
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

You Just Ate

Wylla truly expects to be fed whenever I step into the kitchen. At least a dozen, if not twenty times a day, I say to her "You just ate."   And it's true, because when you eat six plus times a day, you have always "just ate".

The movie below has two parts. The first ten seconds is Wylla at dinner time, when she is actually hungry.

The second bit, the far needier sounding Wylla isn't actually hungry. She had just finished eating a few minutes prior and has just assumed that because I was back in the kitchen to make my lunch, it was time for her to eat again.

Sorry kitten.  I'm not falling for it.  Indeed, you sound as though you are starving to death, but I'm not buying it. Nope. not one bit.


  1. "If I cry piteously and sit pretty....can I PLEEEEEZ have some more?"
    I love Wylla!

  2. I admire your willpower. I would have a hard time resisting those cute mews.

  3. I empathize and recognize that plaintive "meow" of hers lol. We feed our cats in 3 shifts in the morning because our older one has a tendency to barf up his breakfast if we don't (he eats too fast). In the evenings, to be on the safe side we do it in 2 shifts, half and half. This has led them both to think "kitchen" equals "moar foodz" whenever we go near it.

  4. Wylla is such a doll. Don't you think this kitty looks a lot like her?

    1. that is unreal! I hope Laurie went to see that. If it weren't for the different dots on that kitten's nose, I'd have done a reverse image search to see if they'd used Wylla's picture.

  5. Willa is so beautiful! I think I'd have a hard time resisting her mews! Miss Wylla, I know your mum makes sure you have the right amount of healthful food each day!

  6. LOL! My white fella, Sam, is like that. He's quite the piglet and is notorious for standing in the kitchen doorway, making his 'hungry noises' while looking quite handsome and irresistable. Feeding time at this zoo comes twice a day, so his pleas of imminent starvation and the need for food fall on unsympathetic ears most of the time.

  7. One of the most uttered phrases at my house is, "You have food in your dish - go look." My cat begs in the kitchen when her dish is full in the pantry. I have to go literally touch the dish, and she always acts like that was a magical touch that filled the bowl. She seems to find it okay when I'm not there, so I think it's mostly a fun game for her.

    1. Omigosh... we must have cats separated at birth because one of mine does the exact.same.thing!! LOL

    2. same here on the other side of the Atlantic !!

  8. Oh, that Wylla is sure wily!

  9. Oh, my cats do the desperate please-feed-me-I'm-dying cry, too! I never realised they were faking it! i just thought they were being overdramatic.

  10. lol... That's the refrain at my house as well: You just ate!! My old girl Peanut (she's 18) WAS hungry all the time, found out that she's hyperthyroid. Every time I turned around she was "Mommommommommommom", wanting more food. After we started her on medication it's not quite so often, and she's finally putting on weight. Yay..

  11. try this: when it's really time to eat, ring a bell and then feed her. in true pavolvian style, she'll learn that going to the kitchen only means food when she hears the bell. worked for me and my boy.

    1. That's brilliant! I might have to try that with my two. Probably using a "clicker" would also work. Anything that becomes associated only to feeding time...
