you, Inez??? Too cute for words.

    *gets into line to wait for snorgles*

    *checks watch*

  17. Hi sweet little Inez! Much tuxedo kitty love. *purrs*

  18. oh my gosh. this may just be the most GLAMOUROUS litter IBKC has had to date.
    How absolutely beautiful.
    me wants.

  19. Ashe mischief, you are so right! She looks like such a grumpasaurus. But then you get sight of those floofy little tufts of fur on top of her ears, and realize that she is just a snorgle-worthy little monkey moozer at the heart of it all.

    My Daphne is a dark gray tuxedo so I have a VERRRY weak spot for this lovely lass Miss Inez.

  20. My dearest Inez, What a pleasure it is to meet you. Nice suit. I hope you will have many jewelled necklaces and feather toys. Thanks again for brightening up our lives. Be well:-)

  21. Wow, she has a perfect chin patch!

  22. O*M*G*!!! This is it. Inez, you have just stolen my heart. I willingly send it to you, Same Day Express Service.

    Except for the gender difference, Miss Inez is an exact copy of my late Willy, the love of my life. He also looked very smart decked out in his tux. When he talked to me that little white chin made him look like a marionette, inspiring my brother to nickname him Mr. Bluster.

    Willy had the sweetest, most deeply loving nature of any cat I've ever met, including the dozen kitties I've lived with throughout my life. Whoever adopts this darling girl is in for a lifetime of loving companionship.

  23. These kitters have definite attitude! I so can't wait to see them "in action"!

    Purry Hugs,


  24. Tuxedo kittens break my heart!! Looooove little Inez D!

  25. Hello young Inez. You are a handsome tuxedo kitten with top quality, witchy ears. These will take you far in life.

  26. This batch must be the fluffiest yet!

    Are they as assertive as these photos suggest?

  27. Dale- Harriet? Where are you, honey? You are either off on vacation or history work, have posted as "anonymous" as I have done a couple of times by accident, or you've seen 4 out of 5 Davenports (one of whom has yet to reveal his name) and you've fainted dead away from the adorableness.
    I miss you!

  28. Back for the umpteenth billion time since Inez was introduced to us. I am completely, utterly and totally smitten!

    No one need bother queuing up behind me, because I am not letting this IBK go when I get my hands on her.

    She is super-adorable - absolutely supurrrrrrb.

  29. Meowm squealed when she saw Inez! She looks like she ispoofing herself up to look bigger and scare away an interloper! And she is very cute!

  30. Oh, how precious is she? Much love from my little tuxy cat, Ebbie, to you, Miss. Inez!

  31. What cute li'l pudglies they are! Are there more than two?

  32. Welcome to the gan Inez! You'll enjoy your stay with the bestest IBKC mama in the world! :)

  33. PUrrrfect Tux-- down to the elegant white whiskerinos and teensy white goatee! *gush*

  34. Wincey - If you scroll down to previous posts you'll see that there are 5 Davenports!



  36. Aww, little Inez... She looks very zen. :)

  37. I think Inez is my favorite of this batch. :)

  38. I have a soft spot for tuxies since my first kitty was a tuxie. Inez is gorgeous and looks absolutely perfect in every way...down to the incredible matching ear tufts. :)

  39. WOW!

    She is gonna hold her own against \ with her two ways about it!

    But she will do it with tuxedo kitten style!

    Go to it Inez!! Glad to meet you!

  40. Nice to meet you GORGEOUS Inez.. I love tux cats..They are all beautifull but YOU Miss Inez, you are the most BEAUTIFULL and CUTEST I have ever seen..
    Lots of snuggles and pets and kisses and and and .... from me to YOU -- Jeanne

  41. After seeing them all, little Inez is my favorite! She is soooo cute. If I lived near you, I would be considering adding her to our all ready full house of four cats and two dogs.

    She looks like one of my grown up cats did when she was a baby, except for the white chin.

  42. She is totally adorable! I grew up with kitties and had one of my own before my fiance and I moved in together - we then realized how allergic he was and nothing we tried worked. My kitty is now living with my parents and I don't see him much anymore :(

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