The kitties can pull themselves up, crawl onto mama and all over each other. They're getting stronger by the day, but not really able to walk yet. They just can't seem to get their big, round bellies all the way off the ground.
Our little tiny orange guy looks quiet here but he's actually the biggest cry baby in the batch.
Sooo cute! I have a soft spot for orange boy kitties. My first cat was a big orange boy tabby.
ReplyDeleteOh, Tiny Orange Guy, your migrating ears are almost unfolded, making you look more kittenish than brand-newborn. And you seem to have a searching look on your face. Looking for trouble perhaps? Oh, no, not a sweet itty bitty babe like you!
ReplyDeleteHe looks like a cry baby 'cause he's so little and confused looking. Chanter, he's pale orange in this picture and his little face is whitish. His ears are sort of between 9 & 10 o'clock and 2 & 3 o'clock. He looks, as my daughter says about my darling Potter, as if he's not part of the gifted and talented program, but he'll get everything he ever needs by just looking at you and saying, "Huh?"
ReplyDeleteThat is so cute is should be damn near illegal.
ReplyDeleteAwww.. What a cutie! And what an adventure ahead of him!
ReplyDeleteOrange. LOVE!
ReplyDeleteIf he's anything like my orange boy tabby, he's going to be a talker!
I can't wait to see all of these little ones grow!
I just looked at him again and I think he's saying, "Who you callin' a "crybaby"?
ReplyDeleteSwooon! I agree with Awen - my orange tabby is a chatty cat too!
ReplyDeletei cannot get enough of these bebeh pix. please post more soon!
ReplyDeleteHe's crawling up a towel and it makes him look even more ready to scoop up and cuddle. His tiny paws are all splayed out.
ReplyDeleteI used to cater to the slightest whims of an orange tabby who, technically, belonged to a neighbor. He had a certain raffish air that made us call him The Orange Ruffian (after orange roughie, the fish). He had that orange tabby swagger to him, and I suspect that Tiny Orange Guy (TOG?) will have the same.
OMG! I iz in luv! He is sooo cute!
ReplyDeleteIt's a Cheese Doodle!
ReplyDeleteAwww, hi there Mr. Orangekitten! and much love for the orange kitties of the world. The coolest orange boys I know are a talker and a shoulder-kitten; they're both shelter kitties, but the talker's since been adopted yay!
ReplyDeleteAnd oooh, thanks for the description Anne Boleyn! He sounds like a *doll*. Love!
I just recently adopted an orange baby that was abandoned in front of Petsmart. I've had such a love affair for ornage kitties apparently it was time for me to have one. He's 7 weeks old and quite the blur of orange.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see this baby grow.
Orangey goodness overload
He's looking quite inquisitive already! I think he should be called Blaze or Flame....he's on fire!
ReplyDeletePurry Hugs, Robin
He is being assertive like any good ginger cat would be! Cry baby, I think not!
ReplyDeleteOne of the down sides to adopting a shelter cat is that one never sees them at this age. I always wonder what my two looked like when they were this small.
ReplyDeleteWon't it be funny if he turns out to be a girl! We've given "him" such a guy presumption. In the old days, almost all the predominately orange kitties were male but there seem to be more and more females these days. My first cat as an adult (me, not the cat) was orange and named Doober which was what my mom called things she couldn't come up with a word for (as in, "Hand me that little doober over there, please" like a whatchamacallit). Then I had red headed twin baby girls and the three of them looked great together.
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to finding out what their family name is.
Absolutely soooo cuuttee..What an innocent face you have little orange kitty...I am melting here looking at you....
ReplyDeleteThe hubby saw this picture and exclaimed "Good golly Creamsicle!" A creamsicle being his absolutely favorite food. What an adorable entirely kissable beebee!
ReplyDeleteAnd itty bittys all - worry not about those draggin' tummies. You'll grow out of yours. I am, unfortunately, growing into mine. :)
Very cute! I am having an orange cat myself and he's so sweet... Always comes laying beside you and purring really loud...
ReplyDeleteBtw, I really love your blog, maybe you would like to exchange links with me?
x Linda
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